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Everything posted by babypink61

  1. Well, unless it's your relationship problems, then I don't think you should worry about it. Sometimes I'd much prefer to go to one of my close friends rather than sharing them with my boyfriend. Well if you're not great at giving advice then you can at least be a good listener and tries to sympathize with her when she has problems.
  2. It's creepy because he's already in a relationship! And on top of all that, he lives with her and they have a son together! Sorry to be so blunt, but I just think it's very wrong! Regardless of whether or not they have an open relationship. Having a FwB is ok, but not with someone that's already in a relationship . . .
  3. Well you broke his heart by dumping him in the first place, so you can't just expect him to bounce right back like that. Show some respect and give him some alone time to cool off. Don't ask him to get back with you unless you're absolutely sure that you have made a mistake. Maybe it's time for you to really sit down and decide what is it that you really want. You might not be missing HIM, but just missing being in a relationship and having someone there.
  4. I sure hope you aren't with him anymore!
  5. I totally understand how you feel! Right after I break up with someone I'd always have to fight the urge to pick up the phone and call him. If I were you I'd try to keep myself really really busy so I would stop thinking about him! I was blessed with a circle of close friends that kept me company when I was down, and they helped me keep my mind of the unpleasant things. Go out with friends, go shopping, join a gym, or whatever that will keep you so busy that you won't even have time to think about him! Good luck!!
  6. Why don't you trust her? Has she done anything in the past that made you not trust her? Judging from her reactions I think she still loves you and wants to be with you but she just can't get past this trust issue. She might just be frustrated with the whole issue and needs some time alone. I think she's still willing to wait for you to turn around and work things out with her.
  7. Intimacy in a relationship is a huge deal. You guys only had sex once in the past year?? That does seem to raise an alarm. How was the sex life at the beginning of your relationship? Was it about the same or was it normal? If it has decreased dramatically did you ever ask her why she's never in the mood anymore? Maybe she's just getting bored and you guys just need to do some experimenting to spice things up.
  8. What your girlfriend is doing is NOT right, it's flat out disrespectful. You should not feel "jealous", instead, you should feel "angry" that she's doing all these things behind your back. You need to let her know that you're not cool about this and she needs to decide whether or not she still wants to be commited to just YOU or go back with her ex.
  9. I agree with the other posters that you should NOT wait outside of his work to speak to him. Sorry to be so blunt, but that seems a bit stalker-ish. I know you deserve to get an explaination from him, but that's not a good way to do it. You've already tried to contact him several times and he's not even man enough to just pick up the phone and talk to you. Like everyone else said, if he still cares about this relationship, he would've called you by now. Give him another week, if you still don't get a response from him, then I'd say you should just be the bigger person and just forget about the whole thing and move on. There's no point in getting all worked up about someone that's not even worth your time for.
  10. Why don't you guys do some experimenting and find out how to get her to orgasm? I've found that I can only orgasm through certain positions like doggy and when he lifts my legs up next to his shoulders. Try out different things and see what you can come up with!
  11. Is your bf really into wizards or video games with wizards or something? Cuz that is just weird . . .
  12. I wouldn't date a coworker if I were you . . . this is a perfect example of the things that might happen if you do.
  13. Yeah I know how you feel . . . I get like that sometimes. So when in doubt, I always just ask my bf is he's upset about something. No point in trying to guess if he is.
  14. I think all the brands pretty much more or less work the same. They do have like different types though such as strong hold, soft hold or etc. If you'd like to have the natural look I'd stick with the "soft hold".
  15. So who IS this women? Is she an acquintence? Or is she friends with your bf? This is kinda tough because she might just be jealous of you since you're with him and so she's trying to start touble between the you. But I don't blame you for getting paranoid about it either. Besides the women calling you to tell you all these stuff, has your bf done anything that might indicate that he might be cheating on you with her? I guess the bottom line is how much do you really trust your bf? If you truly believes that he hasn't done anything wrong, then I'd say ignore this women and hope that she will eventually go away. Your man has already denied their relationship so either you choose to believe him or you don't. If you don't then the only way to find out about what's going is to have all three of you guys together in a room and talk it out.
  16. That actually happened to me and my best friend a couple of years back. We started liking the same guy we met the one summer but I think she made it more obvious that she was interested in him. She is a very sensitive person so even though that I liked the guy I never really said anything to anybody. Well about a month later one of his friends slipped and told some people that he was interested in me and that got back to my best friend. She was crushed but then she had a talk with me and told me to go for him (after she found out that I was interested in him too). She said she wouldn't want to stand in between the two of us knowing that there's mutual attraction. So eventually the guy and I started dating and though we're not together anymore, the three of us remained as close friends. So I would say don't reject the guy first without talking to your friend first. Good luck!!
  17. She's prolly embarrassed!! I was like that when I first started getting intimate with my boyfriend haha. I thought it was the ugliest thing and I was like embarrassed to show it to other people. Took me a little bit to get used to it. Just give her some time . . .
  18. I'm on the Nuvaring and I love it! You only need to insert it into your vagina once a month so it's really convenient. I don't have any side effects at all such as moodswings or weight gain (although I'm pretty active - I work out 2-3 times a week). You should ask your gyno about it on your next visit. I've heard two people that got pregnant while they were on the patch so I wouldn't recommend that . . . plus it has the highest risk in blood clots. The good thing about Nuvaring is that it has low dosage and it's just as effective as the other birth control methods.
  19. I think I agree with everyone in here that you're overreacting. I don't have a picture of my on my wallpaper and I don't think I've ever taken pictures of him on my phone. I don't need to put pictures on my phone to show him how much I love him.
  20. I know that your skin on the tummy gets stretched out when you're pregnant . . . does it go back to its original shape after you give birth? I've seen other women with really really saggy bellies (mostly stretched skin) after their babies and I don't want to sound vain but that worries me . . . I know there are some cream that helps with that??
  21. My mom was diagnosed with TMJ and my dentist gave her this mouth guard that she wears. I don't think it was too costly. She was basically asked to wear it as much as possible and she said it has helped a lot with the headaches she experienced.
  22. If she really loves you, she wouldn't even have to choose between you two. She should KNOW that she wants to be with you, and not the other guy. I mean, afterall, he is just a rebound . . . people usually don't develope feelings for their rebounds, they use them for the physical part. You did the right thing by telling her that if she can't make up her mind then you're going to walk away from all of this. I wouldn't sit around and wait for her . . .
  23. No, I don't think it's too much for you to ask . . . if my bf asked me the same thing I would've stayed with him to console him instead of going to the party. It's not like she has no idea of what's going on . . . you flat out asked her to help you and she refused, and I don't think that's what a supportive and caring girlfriend should behave.
  24. I've had it done like 3-4 times already The complications might vary, some people's skin might be more sensitive than the others. Right after you get it done your skin is usually red and irritated and I wouldn't recommend having sex until a couple of hours later. The lady that does mine recommends putting Balmex on it afterwards to sooth the skin. I usually feel fine afterwards but if I try to shower right away it burns!! lol
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