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Everything posted by sumguy

  1. If done retrospectivally, they should investigate and let you re-sit the test. But that's more of a last resort, sounds like you all did all you could, you've plotted your course, and now we have to hope you can all fly it. =)
  2. (B) is rather... striking... I think he misinterperated lust for something more than it was. I really only included him the story because the two of them withdrawing so close to each other are what gave me cause to suspect a self esteem/worth problem being the motivator behind her sudden attraction to (A). =)
  3. When we had an abusive and negligent teacher in High School, several people and I composed a letter to the Education Board of Western Australia, and had him reprimanded. He transferred out a few days later, and our new teacher was great. Is there a similiar board where you are that you can report to? Even post-test, if you feel he has impeded your preformance in the exam? If the principle is unwilling to do anything more than give this guy warnings, go over his head. But keep positive, and good luck! I'm sure you'll ace it! =D
  4. I have a tendency to dramatise thing when I type =P, "bending her will on him" means she suddenly went from indifference to hot attraction in the space of days, and is doing everything short of saying it to make that clear to everyone. I'd use the term Feminine Wiles, but I've been slapped for using that term in the past =/ At the same time as (A) told (B) how he felt, © decided to tell (B). I mean, the same time, there was almost a fistfight... And thanks for the advice, guys... erm, girls! =D
  5. It doesn't sound like you're doing anything wrong, it just sounds like you have crummy friends =/ How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?
  6. Hey, I know Mathew in real life, and just happened to recognize him from a few posting points - location, age, the history he outlined and stuff - and if anyone who originally posted here wants to know: He's doing great, he met a nice girl, and they've been going out for a couple of weeks now. He's happier than I've ever seen him, taking better care of himself, I'd go so far as to say annoyingly giddy at times. He told me he was never coming back to eNotalone, he doesn't plan on letting things get that bad for him, and in a sickly-sentimental way, I'm happy for him.
  7. I've always found that a pause in conversation represents the point where you want to say something, but hold back for some reason. Look inside, see what you want to say, and say it! =) But then, I talk a lot...
  8. Look on the Bright side! If that's the worst thing to happen to you all week, consider yourself lucky!
  9. Just when it seems the world is full of bad things, something great happens. ^_^
  10. Just take her out again, trying something different to the last time. And again, and again. If things continue to go well, I think you might have "girlfriend material."
  11. I like Haiku, it's such a beautifully simple form of poetry! Nice one! =D
  12. I think I actually have a problem worth worrying about this time! =P Kay, Got this friend, let's call him (A), and I've got this other friend, let's call her (B), and then there's ©. I've known both (A) and (B) since high school, and © for a bit over a year, and here's the thing: In my opinion, (B) has problems. I'm no professional, but it seems from the way she acts that she suffers from low self-esteem, but not low self-confidence. (A) has been crazy about her since, well, as long as I can remember. Recently (A) made his feelings clear to (B), who is far too polite a soul to respond either negatively or positively at the risk of hurting feelings, and left him ambiguos(sp) on the whole thing. At the same time © said the same thing. A month passed, © lost interest and got a girlfriend, and I know this was a hit to her, now a few nights ago (A) and another girl got really close at a club, and (B) saw them together. And since then (B)'s been bending all her will on (A), and I don't think it's because she's suddenly seen the light and wants him, I think it's to re-establish her self-esteem. (A)'s fallen for her, hard, and now I have a problem: Interfere: Spilling (A) my theories and trying to make him more cautious, or at least giving him a warning. Stay Out: Let (B) follow through with it, she'll probably lose interest a few weeks after she gets (A), and things will fall through, crushing (A). After trying to tentavily broach the subject with (A) today he responded just how I thought he would, he's far too love-struck to see any fault or flaw with (B), pushing might piss him right off. My gut tells me to stay out of it and let (A) learn from experience, but my instincts are to protect my friends... What do you guys think?
  13. dress smart-casual, best of both worlds, and if you're worried about a questioning, and you can brush up on ANY topic using link removed. The only skills you need for customer service is a basic knowledge of the store layout and stocks, to be trustworthy and to be friendly. Hope this helped! =)
  14. I use the net maybe 4/5 hours a day, but it's primarily communication, not that I need to use it... ...I can stop anytime... *gets the shakes just thinking about it*
  15. Hmm, thanks for the advice, I might try the 24 hour quick fix...
  16. I wont plunge into details, but a while back I was sick for a couple of weeks, and could only get to sleep when I was exhausted - which was usually around 5:00am - 6:00am. Now - about three weeks on - I find I just end up laying in bed until the edge of dawn trying to sleep, and only succeeding really late. I wake up again about 10 or 11 - and I cannot sleep once I do, but I spend the daylight hours feeling tired and get an energy boost about 7:00pm, which just makes the cycle continue... =/ Does anyone have any tips or tricks for resetting my Body-Clock?
  17. Dreams are usually nuerons misfirings in our barely awake mind, drawing up memories and deep fantasies and blending them together. Very rarely do they even relate to the real world, and when they do they don't mean anything. As depressingly unromantic as it sounds, dreams mean nothing, they're the worst form of Pseudo-Spiritualism. Chances are you miss her, it was drawn from your subconscious, blended with a few other memories, a fantasy and displayed to you as a way to make you feel better about missing her. I love the human mind, it's so mysterious... ^_^
  18. I'll give you the same advice I give everyone - and that I myself am taking (6 weeks, 9kilo's lost ^_^). 45 minutes vigorous exercise a day. Locate and Take a fish oil tablet before every meal (it helps with blood flow and makes exercise a lot more effective) Eat Healthy You're already doing one of three, keep at it! Good Luck!
  19. That made me laugh Lizard, I liked it! =D
  20. Well, it certainly isn't an insult...
  21. I have strong ethics, normally I would never do anything like this, and I'm feeling a little bad about it... To the best of my recollection, she initiated everything... but it was crazy... Thanks everyone, I have a history of blowing minor things into major events, and as usual you've all made me feel a lot better, thanks =)
  22. What I was trying to say is, THAT your post isn't detail. Go to the Sex board and read a few of explicit ones... I learnt things I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have known about for a few years... =/ But DN is right, apart from the "Does he/she like me" this is the second most common post type =D
  23. The average is between 4.5 - 5.5 Inches, or so I've read on this board. Being a child of the Metric system, I have no idea how big this is... =/ I don't think anyone will be offended by that, there are so many more explicit things on here, if you are going to go into detail it's better to post a disclaimer at the start of your post. =)
  24. I think that's a crock, most girls will just think you're being mean to them, I don't even think that justifies a test. You don't need to use MindGames to get a girl or find out if she's interested, honesty is much more effective.
  25. It'd be different depending on your region, I could rattle off a half dozen Australian ones that had their flyers spread around our school like a ticker-tape parade, but in the UK, no idea... You could try Googling it, but I just did that with next to no helpful results, or contacting the local social services office?
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