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Everything posted by babycristy456

  1. If you feel you both are mature enough to be having sex, then I would suggest the best way to go right now is condoms and spermicide. There are spermicide pills that she can insert in her vagina before sex and you use the condom as well. As far as the pill is concerned, I would not encourage her to get on it if I were you because there are. I am not trying to preach to you of course, (bc I had sex when I was 15 as well, pretty young) but there are side effects that her body might not be able to handle at this age. Although she is sexually mature (is not a virgin), her internal organs might not be developed fully and the pill can interfere with their development. Well, if you want to be additionally safe, use condoms, spermicide, and pull out method all at once. It will make you feel the safest. Those are just some ways, but remember they are not 100% safe either, but Im sure you know that. So just be careful, and if you are totally sure, then do it the safest way. Because a little mistake, such as pregnancy, will go a veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy long way and cause lots of chaos for both of you.
  2. I totally agree with PAV, this guy needs a break. The bottom line is that he has not cheated on you or anything. But honestly, he had a life before you, and if anything good comes out of this, is that he treats each women with the same sweetness. You know what I mean? Like if he has gone ice skating with another girl, does that mean he should not take you ice skating either. Or should he say "Oh I went ice skating with my ex girl friend and it was a blast." NOOO!!! he definitely should not say that, so he says the next best thing....a lie....Okay its a lie, and lies are bad. Henceforth, you should keep your eyes open and not swallow every word he has to say until you fully trust him, but do not hate him for trying to impress you. I think you should continue trying, he doesn't sound like a bad guy, just someone who is trying to impress a girl. However, I see your side too. Maybe you should confront him and tell him what you discovered, and tell him you understand he has a past, from now on that he does not need to pretend. And for the records, I am a female. And Ive been in the situation. Not him but me, I have made white lies. Nothing hurtful , but the guy I am with now and LOVEEEE with all my heart, I have said a few innocent things here and there. Once he took me to this restaurant, and I had been there with an ex before, so I pretended that it was the first time i'd been there. I was not going to say, "yea, i was here with my ex." I did not want to kill the moment. Although, I do not agree with malicious liars, but it depends on the person.
  3. So what if she is not drop dead gorgeous like your exes. If she is attractive to you at all, then you should continue and see where it heads. Maybe she's got something your ex's did not have..a good ear to listen to YOU...Many people now are caught up in their own lives that they do not have time to listen to others...So this is a plus. If you are thinking about her, let her know. I think it is worth a shot, something good might come out of it. From what you said, that she tells you very little about herself, maybe she will be the same way in a relationship, patient and take it slow (since you just got out of one recently, you might want to take any relationship slow).
  4. A good way to make us girls smile would be to do something nice for us.. complements, gifts, surprises, sweet words, thoughtful emails or letters, or just share your funny times with the girl.
  5. No guys who are sooo uptight and serious about everything. Laughter is good for the soul! However, a total clown who makes a joke out of every situation is not fun either (there are times when you need to talk seriously). However, I realized that I tend to go for the inbetween guys (a little more on the funny side) while I keep the clowns for friends only.
  6. My opinion on what I think will keep "order" is to wait until the next meeting and voice your opinion to the group, including her, about her behavior lately (charging members, claiming ownership, etc.). Let the whole group know why you think this is unfair to you, and the rest of the members. Also say why you think you have a right of say in this issue, the fact that you started this group and have maintained it. Explain why you feel the heart of the group (the values of democracy) are being jeopardized by her behavior. Ask the members to "vote" on this issue, if they vote against it, this girl needs to stop or she will be kicked out, by popular vote. If the members agree to her leadership tasks, then suggest that her actions must be voiced first, then voted on before she starts any publicity. Lastly, if the vote on a membership fee, let her know that it is going to some funds that will help the group grow, not for her own pocket change.
  7. You need to learn how to conversate. She might be really cute, but if you cannot talk about anything, then it will go down the drain. Find out about each other's interests, talk about politics, complain debate about some issues etc... many people think that having everything in common is a good thing. I personally always tend to go for guys that have the same fundamentals about things such as religion, priorities etc...BUT they have different view points on many issues and interests. That always keeps the relationship interesting bc you are always learning about each other. If you guys do not feel sparks after a week or so, then maybe you can just stay friends. All relationships aren't meant to work out. Good luck!!
  8. First thing...what you are going through is completely NORMAL. Especially that David is your first. Very few women actually get orgasms through sexual intercourse bc of many reasons. Very few reasons are actually serious. It is just a matter of you and your boyfriend experimenting different techniques that will feel good to you. It takes time to learn how to orgasm. Try to think of things that turn you on while you have sex with him or have him do those things to you. YOu don't need to tell him straight out that you can't orgasm bc that might ruin his ego, but tell him things like "touch me here," or "it feels good when you do it like that." etc... Most women can't have orgasms through regular sex or the "in and out" thing, it is mostly through clitoris stimulation, which explains why you orgasmed when he "touched" you. Oh and I do not know if you are comfortable with doing this yet, but if you touch yourself while you have sex with him, you can learn how to eventually orgasm when you have sex alone. I know I can't have an orgasm until something touches my clitoris, his hand, or mines. So don't worry and be open with him. He will understand.
  9. She is confused...girls think alot about the guys they are falling for. Maybe she is trying to figure out of you like her too or just trying to get in her pants. I don't know but if she told you she liked you, and is acting weird, it is because she is debating on your intentions probably.
  10. I agree... You need to pull yourself together. Stop drinking when your child or ex is around. You will make mistakes that you will regret and then cry later for think you are a bad mother and other worse things. What is it that is making your life depressed? Think of a way (or seek help) on how you can mature up and take responsibilities for the most important thing in life...motherhood. If not, what is going to happen is your own kid will resent you and that is much more painful that losing $99 to the eye doctor.
  11. After all the things you have gone through in a relationship, as you mentioned, it might be best to not communicate with this girl until she has made her untimate decision. Basically until she calls you saying that the guy who she is living with is out and she is ready for you. But think long and hard if this is the path you want to return to. I think if you really love someone, anything i possible. However, what are the chances that this relationship will be healthy in the future? Ask yourself these questions before listening to your instincts.
  12. Its normal to feel this way. I am sure you are a really good person and do not blame yourself for the break up. If you made mistakes, forgive yourself and try to move on. Do not try to cling into the past because it will only make it worse for you. If you did not treat this guy right, maybe he is not the right guy for you. Do not be with someone bc you are lonely. Give yourself some time to heal and slowly start to meet new guys. Concentrate on yourself for now and eventually you will see the brighter side of things.
  13. Hi, and I am sorry to hear you are feeling this way. I don't want to tell you things to make you feel better, bc I don't know exactly what you are going through. All I can say with all honesty is to hang in there. Suffering is all a part of life. You just reminded me of my mom when we were going through a very tough time. My dad was is near death in the hospital and me and my brother were little kids. Well, eventually my dad survived and got better. but me and my brother's were emotionally broken down. We took alot of our anger out on my mom. I was such a bad kid, (now that I look back on it) I used to tell my mom the meanest things that ever exist. It was much worse and hateful than what you have mentioned. Of course, I am extremely sorry for it, and I know one fact, I have the greatest mom in the world. Your kids feel the same way no matter what they say. They are people too and go through emotional problems and tend to take it out on their parents. Things will get better and you will grow stronger. I do advise you however to seek a doctor soon bc it can be a depressive problem that can be making you break down over little things. Good luck and hang in there....no one gains by giving up...and remember, someone always has it worse than you no matter how bad your situation may seem.
  14. Unfortunately, I do not know the steps to take. But if you talk to an attorney, he will definitely assist you. You should convince his other ex to press charges as well, so that you have a solid case. I would do this immediately bc the law needs to know his behavior, so that in the future when he tries to get full custody of his daughter, he has an abusive record that will not allow him to have custody of her.
  15. It sounds like you are very insecure about yourself, for the fact that any shaky situation with a friend can cause you to question yourself. I think that confidence is a major factor why you are not making the friendships you want. Ask yourself what it is that you are insecure about? (Ex: your looks, the way you dance, that you will sound stupid if you talk to someone else, about getting rejected?) These are all insecurities, whatever yours are, find ways to accept yourself for who you are. Once you have a definate sense of who you are, start to make your circle of friends mainly on those people that are like you as well (same philosophy, same interests etc...) That is a good place to start, then once you are confident with those friends, go outside your circle and meet different types of people. Getting to know people that are different from you can be a great learning experience. It allows you to accept others for who they are, not their stereotype. Oh yea, you are probably still in highschool, where your image and social status is the most important thing around. I can relate to you since i recently left high school and started college. And college is totally different! You can be yourself, without worry about what others think. Do not worry, as you enter college, you will realize that the number of friends do not really matter. It is the quality of these friendships that matter.
  16. I think it is better if she cums b4 you than you before her bc girls can keep going, while most men cannot. I personally would rather go b4 my bf bc i know he can't go again right after he cums which ruins my mood. Oh yea, and if you use th pull-out method, it is always better if you cum last for obvious reasons. But why don't you try to cum together? Thats always fun for everyone.
  17. Beanpaper nailed it! She is totally right I think. I am a girl, I know. Girls that you might still care for will have fun with your mind!
  18. Why don't you tell her how you feel about your lack of feelings for her? Don't think about the violin lessons only. You can actually use it to your advantage if you wanted to though. If you break up with her and she is heart broken, let her know that you would like to be her friend and that you also think she is extremely talented with the violin, so you would like to keep her bc she is such a good "teacher". If that does not work, then just pay her for the classes, Im sure she won't be too mean about it.
  19. I don't think from the actual orgasm that it caused the bleeding. Unless you penetrated yourself with some kind of toy which may have caused the bleeding. It is possible that you might have hurt your sensitive tissues inside your body while masterbating. As long as it does not hurt, I would not worry. However, if it continues to bleed or pain begins, you should see a doctor. And I do not think it is abnormal for you to masterbate so much as long as it does not take you away from other priorities. Eventually, you'll probably slow it down a bit. Another thing, about your not being able to reach orgasms previously, it could be a side effect of any medications you take due to schizophrenia. A common side effect of medication is lowering your sex drive.
  20. ahh, I am scared for you lol. But a thought just occurred to me, she might be confusing you for someone else online. (Unlikely, but Im not sure of how the online service works, so it could be). I hope you never gave her your address of any type of info that she might be able to track you down...she sounds like a psycho.
  21. You should try to start having conversations with her. Talk about different things. Just bc you have different interests does not mean that you can't share them. Having different interests sometimes makes relationships more interesting bc you are always surprising each other. Invite her to dinner and start thinking of different conversation topics that will spark a long conversation. Remember, if you can't communicate, you can't have a good relationship.
  22. Ask yourself a couple of questions... 1. What do you want out of this relationship? 2. Does he respect me? 3. Is there anything he does that I do not approve of? 4. Is he "healthy" (no stds, aids, hiv) to sleep with? 5. What does he want out of this relationship? 6. What will sex enhance (physical pleasure or emotional bond)? These are just some basics. If you are over 18 and so is he, I think there is no clock for it. Just do it when you feel the time is right and you both are ready and are going to be committed to each other. Some people sleep together the first time they meet and last for a long healthy relationship, some wait months (or marriage) and last just as well. It depends on lots of factors.
  23. Wow, please drop this guy like a bad habit. You are NOT in love I can assure you that. You are developing strong feelings that must be eliminated immediately. This guy is kissing other girls, but you can't even flirt with guys? Are you kidding me? And he has the audacity to tell you so freely and shamelessly? This guy is immature and pathetic to ask you for money. You are highly likely to get hurt out of this relationship. There are sooooooooooo many guys out there to be stuck in this type of drama. From his letter, he sounds like a sweet talker. No one can tell you what to do from here, only give you advice. It might sound harsh but most of us have been there done that and learned.\ Good luck girl and don't sell yourself cheap.
  24. Hi, You said you have had honey-moon sex for nearly a year. Which I assume you meant that it is very healthy and good for both of you. I also noticed that you said about watching pornography and that is what you desire. Realize that pornography is not real life situation and those females do not exist in real life (Of course they exist, but they might be giving the wrong preception of what an attractive girl should be). Try to think and see what it is you love about her (both physical and emotional) and try to reach another level of attraction that might create chemistry for both of you. I agree with most people here, sexual/physical attraction is very important and she deserves to be "wanted and craved". You know what I mean? She might eventually feel as if she is your friend or your mentor, but not your girlfriend.
  25. Dont worry, I would be the same way if I was in that situation. I am an overprotective girlfriend and sometimes insecure. Well, if people are friends with you in that trip, you will find out if she did anything with him. Maybe you should go on the trip to...Why not? Make her ex jealous and scare him away. If you cannot go, then do not lose your confidence if anything happens. Let him brag, eventually the one that will be crying is your girlfriend for you. Trust me in one thing, if he is no good to her, then she will realize it. If she doesn't then she is not smart and you need a smart girl, not a dumb girl. Dont let anything get you down, there are many fish in the sea. Sounds corny, I know. But as a girl, who went out with a guy for 2 yrs. (my first love etc.), I learned there are many guys out there and it just gets better every time.
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