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Everything posted by shyanne

  1. yes i sometimes feel that when i look at pictures from a couple different places in the world..
  2. when we meet someone it shouldn't matter who has the most money. what matters is if we truly like each other, want to be together and will respect each other. a man that would do the above, is no one that truly cares or respects you.. YOU deserve better, not him.
  3. ps your no virgin..........can't be if your doing all that..
  4. that is just sick... i can't agree with you and i certainly hope young girls don't read this and think it's okay to be like you. NEVER did oral sex at all nor did i masturbate..that is something i thought women did only after years of being sexually active.. not something for a virgin to learn at a young age. oral is something i never tired or thought about doing until years after dating my husband.. he had to convince me that it was okay, part of sex....since i grew up believing that was something only sl@t's did...so if your doing that now as a virgin...guess what that makes you. i also don't think this type of advise should be here. isn't there a porn sight somewhere where you guys can chat... i've seen other similar post here that i don't agree with... there is lots of young confused people here that read this stuff... i just hope they are smart enough to know whats right and wrong...just my opinion
  5. doesn't mean i wanted too but i don't think it's good for someone to have to look at a name that you once really liked knowing that they don't or never felt the same.. it's just better, i think. you can still look at her name from your blocked list on days you feel lonely or want to just look at her name
  6. my husband and i use to go out all the time for years when we first met. we would go to bars, weddings....lots of places where there was many people.. he would always, every night after we left, tell me how i was the best looking woman there. could be a place with 300 girls and he thought i was the prettiest and most sexy.
  7. not a good idea if you just started dating...or in public.. i think once you become intimate it would be okay but never in public
  8. i didn't speak at my wedding but i did speak at my sister's and another... i just told stories about when we were young, some funny stuff and some mushy stuff. with you.... i would think about how you first met her, what was your first thought... did anything special or funny happen at that time.. did she have a brother, how was meeting him or her family for the first time. maybe say how much you'll enjoy becoming part of her family. if she has a sister and you don't, now you will have the sister you always wanted.. i think it would be best if you told true love stories and funny experiences you had together. also what you look forward to in the future.
  9. i would block and delete.. no point allowing them to see when your online if it's over. you need to just move on.. maybe sometimes people forget to block...
  10. seeing the people i love happy... watching children smile, laugh and learn new things.. beautiful days... being out and doing things on those days.
  11. i had one of those kisses, once only in the last few years or so.. wasn't special at all. i regret it.
  12. some people can sense lots, including jealousy.. so its yes
  13. guess what ailec, i honestly don't believe in cheating, never did. it makes me sick watching attached men and women in bars or where ever, trying to pick up what ever they can. as for reasons, each person has there own opinion...i'm quite aware of yours, i read some of your other stuff... FOR THE RECORD, i never cheated on my husband...nor did i ever sleep around before him or with lots of guys..i've always been a good girl that way, it's how i was raised... i've been unhappily married for years and plan to stay that way for my own reasons. if he ever found out that i tried to or met someone, there is a good chance i would be hitting the curb... if not, i'm sure i'll be experiencing jealousy for the first time... i know he wouldn't trust me, maybe hate me.. that's life, it sucks at times.... doesn't it.. maybe we can talk again after you've been in a relationship for many, many years and no longer have relations with him... maybe you'll also go to a few too many weddings alone or spend most nights alone while he's busy in another area, doing his work.. maybe you'll get sick of him not doing anything for your b day or valentines day means nothing... maybe you'll have to find things to do alone while he's at home doing nothing cause he's in love with his system more then you... maybe he's just lazy and your not.. maybe you like to do things and he doesn't.. talking sometimes doesn't work, we can complain and go on forever but we can't really change how someone is or can't.... nor do i care anymore.. we have kids together and i do love him.. you know, my list can go on forever but i save you the reading.
  14. has anyone ever read their personality type...say on msn.ca.. they have that stuff there, left side.. mine sign (personality type) suits me pretty good.. i tend to be just how it says.. i'm not the only one that has thought that. read yours one day and see what you think.. there is also a spot there that will tell you how compatible your are with another sign.. not sure if i believe that but it's interesting.. check it out.. i don't believe or live by what my day to day horoscope says but its fun to read.
  15. i believe some people cheat just because they can and will cheat on all their partners... you just need to know how to pick out those guys and stay away from them... lots of people aren't like that but consider it when their not happy anymore.. so as long as you have a good person and a healthy, happy relationship then you shouldn't have to worry about that stuff.
  16. dancing with someone is not cheating.... i went out with my brother in law and his brother one night and we danced. my sister and my husband both know and didn't give it a second thought.. when we attend weddings and stuff, everyone dances with everyone, not just their spouse.. its just a dance.
  17. yes it does happen both ways... being a woman it's hard to believe that another woman would do such a thing but i know it happens.. that's sad, worse then the dad leaving in my opinion.. children really depend on their mom's and need them.. too many people are having kids that don't really want them, not ready for them, are kids themselves or have them for the wrong reasons.. lots grow up being neglected because of it.. its really a shame..
  18. write her a card with your own words, telling her how much you like her and how much you value the friendship... that's special, not many men do that or can.
  19. since i've been back here i've read a few threads about being pregnant at a young age or she said i don't need to help care for the baby... i wish people would be more careful... having kids is a big responsibilty and you have to be mature and fully able to care for them... both people, it takes two to make one.. i always tell guys that they should be a good father to their kids and be involved in their life always, even if your not with the mother... so i thought i would share these stories in hopes that it will give guys something to think about before they decide to walk away from their child. my mom and dad were high school sweethearts and around the age 20 they got pregnant with me... my mom's parents were moving to ontario so my mom and dad decided to move here with them.. they had me, 2 years later my brother was born.. my dad drank a lot and would leave days at a time without calling home.. he ended up leaving for a while, no contact.. came back to try again, had my sister.. it's hard to change your ways so he got sick of the family life again and walked out when my sister was almost 2.. i was close to him as a child and when he left i was very upset.. he didn't just leave, he never contacted us at all.. didn't know if we were dead or alive for years.. i would wake up in the middle of the night crying for my dad.. would get dressed and insist that my mom take me out side where he was waiting in the car.. he never was, just me missing him. it hurt when i saw other children with their dad's knowing my dad didn't care. it can make a child grow up with a sadness deep inside..he did come back into our lives slowly years later when we really didn't need a dad.. the special childhood years were gone and we got use to living with no man in the house.. we were lucky that our mom was such a great person, spent her time with us and her family. even though my dad has been in contact with us regularly for years, i still resent him some to this day.. some kids aren't as lucky, i'll share another story about a dad leaving his kids and what can happen.. this will really give you guys something to think about.. it would be my dad's brother, surprise, surprise.... he left his three kids the same way my dad did.. i have a picture of me and one of his kids at the age of one... first and only time meeting them because they moved out of ontario at a very young age.. anyways, years later, i met two of them again when i was around 20.. they both left home and moved to ontario as soon as they became of age.. my heart breaks every time i hear the story.. they also grew up with just their mom's side, never in touch with their dad's side. but while they were children, they watched their mom get beat by both men she had in her life.. the first man also beat her bad while pregnant with his child, her 4th.. the little girl was born with problems, never maturing mentally pass 15yrs.. these men wouldn't just beat their mom but would also abuse the kids... tear pictures and would destroy anything that meant something to the kids. there was verbal and sexual abuse, none of which the father knew because like his brother he didn't care enough to keep in touch.. he's dead now and died not knowing half of what i found out about his kids and how they grew up. i now wonder if he did stay somewhat in their lives, would things be different.. would he have seen the abuse and stop it.. if he did find out before he died, would he care what happened and take some blame. a father should not only love his kids but protect them against harm.. it effects children in lots of ways, some can be messed up adults because of their childhood.. some become abusers while a few others,...will learn from it but it shouldn't have to be like that. so think about your childs future before walking totally out of their life.. to pick partying and women over your children may be fun at the time but remember that you could be damaging a part of you with even knowing.. yes you child, your flesh and blood.
  20. it means............i think that is very inapproprate for a virgin... i can't believe there is virgins out there doing that.. i can't speak for all virgins but i know that when i was, that was something never done or thought about by me or the guy... nor did i ever use tampons.... i'm surprised that virgins do use those. i can't believe i'm even talking to you guys about this but i guess i'm in shock. times have really changed since i was young..
  21. i just read this part now....and i'm appalled to hear that your ex does that... if i ever found out that someone i knew did that, i would tell someone in hopes of stopping him.. you think that is right for him to be doing? what about those poor girls... how young are they, are they even of age? if they are under 18 i would be calling the police.. he sounds like he has problems, what is wrong with people today.
  22. maybe you should try and talk to him first but if he doesn't change, you should leave before you end up unhappy for ever. your only 19, if he's like that now.... think about what he will be like in 10 years or so...
  23. virgins back in my day didn't do that kind of stuff... if you guys are going that far, you may as well go the whole way. just my opinion.
  24. i never worked with anyone that i had relations with but i was thinking that's a great way to meet a partner.. my sister and her husband has been working for the same company for years... they have the best relationship in the world.. i never met another couple as happy as them.. i envy her sometimes. some women flirt just because they like you as a person or friend. ask her out one day for lunch and talk a bit more.. maybe flirt with her to let her know your interested. if she's not interested in you that way, she'll stop flirting once she realizes you take her seriously.
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