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Everything posted by Itsok

  1. Sweetheart, give yourself a break and a hug. There's no reason you shouldn't feel confused, upset and hurt by what has happened. What you really need is to go to a few counseling sessions and that will help you clarify things in your mind. How could someone so abusive make you feel so loved? Because it's a horrifying cycle. Of course when someone is so mean and horrible to you, the moment they are loving you feel like gold, like you have accomplished something so amazing that your soul aches just thinking about it. Don't worry, it will be ok. Pamper yourself, spend time getting through your anxieties and pain, and hold your head high.
  2. I do agree with Moxie in this case...are you being very outwardly focused? It seems the women you go on a few dates with are shallow, or else they would realize that you have such a beautiful soul that you are aching to share....or is it you who is being a bit shallow? I'm sorry to say (Ok, here comes the attacks!) that a lot of very outwardly focused women are not so hot on the inside. Remember that looks are always only temporary. What you want is someone who has a beautiful soul to share with you, not double D's!
  3. i know its going to be so fun and great and we are going to be so happy and I want that to be soon. Just a small note to remind you: the time to be happy is now Never wait for "if this happens I will be happy," "if that happens I will be happy." We are never as overjoyed about things as we think we will be, and the disappointment is a killer.
  4. I'm basically calling out for all the dumpers out there. I need to find the courage to break it off with my guy. I love him, but I know it is not going to work out, and I know he will break my heart. You called that one hun. You wrote this not long ago. He is not stable, he is not a good person, and he sure as hell isn't the one for you. In all honesty, you give off a lot of vibes that he has been abusive to you. I don't want to pry, but if you've been emotionally or physically abused, you need to see a counselor to help you through. If he has abused you, you are 'brainwashed' and need help sorting things out. I have a bad feeling for you that he will be back...don't take him back. You know yourself this isn't right...you've had that nagging feeling for some time now, and you know it's time to move forward. You have made the right choice. Have no doubts.
  5. Sadly I think she isn't going to approach you saying how much she regrets her decision, because that would be a horrifying hit to her pride. It doesn't mean you aren't wonderful and more deserving, it just means you are meant to be with someone else.
  6. Meli, two years isn't a super long time to be dating someone. If you love him and know he is the one you want to be married to, why the hurry? You have the rest of your lives together. Pushing the issue, crying and getting upset is pushing him away. It is telling him you are forcing the issue, and men need to want to marry you on their own terms in their own time. How old are you? Is there a reason you are so impatient?
  7. Sorry Sealy, you are excusing your behavior, a classic abuser response. There is no other alternative: you need to go to counseling. Plus, he also needs counseling when it's to the point where he hits you back. He has had enough already! Can you blame the guy? You have hit him so many times, he is at his wit's end. If you want to continue this relationship, get counseling. If you don't want counseling, break it off with him before charges are laid against you.
  8. Of course she doesn't respect your relationship with your husband. She knew he was committed to you. What a jerk of a woman. Your husband should know better. That is completely unacceptable, and you are being manipulated into thinking this is ok. He has no right to be angry. He is married to you, and thus, he shouldn't be contacting other women online who are interested in him. You aren't being controlling, you are confronting an issue. How would he feel if you were speaking to men online who wanted you? Ask him that.
  9. Agreed. Totally inappropriate. If it bothers you so much (and it would me as well) he should cut contact with the women who are obviously interested in him.
  10. Nicely done I'd say. However, with her I expect you're going to get the same response as always. "Wait for me, I want you but not now." If that's the case, time to send a good-bye message. You don't have to sit around waiting for her, especially since she doesn't have you in her priorities. I hope things work out for you friend. Many hugs to you...
  11. You probably also liked the excitement associated with her. People like herself normally give off a lot of 'energy' although it isn't always positive. You probably also liked having to fight for her, and that you were chosen over someone else. Keeping you constantly on your toes is fun for a while but proves exhausting in the long run. Don't beat yourself up over it by any means. Just learn from it and move forward
  12. Friend, of course you'll be ok. You won't regret your decision. At first you'll feel uneasy about it but you have done the right thing. All you need is a little time, some relaxation, and no contact. The best thing you can do right now is look after yourself, and give yourself some slack and a pat on the back...you have done the right thing. I don't think she loves you, rather she loves the drama associated with playing the two of you guys. She craves that attention, and it's not right to 'give into' that as it only teaches her that the world is a stage for drama queens. Keep your head high, and it will be alright!
  13. Friend, there is never a good reason to fold in this life. Have courage, there are better times ahead if you hold on a little longer... We all hit very difficult times in life where it feels like we just can't take anymore. When we endure them, when we get through, we are victorious. Giving up is of no benefit to anyone. You can make it through friend, everyone is cheering you on! May peace of mind fill you this night, and offer you the comfort you so need and deserve before you make this horrible mistake that can never be undone.
  14. I don't know what I would do dear. Maybe you should ask to meet up with her somewhere, explain your feelings and take it from there. If she responds positively, then propose. If not, I guess the answer will show itself.
  15. I've been wondering the same thing but secretly thought I was the only one who didn't know what it was...
  16. What a silly thing to say, of course there's hope for you! There's no reason your height should bother you. You are just shy, and there will be someone lovely for you sooner than you think
  17. Sorry but I agree there. Your ex is plain and simple: a jerk who can't stand seeing you with someone besides him, but as long as you're lonely he's happy. I strongly suggest you stop romanticizing the situation with your ex. He was not good to you then, why would he be now? Getting into these situations over and over isn't good. It's much harder to be objective the next time around, so don't go backwards unless you're absolutely sure that's where you SHOULD be, not where you WANT to be.
  18. Wrongo my friend. I would avoid jumping in the sack with anyone. Going on a few dates is ok, but not leaping into a physical relationship with someone.
  19. Trust me guy, he wasn't in an accident. If you read through her previous posts, you will see why I've come to that conclusion.
  20. My deepest sympathies are with you now darling.
  21. Do complete and utter no contact with these guys. Both of them are no good for you, and are just out to get whatever they can from you. Whenever you see them somewhere, blow them off or leave immediately. You know in your heart that's the right thing to do, so stick to your convictions and do it. You can do it if you want to!
  22. Now, I'm at the point of no return. I feel like I am no longer myself. I can't think straight or make what I feel are sensible decisions. I almost feel trapped. Everytime I'm ready to let go and move on, he comes crawling back and I accept him everytime. I have no one to talk to and I've never felt so alone in my life. I think I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Do you remember typing this honey? This is your answer. Your ex is sick, and he's toying with you. He wants you to go crawling back to him, begging for another chance. How sick. You are much better off without him. He has just demonstrated his ability to be normal in a relationship and his lack of love and respect for you. He's not a nice person, and you are too good for this guy. My darling, I'm so sorry to hear this has happened. I really want you to know though, that it is for the best. So long as he isn't in possession of anything of yours that you truly value, don't bother talking to him again. He obviously is a jerk, and you don't need him. Take this time and move forward. Join a club or group, make some friends, or ask your job to transfer you back home to where your family and support group is. PM me if you like.
  23. Sadly I agree there. You take a lot of the blame in this relationship, over things he has done. Be careful honey, we don't want to see you crawling.
  24. I've read that taking the pill lowers your levels of B12 and that you should take supplements, but I've never read or heard about someone with that horrible of a deficiency.
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