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Everything posted by sumguy

  1. The first two bits are purely personal, but maybe I can help on the last point. Yes, it's even possible to contract some STD's from something as innocent as kissing, you MIGHT want to go and get a check up at with the Doc, embaressing as it might be, you don't want it to be serious.
  2. This sounds like a cycle developing into a routine, and routines are hard to break. You both sound like you're having a good time, if it happens again, why not try something different? Don't cut contact... or refuse the sex... or try changing how you're "intimate" Also, it might be her problem, not yours. Maybe she has specific boundries between Friends and Relations, and the fact you're crossing both at the same time makes her feel weird. Just off the top of my head, but you could try a couples counciller?
  3. Congratulations! The complex tangles of life are an unending - and beautiful - tapestry... =)
  4. A basic knowledge of human muscle structure, a firm set of hands and confidence are the three key ingrediants, or so I've found in the past. link removed If you dont mind a read, Wikipedia is your best friend for questions like this =)
  5. Between the ages of 6 - 14 My family moved around a lot, I lived in all 7 states of Australia, often in multiple towns, sometimes attending schools for as little as 3 weeks before we moved on. One thing I learnt about moving to a new school: You can't change who you are, you can only hope people accept you for it. I am a fairly shy, intraverted and quiet person, but when I entered High School (Years 8 - 10, ages 12 - 15 since I don't know the American equivilent) I was shy as all hell. Everyone seemed to know each other from somewhere... I overcame it by taking a big gulp, walking up to a complete stranger and saying: "Hey, I'm new here!" or things like that, I must have introduced myself to nearly 100 people - almost my entire year group. And yet years on I've only become friends with maybe 8 of them... Friendship happens, all you can do is put yourself out there, make a few introductions, don't be afraid to get ignored, and hope for the best. =) -Josh
  6. They might just be making conversation, OP... Are you sure you aren't imagining things? I don't mean to belittle your problem, next time a girl asks about your braces, give them a big 'ole smile and ask them what they think of them, then at least you'll know for sure. And most people aren't so shallow as to simply stop talking to you due to braces, and if they are, screw 'em.
  7. I think about it further, and I think I have a reason. Two years ago, a friend of hers threw a fairly serious wrench in our friendship. She told the girl in question the only reason I hung out with her was because I wanted to have a go at her, and she got suspicious. Eventually I told her that wasn't the reason, and things were okay again. She's the sort of girl everyone instantly falls in love with, and I think it's been hard for her to find people she can trust. And yeah, this isn't really a big deal or a huge issue, I guess I really just wanted a shoulder to cry on =P, my immediate friends all want to go out with her, and that makes it a LITTLE tough to talk to them about such things... Edit Thanks Susser, you have no idea how much better that makes me feel... =)
  8. You're all making me feel stupid for bringing this up =P, like I said, I'm a born panicker, and the way she's acting at the moment is the same way she acts when someones offended her. Am I the only person who's ever been in this situation before...
  9. =), it probably is cut and dry, I have a history of panicking over little things. But I'm really unsure of how to proceed - put simply, I want things back how they were prior to the night, nothing else... ...That's probably no longer possible... Thanks for the quick reply dopexile... maybe I'll walk down to her place in the morning and talk to her face to face... God knows I wont be sleeping tonight...
  10. Hey, I bet this is one of the most common post types, but I really feel like I have nowhere to turn at this moment, and I need some advice from wiser folk. Here's what happened, A mate of mine had his 18th Birthday recently, and like most 18th Birthday's, there was a not insubstantial amount of liquor involved. I've never been much of a drinker, and when I 'hit my limit' it fell on me like a ton of bricks, I was completely unprepared for it. I can live with that, lesson learned. But here's the problem, I've known this girl since I was about 11 (I'm turning 18 this year), and for the first year I knew her I had a crush on her, but I thought I'd gotten over it. Apparently while I was drunk I told her I was in love with her... I didn't remember any of this, She crashed at my place that night, and in the morning she seemed distant and remote - I just assumed it was hangover. Another friend of mine has these recording devices he wears, and later played my conversation back to me... I emailed her apologising, but I haven't received a reply (That was about a day and a half ago - and she checks her emails hourly, she'd die otherwise =P), and I'm fairly sure she's blocked me on MSN... Do I call her and try and sought things out? Do I wait and see if I get a reply? Should I leave some time for things to heal? Should I go to her house? I consider this girl one of my best friends, and consciously dont want anything more, but this is tearing me up. What should I do? -Josh (Sorry for the long winded message, it's how things go...)
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