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Everything posted by shyanne

  1. i can't say i ever felt that before... some people have all the luck
  2. 18 is young, i wouldn't allow my child to have relations with anyone in my house.. not many people want to make out or get personal in front of other people.
  3. it's called a crush... nothing more if the other person doesn't feel the same.
  4. not that it happened to me but if it did.... NO way would i. that would be cheating for a pretty sad reason. also lowering your self worth. no person is worth that.
  5. a lot of times shy children/teens will out grow it as they get older.. confidence sometimes comes with experience
  6. thanks to my mom, i was raised with good morals... i do get bothered at times by the way others act because i feel it's wrong... i don't normally say anything unless it's someone i know well enough. at times, i'll over look my judgment on someone if i care for them or want to help them but i'll only try so long. i do judge people and will make a decision to continue or discontinue seeing them.. i live life a certain way and i like others that feel the same.
  7. well i left my job in early 2000 and got into babysitting my sister's son and a child from her husbands family about a year later.. now i watch her 2 kids, a boy that lives near by and at times, a friends kids... i don't do this as a business and was never paid well even though it's the hardest job i've done. ie most people who baby sit will get 200 a week for a baby, i got 80 for a six month old, my sister's... i wouldn't feel right about charging the going rate to family and friends, i'm here anyway. but because it's lots of work, you should do it the right way.. i would say go through some agency or check with your local employment office, they may have some info on setting up a legal daycare and you could make good money if you do it right.
  8. i don't think it would bother me
  9. a "spark" means you like something about him.
  10. RRSP, stocks & bonds, GIC's, mutual funds, fixed term dep. lots, just ask your bank.
  11. i didn't give up my independence at all when i moved in with my boyfriend. we were always equal... just like living with a roommate. now i can't say that because i left my job to stay home with the kids. we depend on him now.
  12. i wouldn't to that to anyone, more so a boyfriend.. if she's like that when your with her, i'd hate to see what she does when your not around. if your happy with her, good luck but i wouldn't be with someone like that.. she has no respect for you. you deserve better, don't you think.
  13. very nice poem... not sure everyone will be able to read it.. the print is really small
  14. (f) 19years this june
  15. that is very bad to do to someone. i hope you are joking. people don't respect others that are like that. it can also be very traumatic on the girl. trust me i know.. never happened to me while in a relationship but still..... i think the guy may kick your A## if he finds out.. be careful, life will suck for you more if you continue doing that stuff....
  16. maybe try putting the bottle next to you breast.. or could you try letting her suck on your finger a bit... maybe dip your finger in milk or even a little sugar..just to get her use to sucking on something different then your nipple.. also try giving her the bottle with breast milk, that's what she use too.. after she gets use to the bottle then slowly switch to formula..
  17. i think it would bother me... i was raised to believe that isn't right and that's how i have always lived my life.. i wouldn't want to be with someone who was like that in the past.. can people who were like that really change? i'm not sure they could... it's how you are. plus it's a big turn off, for me anyways. i guess you have to decide for yourself.. this is just my opinion. you know, some don't agree with me... i have a cousin who really gives me a hard time about stuff like this.. she says i judge people too much. that's how my mom was and how i was raised... i tried to explain that to her. what your taught growing up is what you believe to be right and that's how we will normally raise our own kids. sorry if this isn't what you want to hear... maybe some people can change but still.... good luck to you
  18. the older you get the more it will be like that. once people get into relationships they spend more time with that person.. that's life. you can still talk on the phone and see each other sometimes. we all have to settle down with someone and just don't have as much time for friendships they way we once did.. more so after you have kids. ..
  19. if she really loves you, she'll have your child.. let her know how important that is to you. she has one child that she loves very much, so she must love children. if she doesnt' want too, i guess she can't love you that much
  20. first of all, you can't be.... the world doesn't even know you.. your just going through some tough times right now.. everyone goes though ups and downs in life. it's part of life. if you can get through what ever is happening in your life now.... later in life WILL be better. i never felt that bad as to wanting to harm myself but i've had my shares of lows.. we all have. i don't think anyone in the world has always felt great. some don't feel as bad as others when things go wrong, they just handle it a bit better. that's what you have to learn to do right now. just take one day at a time and you'll be fine.
  21. that would depend on how jealous he is, i guess.. you know that your not interested in these guys so why not laugh at it with him too.. he may like the fact that you don't try to hide things on him that way.. he may even trust you more. only you know him well enough to decide if he could handle such information.. i know my husband could, that stuff never bothered him cause he knows what i'm like.
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