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Everything posted by shyanne

  1. sometimes a little lie like the one above is okay. what is wrong is when you tell lies to hurt other people. tell stories that never happened or to make someone out to be something they're not. don't ever allow yourself to lie that way....
  2. i think you should talk to your doctor and follow his instructions
  3. i haven't read all your posts but i'll comment on the above. maybe the ex told him she wasn't interested in him at all. maybe he is trying to find a girlfriend so he's dating or trying to get to know different people. in hopes of finding someone he really connects with and likes. i don't think that is using someone to make him feel better, it's getting on with his life cause the ex is moving on and it's not with him.. good for him.
  4. i don't give that much thought or worry.. people perceive you as you are.. they can hear all kinds of things about you and if they don't know or see you, they may think it's true.. doesn't matter cause you don't know or see them.. the people around you should know how you are as a person and should make their own decision.. some don't.... those are weak people who will just go along with whatever the stronger person says even if they don't believe it deep down inside.. some people can be very jealous, nice to your face yet turn around and tell tall tales about you because they're jealous... girls can be wicked.... if they think you may get more attention than them or if they think your pretty or perfect in many ways.. they'll do what they can to bring you down below them to others... just to make themselves feel better or superior so others won't like you more or the same.. i feel bad for jealous people. you just keep being the best person you can and don't worry about what they think.. one of those girls may have said things but one day the other girls will realized exactly what this girl is like. maybe she'll do it the them next if she finds someone liking them more than her. if you look close, you'll see she may have did the same thing to another before you.... other times a girl will tell tall tales because she is still very immature and had a hard life growing up.. which can cause some mental problems deep within and it's not totally her fault why and how much she lies. it's because of all the abuse they suffered growing up.. it does affect the grown adult. when girls are jealous as kids and stop talking to you or make fun of you for no good reason, its because they wish they were like you, they wish they had the mother you did or clothes you have.. when your older they wish they had the life you have... could be a good job, own a house, have some money and/or a normal family. however, i believe the root of the problem why people are like this.......is because of how they were brought up. something will happen in the future to them that will be pay back enough for what they said about you.. this something may not have anything to do with you but what goes around, comes around. keep your chin up and be strong.. do only what you believe to be right. don't let anyone talk you into doing or saying anything you don't want.. this is the reason some girls hang out with guys and have a male best friend.. they don't get jealous cause you look hot that day or because your mother was such a great person and theirs wasn't... however, this can become a problem because some will fall for you... but they wouldn't bad mouth you like the girls... only a very few males are like that and you can normally pick them out.. they talk and act like a woman...too much into gossip
  5. i think she should be able to make her decisions. if she's willing to put up with being treated like that, so be it. not your problem.
  6. if it's a lot of money you should go after him for sure. i hate people like that and can't understand them.. your good enough to lend them cash when they need it, the least they can do is pay it back once they're able too. if i owed someone a dollar, they would get it back.. not everyone is like that. some say lend me this and that but really what they mean is give me that.. i wouldn't lend someone like that money again, you learn from your first mistake. if it's not too much, i'll forget it but they'll never get money from me again... if it's lots, do what you can to get it back even if you have to go through the courts.
  7. i guess you like her more.. you don't just think of her as a friend and i would guess that crush didn't fully go away. not sure it's a good thing to try and be friends with someone you have strong feelings for.
  8. well i wouldn't have sex with one but i would love to spend a night with bruce willis... he looks like he's lots of fun to go out.
  9. big time..... and people can and do lie. about lots, how they look and how they feel about you or what they want. just take it one step at a time and be careful.. good luck
  10. the fact that he leaves you to go to her should help you get over him. 18years, how can you accept that. one way to help get over him, don't sleep with him. why, he'll just leave and you'll feel like crap. i would stop him from coming over. he can work from his new house or the office. if he wanted you, he wouldn't be with her. try to remember that everytime your feeling down. i know you have many years to get over but be strong. your worth more.
  11. i say...... your one lucky girl!!!!
  12. no..... a min of 2 times a day.. you should really be brushing after each meal. before bed and in the mornings.
  13. he sounds crazy to me not nice. he needs help, that's just not normal. call the police and have him charged
  14. she's your ex for a reason. it's really none of you business what she does but if you really want to know, ask your ex. nothing wrong with saying hi, how you been and what have you been doing... who knows what kind of friend these girls are or if they would even tell you the truth. i guess it depends on why they want to talk to you. i wouldn't want to talk to my friends ex unless i had a motive. so i would say, yes that is strange
  15. you will in time... there is someone out there for everyone.. sometimes you have to wait a bit longer but you'll find someone very special.
  16. i agree. if you always need a drink by your side or if your drinking daily, you have a problem. nothing wrong with having drinks when your out with friends or even having a drink with lunch once in a while....... but it sounds like you depend on it and use if for the wrong reasons... which isn't good.
  17. knowing the country is important because others would know how or what can be done to help. what is dangerous, is her living with those people. depending on the country, the authorities will look into something of that nature. their job is to serve and protect.... especially our children.
  18. what do you call a woman that would allow a man to do that? Mmmm.... maybe they deserve each other or are looking to get the same thing.
  19. i know exactly what you mean... that has been my life for way too long now. kids, kids, kids...but they can be fun. your husband knows you can do it or he wouldn't have given you the chance. you know too but after years at home anyone would feel a bit nervous the frist day. after that, you'll be like a new person... i bet it will be like WOW this is so great....i'm a working person again, dressed to kill. you go get them!
  20. i think what your doing is very wrong and unfair to him. if he's not right for you, tell him that and stop seeing him. find someone that is. unless you enjoy hurting others.... what if he falls for you? but your just worried about yourself, right.
  21. i don't think anyone is qualified in a position until they do the job. anyone he hired would have to learn how to do that job so why not you. you can learn the responsibilities of that position just like anyone else can. you could be a customer service rep for years at another company yet still have to learn the same type job all over again just because it's with a new company. each company deals with the same type job differently in some ways. every single job out there...has someone to train you how after being hired. your lucky you have you husband teaching you...that alone should help make you less nervous. enjoy your time out of the house and learn as much as you can about the company. some people can be hard to deal with but most people are very nice to talk too. you may find it exciting meeting new people. talking/meeting with new people can help your day go by nicely. you don't really want to be alone with no one to talk too.. that would be a long boring day. every job out there you have to talk to people whether it's co workers or customers. congrats!!!
  22. you'll have to look at what your eating... you could be eating a lot of high fat foods... sometimes even if we exercise we still consume way too much fat and junk foods. if you exercise, cardio workouts 4 to 5 times a week you should lose weight but i think.......if your fat intake is really high, it will take forever or the exercise just helps you maintain your current weight.. which is what you don't want. try to eat more fruits and veggies along with your workouts.
  23. we use to go out for supper. same with birthdays. we wouldn't combine them even if only a month apart. cards and back in the old days... would give each other a gift
  24. i hope she's okay too. that must be so hard for someone to go through. i hope one of the admins did look into this. one did have an idea of where she may be located. not sure how much info people can find out just from that but it would help know what people to put her in touch with..
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