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Everything posted by sumguy

  1. Sounds like you're making the positive first steps to moving on, congratulations =)
  2. Personally I find text messaging to be detrimental, at least by ringing someone you aren't giving them an easy avenue to avoid talking to you, and by seeing them in person you're leaving them no avenue at all. I'd wait a few days and ring her, asking if she wanted to do something. If the reply is negative, I guess that's that, if it's positive, she was probably just tired still or busy. But don't text anymore, too many things can go wrong, and there are too many ways to avoid replying, which can leave you feeling worse than a flat-out rejection =/
  3. Here it is 4:00am in the morning local time, and what am I doing? Reading? Sleeping? Something Normal? No, I'm planning an itinerary for an accross country adventure I'll probably never take... Budgeting, planning stops, locating shortcuts, working out the fuel consumption, working out the load limit, checking cheap hotels in Sydney, reading tourism websites to plan days, wondering how many days would be optimal... I'm afflicted by the ancient condition of Wanderlust - a need to move, to travel, to go on an adventure, to see what's over the next hill. Anyone else plagued by this? How do you deal with it? If I plan one more fruitless trip, I think I'll go mad...
  4. Your friends are there for you, all you need to do is ask.
  5. This is a problem I've had in the past myself. She sounds like a great girl, and I'm in a similiar bind with a girl I've known since high school. She recently began asking me for advice with her boyfriend, and I've liked her since Year Nine, how am I supposed to give good, fair advice under those conditions? People who want advice usually have a fair idea of what they want before going in to ask you, and they're just trying to confirm their decisions. Ask her reflective questions - almost like a psychologist, How does that make you feel? What do you think that means? Why do you think that is? Help her to reach her own conclusions, hopefully they'll be the right ones.
  6. How much is 'not much in contact?' Based on what I've grasped so far I think you should talk to him about how you're feeling, maybe he doesn't even realise he's hurting you, or maybe there isn't much future there at all. =/ Try doing something randomly nice for him based on his 'needs' or his 'interests', show him you still care and all that jazz to try and get his attention back on you, maybe he still feels neglected?
  7. Dump it in a savers account, you can always withdraw it later if you need it, and you'll be making interest in the meantime. One day - maybe soon - you'll find something you'll want, or something you need, that the money can contribute to.
  8. The fact you're semi-conscious on some occasions suggests this is more psychological rather than physical, the normal cause of Sleepwalking is a combination of a troubled mind and a body with too much energy, these "waking dreams" sound psychological. Go see a doctor, it never hurts =)
  9. Have you made it clear to him that what you said you only said because you were feeling unlovable? He might feel a little uncomfortable, I'd personally clear the air completely first, then try to re-establish the way things were. But that's just me, I'm pro-talk everything =/
  10. Also keep in mind that everything looks smaller when you look down on it... =P
  11. "The mind cannot dictate what the heart desires" - You'd be better off just learning to live with these feelings, and trying to be a good friend.
  12. Hey, a friend of mine is going through some hard times. She's feeling overwhelmed, scared, unwell and lonely... and just recently been going to the doc's a lot for tests and such. I've been trying to keep up a constant dialogue, trying to take her out places with friends every chance we can arrange, and just generally saying all the: "Things will get better..." and "...You'll be fine..." things. I don't think I'm getting through to her, but I have no frame of reference on what to do or say to make her feel better. I've never been confronted with a situation like this before, Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can say something more meaningful? Honesty or White Lies? Anything!
  13. There's always a point. Even when it seems like there isn't. I'm a religious guy, so I believe in the afterlife (at least nomially), and this phrase helps me through some tough times: "If there is an afterlife, we'll all get together and swap stories. If there's not, you'll be remembered for what you did in life. If you Give Up, You won't be talked about, and you won't have anything to talk about."
  14. When injested with meals and in tablet form, you avoid the 'fish-smell', That's one of the things I came accross studying - besides, it tastes better than the pure oil... =S. The recommended dosage is four-six pills a day - but that's for arthritis and liver conditions, halve that for better results.
  15. That's a very interesting point of view on the whole issue of self image. As it is I believe if the Parent has done his/her job properly, and been attentive to their childrens needs, then the person shouldn't be overly affected by things like this. That being said, even the best of us can fall under bad influences. But if you begin doing things to bring this to light - ad capaigns, public awareness ect... - people will begin taking a look at themselves, and what they see might make them more depressed. This is a real psychological thing...
  16. Old trick I picked up studying herbal medicines a year or two ago, I've just recently started it, and I've lost 6kg in the space of 15 days... which I think is cool, but maybe not in comparison to the bodybuilder... =P Anyway. Fish Oil tablets, which can be procured at any Supermarket or Local Pharmacist, increase the blood flow and lower absorbtion rates of fatty acids - as well as having a huge number of residual benefits. Take 1 tablet with every meal, watch what you eat, and take 45 minute powerwalks (or 20 minute jogs) everyday, and the results you get are quick and quite incredible.
  17. Yeah, he doesn't sound all too commited... Doesn't sound much like he's being entirely truthful with you, either, so my default advice - talk to him - is out the window... =/ PittItaliano gave some good advice, I just wanted to throw my support in behind you, and second the fact that the online community will always be here to help. I like your name, by the way... =P
  18. I'd have been worried too, and probably would have reacted in exactly the same way. It sounds like she views this as the straw that broke the camels back (in reference to problems a few months ago)... She could have at least replied to your SMS... it doesn't take that much effort to text a reply... I'm at a loss, but I sympathise with you.
  19. I know exactly how you feel, I rolled my Jeep a few months ago, and having just recently left my job I had to let them foot the bills... =/ I've secretly drawn up a list of what I owe them, and as soon as I have enough money scraped together, I'm going to pay them back - even if they wont accept it. Just keep on with what you're doing - think of it this way, when you get out Uni and get a great job, you can give them a comfortable retirement =)
  20. Remember, people posting on this website might not exactly have the healthiest relationships -- that's why they're here!
  21. I rely on something that's not quite so spiritual, I walk it out. If something in my life has gone seriously wrong, I pick a direction and walk until I feel I have it sorted out. Along the way I'll run into other walkers, see the unique and beautiful sites of the world around us, and generally be reminded of the grandness of life - which really helps to put things in perspective. Also, I get excercise! Be warned though, I once ended up almost 30 k's from home at 2am doing this once... I was so lost in thought I wasn't even sure where I was... =/
  22. I hated my old job - the work was interesting enough, but the people annoyed the crap out of me, and some of them went so far as to completely ignore everything I said. I hung onto it until I found a new one in a different place, in the same field. The day I looked my supervisor in the eye and told her to... well... something vulgar... was the best feeling ever =P That's what I suggest you do, just try and find something else you like in another company, then transfer before quitting/getting fired. Serves her right for giving me back to back 6A.M shifts... =P
  23. Never put the ball in someone elses court, that's my advice for you. Try calling him up and chatting casually?
  24. Honestly, I consider the Barbie-esque appearance and personality a guide for: "What not to go for."
  25. Back in high school I was absolutely obsessed with this girl. It started out as a crush, but evenutally thinking about her consumed everything, being around her - even if it meant skipping out on family and other friends - took all priority, I dreamt about her every night... It was one of the best, and one of the worst, feelings of my life. Everytime she talked or looked at me, my heart went faster and my stomach went butterflies, I practically melted when she laughed... My grades fell, I isolated several people, My family thought I was doing drugs, teachers thought I was an idiot... It eventually dissolved on its own, sort of just faded over the course of the Christmas Holidays, and the next time I talked to her I felt nothing other than a friendly affection. I'm fairly sure I was obsessed, but I don't think that's much help in the "How did you deal with it" part... =P
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