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  1. Hun, I do believe in it......im so fed up with feeling this way. He has moved on, I dont want to be stuck here feeling sorry for myself. All the time I am doing that, he obviously feels "safe" as he knows I will be upset over him and not wanting to meet anyone, if that makes sense. Im just scared what to do if he texts me, do I ignore it completely? Thank you for replying to me, I really do appreciate it....I am listening to the advice, and it is making me stronger. Its been l4 days since I last spoke to him, its hard but I am doing this for me. I didnt speak to him for 2 weeks and I was getting stronger and felt ok but then he texts me asking how I am and I answer him, and bam I m straight back to square 1, crying all the time....I dont know why he even text me! Well I think the onlyt way forward is to ignore him......just like you though I thought my ex was different BUT he obviously is not. Jodie xx
  2. Im sorry hun, I know you probably love this guy but from an "outsiders" point, he is a complete ar*ehole. He has no respect for you, move on honey, he not worth any more of your time and certainly any of your tears......what a loser he is (sorry) Jodie xx
  3. WOW..............I am so jealous of you, I can not wait to be where you are now, and hopefully I will be the feel the same as you in the way I cant believe I too spent 6 years of my life with (scarily enough) Paul. He is with someone new right now and I am depressed but I do try to remain positive, I havent spoke to him for 4 days lol I know its not long but it feels long enough to me. Also Paul thinks he too can just pop round when ever he feel like it and expect to sleep with me (cheating bugger) hey it must be the name lol. But I want to move on now, I mean why would I want to be with someone that hurts me this way. I never hurt him but maybe he wants someone that does hurt him. I just cant wait until I am through with crying and when I am able to get on with my life without looking at my phone every second to see if he has called. Thank you for sharing your story Jodie xxxx
  4. Thank you for the replies.....it hurts like hell, but I know you are all right....THANK YOU xxxxxxxxxxxx
  5. Also, if he does get in contact with me, shall I ignore his calls and his texts? Or should I text to leave me alone or do you think he will get the hint. I dont want him to hate me xx
  6. Thank you for your kind replies, its just awful to be feeling like this, I know it will get easier and like most of you its just the thought of living without him that scares me, specially when I was niave and thought we would always be togetherm silly girl I am xxx I will do the no contact rule, just for me, because I know he wont come back to me so at least I can heal my heart Jodie xxxx
  7. Thank you for your replies, I am so confused right now and I really dont know what I want....I guess I want him to come back because I do love him, but he has hurt me....some parts also want him to come back so I can say no and hurt him the way he has hurt me, but I dont know what or how im feeling right now.....definitely NUMB. I feel as though im just existing at the moment.........its a very weird place to be when the love of your life leaves to be with another person.......funny thing is life Love Jodie xx
  8. Guys find it harder to rebound?? Ermmm not in my case.....he found someone straight away and I cant find no one coz I have feeling to deep still for him! My ex finds it easy to get into relationships.....sorry to disagree with you....I wish it was me that found it easy to get into another relationship xxx
  9. Im not too sure how I feel about my ex, he hurt me really bad but I would like him to realise just what he has lost, so does this rule do the job? Thank you, hope you all our well xx
  10. Please hunny listen to all the advice you are being given xx
  11. Dont do it........its not fair on the boyfriend, Im hurting real bad at the moment as my ex has gone off with someone else. Its not very nice to be where I am now. Im sure you can find someone who is not attached. She is being selfish to her boyfriend and so will you be if you do anything with her. Just remember if she cheats on him with you, she WILL cheat on YOU too........ Dont give in to temptation xxxxxx
  12. Thank you for all your replies. I feel even worse today and I just dont know what to do. I am trying to snap out of it but I just can not stop crying. I nearly text him this morning but I stopped myself at the last minute. After 6 years together, does he really hate me that much???
  13. I will keep a diary, then hopefully I will look back at it and think, silly cow
  14. Oh thank you Baby for your kind words. I get a lot of male attention (please im not being big headed) but I just am not interested. Even his friends ask me out ......I do have a lot of friends but I just feel so unmotivated at the moment.........I know he has not right to make me feel this way but honestly if he rang me and asked for me back I would say yes.....FFS why would I let myself be treated this way. Its a joke it really is xx
  15. True....................... I just cant wait to have no feelings for him coz I feel so awful
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