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Everything posted by sumguy

  1. Pretty sure as a species we're entering puberty earlier than we did forty years ago... Maybe it's all the growth hormones they put in things? Or just evolution? Either way, it seems a lot of the time that 13 is the new 16...
  2. Yes, yes, I know what you're thinking; "How do you accidently betray someones trust?" Well here's what happened: I got home tonight to find an email in my inbox that seemed to be bordering on a suicide note to me from her, which had me jumping at shadows to begin with. I signed into the Instant Messenger (scourge of humanity) and talked with her for a while, we talked about how she'd recently been sick, and how she was fighting with her best friends boyfriend. Another guy we both know was talking to her, and she asked me to explain "things" to him because she was too upset to repeat it again, so I go into the other window, and tell him she's been feeling sick lately due to a blood disease, and how it's wearing her down. Problem is, I misunderstood, she wanted me to tell him something else entirely about her friend and her friends boyfriend, I just signed out after spending the last twenty minutes in a back and forth conversation with her consisting of: (me)"It was an accident, I misunderstood!" and (her)"I can't believe you did that, you know I didn't want him to know that!" repeated over and over. I apologized for the mistake I made, but she continued to believe I did it maliciously, as if I had just been waiting until the opportune moment to strike at her by spreading secrets or something... I got fed up eventually and left with the words: "It was an accident, If you feel I did it on purpose, then don't tell me anything anymore... maybe I'll talk to you tomorrow." From your collective experieces, Is there anything I can do or say to make this better? I enjoy having her trust, and it was an honest mistake. I'm hoping I can talk to her in the morning and try to make it clear it was an accident, but now I'm wondering if that will just make things worse...
  3. Hurts, donut? But based on her behaviour, it sounds like you dodged a bullet in the long run... =)
  4. In the short term, no, it would be painful, and at the time i probably would rather the temporary happiness before the huge break up. In the long term, yes, because someone who crosses that line once is likely to do it again, and likely to lie about other things.
  5. Yes, I'd say that's a good thing. I find really thin girls rather unattractive, Uma Therman looks like a pinched stick-figure to me, and most of those "super-models" look far too small. I'd say that's a very good thing. =)
  6. I'd talk to my parents, but then, I have a great bond with my parents... =/ A mobile phone will fix this... then you can just SMS them and let them know where you are. Explain that to them, and they'd probably buy you one. As you get older, you'll be out more and more, and keeping your parents informed is an important part of that. For both your safety, and their peace of mind. =) Hope this helped =)
  7. Entirely possible, it sounds like spite to me, I wouldn't be entirely surprised if she knew it was your phone the entire time.
  8. Nothing's wrong with you, it's just that what you have and what you want are two different things. =) You have a well paying job, but do you enjoy it? Is it what you want to do? Job dissatisfaction is one of the things that brings us down the fastest, maybe you should step back and look at your priorities, and how the things in your life match up with them at the moment. Hope this helped =)
  9. Don't need to ring up out of the blue and open with: "hey, I love you!" Why not take reinitiating contact slowly, wait till he's been gone a week or two and ring him up with: "Hey, how was the move? How's the new town? ect..." Just let him know you're thinking about him, and that alone will be enough if he does still like you. =)
  10. That sounds like every single sign anyone has ever pointed out for working out if a girl likes you or not rolled into one night... maybe see if she responds this way at other times? A few consecutive meetings which go down like this and you'll know for sure...
  11. One of the fastest ways I know to kill sexual appetite is to read the bible, or go to church... But I guess the easiest way would be to channel the pent up energy into something else, exercise might be an idea. And for the love of god, don't think of it as "Forbidden" or anything like that, you'll just find it all the more tempting... =P
  12. Of course, he might of moved on within a year. I wouldn't let the one guy stand between us, after all it really isn't any of his business anymore, surely the two of you together could take him down? =) You might just want to call him a week or two after he's moved and initiate contact again, rather than just waiting for a lot of time to pass before doing anything.
  13. America works on a different health system to Australia and Canada, it's a lot more expensive and harder to get treatment at times, which is what makes ashley00's problem so difficult, because she has to scrounge up the money =/
  14. Honesty is the best policy, but seeing as you're leaving so soon maybe you should wait... when and will you ever be back to your home town? Next holidays or something? Maybe keep contact until the next holiday's and tell her then, get a month and a bit to work things out... Hope this helped =)
  15. Two Words: Jager Bomb 3 parts red bull, 1 part spirits, shoots you full of energy... =D
  16. According to his post psu11 never actually established NC though, they just fell into it naturally... does that still count?
  17. Please let us know the results, I'll be worrying all week if I don't get some closure... =D
  18. link removed Anemia is one of the first things a blood work-up would look for, the fact it came back clean the first time suggests something a little more serious... =/ And yes, I know this might sound weird coming from an 18 year old, and I'm the first to suggest that internet diagnosis is the worst kind of diagnosis, but I've been studying medical texts and books since I was old enough to read, and all I can say is to see a doctor for a second opinion =) Do you experience ringing? Do sounds sometimes become really tinny, like a broken television?
  19. Have you ever gotten into an in-depth conversation with one of the girls you consider depressed? I did once, and They're seeing the world on a whole other spectrum, friend. I couldn't even grasp some of the things she was worrying about... As usual, I think Dako is right, maybe it will come with age =P
  20. Maybe, maybe not, either way I'd default to the advice of my doctor over the advice of my mother =) Blacking out is an immediate red flag, if you're blacking out it means blood isn't getting where it needs to go at a sufficient rate - or not at all - and the dizziness and nausea means your Inner Ear is being affected. At least go and see a different doctor and get his opinion on it, it can't hurt.
  21. Dunno what it really is, I nicknamed it Emotional Flashburn, I felt it after my grandfather died. For at least a fortnight I felt next to nothing, almost like my emotions were going through a heavy filter, but thing eventually returned to normal... Hopefully it will right itself in the next week or two... if not you might want to consider seeing a psych... And maybe put off the wedding until you feel better... an emotionless wedding day doesn't sound like much fun =) Hope this helped =)
  22. Yeah, probably not a good sign if you experience constant headaches and dizziness, A catscan is probably an option you should look in to, or at least get a second opinion... ...But if you can't afford it... =/ *Wanders off mumbling about the American Health system...*
  23. Infidelity annoys me in principle, but never having experiencing it - either end - first hand, only from a distance, it only seems to make things worse. A friend of mine once tried to explain to me why she made out with a guy at a party despite a six month relationship, it went something like this: "In the heat of the moment, when you want him and you know he wants you back just as much, nothing else seems to matter..." I was then told I couldn't possibly comprehend it until I'd experienced it first hand... Still annoys me though... >=/
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