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Everything posted by shyanne

  1. that was wrong for her to tell you that her ex was a better kisser. you don't need to know that and i'm sure it hurt to hear that. don't worry about being a bad kisser. i know someone who's been in love for decades with a losey kisser.
  2. i know cheating can hurt lots of people. i do sympathize with you. its not really the right thing to do but say your with her for 20 years, she cheated. that's it, that makes her a bad person, a worthless liar. so much that 20 years of your life now means nothing. sure there are excuses.......... perhaps one is how she was treated by her husband for years.... in and out of the bedroom.
  3. you've been with your girlfriend for only a year. is it really serious......i think if your were totally in love with her you wouldn't have thoughts of this other girl. maybe your not ready to be in a committed relationship yet and should date some more before settling down with just one girl.
  4. men are always so good at telling us what we want to hear just to get what they want... the bad part is we believe and trust them. right now you don't sound happy with how things are going with him so its time to move on. not all men are like that, some honest ones left. finding them is hard. good luck.
  5. 5 months isn't long. be happy you found out what he is like now rather then years into the relationship. if he's chatting up other girls this early in your relationship then i don't think he was ever that serious about you to start with. this is easy said but you need to try and forget him. do more things with your friends. do things that you enjoy and that make you happy. listen to your friends, start talking to other boys. this guy isn't worth your time. you are a special person, to you, your friends, your family and thats the important thing. the right person is out there for everyone and one day you will find him. "what lies behing us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
  6. if you really like him, then get to know him better. maybe it wasn't his fault, maybe he just isn't lucky in love. do you think he is worth getting to know better. follow your heart.
  7. some people just can't be friends after they had a romantic relationship with someone. do you really want to be just her friend......
  8. i smiled through most of that but the end gave me a tear.
  9. if you haven't confronted her yet then how do you know its true. do you have proof.... sounds like you've been with her for a very long time. that alone is special and worth some effort in forgiving her whether or not you stay together. i think you should talk to her and get her side of the story.
  10. its not good that you feel like killing yourself but i'm sure you know that. no man is worth that. i'm sure you love him but you need to love yourself more. your the important one here not him not her. YOU.... you should read the poem marianne wrote. search "life goes on". good luck to you.
  11. you love her so i'm sure some others do too. round them up......its time for intervention. stop feeling so down and get on the phone before its too late.
  12. well when i was working i would have my employer deduct money from my pay towards savings bonds, GIC etc.. check to see if you have any saving plans available at your work.... if not, then you can do the same type thing with your bank. just a little a pay will add up nicely.
  13. being honest with her is the best. tell her that your not looking for a roomate but she can stay for a few weeks until she finds a new place. sometimes when we help friends and family they extend their stay which in turn, can ruin the relationship. i've seen it happen so i can understand your concerns. if you can't say no then maybe try and help her find somewhere else to go. can she go home with her parents. maybe help her find a basement apt to rent.
  14. communication is the key to all relationships. if that's not working now or before then you need to make a decision... do what makes you happy even if she gets upset. if she's not willing to change then how can it work.
  15. i think your sweet and nice. not many guys like you. you deserve much better. why is it the nice guys and girls always end up with the one's that brings us heartaches. she doesn't know how lucky she was to have you, her loss. quote "for every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. for every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. for every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it" i hope one day you'll find someone just as special as you.
  16. how long were you together? time does heals everything but dealing with the feelings until then can be hard. take it one day at a time.
  17. your not alone....... sometimes that happens after kids or many years together. i'm only 36, married and together with my husband for 18years with no sex life. unless you consider every few months a sex life. i have no idea what advise to give you as i tried everything and nothing seems to work. so what do we do..... con't pretending that we are happy married women in every way? we're young and at our sexual peak....its been like this for a few years now.......and i hate not being totally happy. life without sex can be unhappy for us even though we are happy in every other way.
  18. i never could understand how people could get attached online and i've always said i would never try. i did try online just over a year ago for the first time cause i was lonely and i met someone i really liked. i honestly thought he was perfect in everyway. sweet, kind, gentle, everything i could ask for in a friend. problem is......are they really how they say, are they honest. i was so new and had no idea what online dating was like that i assumed people were honest, not so. you can really truly like someone, want to be with this person and feel like he's just the person you've been looking for. then boom, you meet and find out that you knew nothing that you thought you knew about this person. everything they told you online seems to now be not true. he lied just to make you like him. you believe them when they tell you they really like you, want you and perhaps they never did. it can hurt to find that out months later upon meeting. i guess cause you do get attached in a way. my advise.......... try hard not to get attached or consider them your true friends until you meet.... you just don't know online, so be careful.....
  19. hello, he is married.....so are you. he should pay for his wife's credit cards not yours..... i think its totally wrong for you to want him help pay your bills. get a better job and buy a better home..... work for what you have, feels much better then having things handed to you.
  20. i think after 24years together your more like best friends. other parts of the marriage have ended but the friendship doesn't have too. i'm sure you both fully trust each other and can talk about anything, knowing you'll get a very honest response from a trustworthy person.. any new woman that comes into your life, knowing how long you were with her should understand.. if not, then you haven't found the right lady.
  21. i say don't worry too much about it right now. at least he is honest. some guys will say they love you and not truly mean it. when i was dating my now husband, about 3 months into the relationship he told me that he loves me. i didn't feel the same about him so my reply was, i like you very much too. he didn't question it and we con't dating. i did fall in love with him and was able to tell him that a few months later. that was 18years ago and we're still together today.
  22. why do you think it would ruin their friendship....unless you dated girl b. if not then go after the girl you want. when your young lots of girls like the same boy but only one gets to date him. if girl b is a true friend to girl a then she'll understand and be happy for you both. if you dated girl b then forget it. problems
  23. its really hard to lose love ones, especially a child. it will take a long time but the pain will eases some, never fully goes away. i was 30 when i lost my mom. what helped me some was reading. i read a few books like the one below. maybe it can help you some too. "hello from heaven" bill & judy guggenheim.
  24. maybe you should talk to your family doctor about your deep emotions, especially if you can't cope. doesn't sound healthy and it wouldn't hurt.
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