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  1. hi ppl me again, guess what i found out today!! that whilst me and him were hooking up at school and stuff, he had been doing the same thing with another girl at the same time !! like one day he'd get with me, then the next he'd get with this other girl in the same spot where we used to go!!
  2. i have posted before on this matter.. but there is a new installment to this saga. well cut a long story short, a guy who im seeing (who i can admit is a bit of a sleaze and a player, and whom ive been seeing for over a year now) has always been breaking things off with me to go out with other girls and then when they break up he comes crawling back to me and says he still loves me etc etc and stupid me believes him and starts up our relationship again.. but now i am at breaking point and its because of this little stunt he pulled today.... well him and i were behind these classrooms at school at lunch time (im doing my last year of high school) cuddling kissing etc etc, and there were these younger boys throwing rocks in our direction which was getting annoying, anyway after a rock hit my leg we both got angry and he walked up to these guys to tell them to p*ss off and then he kept walking, so i stayed there for about 10 mins waiting for him to come back thinking he was talking to a mate or something, anyway 10 mins later i got annoyed and walked up there to find out what he was doing and to tell him to hurry up, when i saw him hugging this other girl and kissing her on the forehead etc and then i saw him walk off with her in the opposite direction with his arm around her! and i was just standing there thinking 'i was waiting for 10 mins for you to come back, thinking you were going to come back, and then you just walk off with some other girl and not even tell me that u werent coming back' and i followed him because i was so upset and then he stopped to talk to a mate of his and then saw that i was behind him, then he walked over to me like nothing had happened and i was crying and he got angry with me and started raising his voice at me because i was upset at what he had done! i know you are all probably going to tell me to ditch him now, and i intend on doing that but its so hard and ive been trying to for over a year now, so if anyone has any advice on moving on from a * * * *head partner who you unfortunately have feelings for, it would be much appreciated
  3. it says on ur thing, that ur a junior member, im assuming ur gf is young aswell.. well young compared to some other people on here. thereforeeee with a young womans periods, its common for them to be late and irregular. mine have been known to be up to 2 weeks late, and also remember that stress is often enough to make a girls periods all out of whack, with my case i was stressing out so bad about being pregnant that it prolonged the lateness of my period, so just relax, and start panicking later, not now
  4. ok, how do u define 'terrible in bed' is that he maintains a monotonous and boring rythm, or he isnt adventurous or wanting to try new things, this is after all a sex and romance forum so its not innapropriate for me to ask that lol and i wanna know so then i can give u advice on it
  5. this same scenario happened to a friend of mine, she was mortified but luckily her boyfriend is a decent guy and was like 'dont worry honey, it is ur anal region, which is used for a purpose, if im going to go pokeing and prodding there , a little of this is to be expected'... i think that was really good of him to have such an attitude towards this embarrasing situation
  6. i prefer uncircumcised, i dont know something about the natural-ness and the extra sensitivity (from wearing a protective coat all the time) cant be a bad thing
  7. ok... not trying to sound crass or crude or whatever word tickles ya fancy, but maybe he has trouble getting it up.. perhaps he actually does want sex but has a impotence problem.. its possible
  8. id say tell the biggest loudmouth at your school that you like her. by doing this in about 2 days the majority of your year level will know about it, then she will find out aswell... when she confronts you depending on her reaction you can answer her how you think is appropriate. if she seems happy and excited about it you can perhaps admit that you do... or if when she confronts you and she seems confused or not too happy about it, just deny deny deny thats how i let my first boyfriend know that i liked him
  9. hey i really feel for you strndedbyluv, like dont get me wrong im not making accusations, but yeah you do have every right to feel a bit funny about this whole situation.. i would definitely if i was you. Now the whole thing could and most likely is completely innocent, but yeah you do have every right to be a bit iffy about it, you're not overreacting in my opinion
  10. hey orgasms are addictive so dont feel abnormal, i happen to know that some friends of mine have given themselves orgasms more than 3 times a day so dont stress. with the absense of orgasms with a guy, show him where the clit is lol and instruct him to play with that, im sure after a good session of playing with it how you like it, you will most likely orgasm
  11. id say just drop compliments every now and again (although you have probably already done this) but just casually bring up that you think he has a cute butt or something, or that you love the way his etc etc. is he embarrased to be naked in front of you in the dark? if u havnt already tried this just slowly take his clothes off in the dark see what happens
  12. i dont think you 2 should just be mates at all, i think you two are very much right for each other. the fact that you have so much respect for her and when u think of pleasing her it involves cuddling and kissing and making her laugh is gorgeous. im jealous of your girl!!
  13. i usually kiss with my eyes shut.. but sometimes i open them just for a tiny second to look at him, and sometimes its funny when hes got his eyes closed and he's making this silly concentration face, completely unaware that i am watching, but then before i giggle i have to shut them
  14. is he shoving it in your mouth and swirling it around like a washing machine?? because i have had that before and it was total vomit material ohhh yuk yuk maybe just hint to him to be a bit gentler and instead of shoving it in and letting it thrash around like a wet fish maybe guide him so he is almost just touching the tip of yours, in the motion of your lips.. i dont know ive only kissed 2 guys, the first was awesome, the second.. well i was 2 drunk to really do anything about it but it was YUKK! he was the washing machine one, yeah anyway just subtly guide him maybe, should help hopefully
  15. i love 'crazy' by Seal mmm hot starts off slow and gets into it mmmmm but i dont like having it blaring otherwise i wouldnt be able to hear the feedback from my partner, but just playing softly
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