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Everything posted by babypink61

  1. Stop buying junkfood and start snacking on healthier food like fresh fruit, low fat cereal, veggies, yogurt, etc. When you cook for you and your husband avoid preparing your meals with butter or oil. Either steam or veggies or grill your meats!! When I cook I use those fat free cooking sprays. Pick up some exercises that you and your husband can do together, such as taking a walk after dinner, or short jog in the morning or something. I think it's easier to get motivated when you have a somebody doing it together with you.
  2. Honestly, two hours is not bad at all. You can still see him on weekends! My bf had to move 1.5 hours away because of work and we're still doing fine. We take turns visiting each other. I just don't think that you show throw away your education opportunities for your relationship. You should be able to have both of them at the same time!
  3. I don't understand, you say you don't find anything wrong with him, so why did you cheat on him? The trust is already broken, and it's going to take a long time for him to heal and trust you again. We all make mistakes, like you said, take this as a learning experience for your next relationships. If he's not ready to get back with you, then there's really nothing you can do about it except to heal and move on.
  4. I have a feeling that she's trying to make you jealous. If you really feel uncomfortable about the situation, just don't pick up her call when she calls you the next time. She'll get the message.
  5. I think you should buy one of those exercise videos. They are not too expensive and I find them to be pretty helpful. Most of the times you just need to buy a few sets or weights and you're set. I had one that I used to do (before I joined the gym) and it got me in pretty good shape. It combined both cardio and weight lifting.
  6. I have these white bumps on the back of both upper arms. I think they're considered body acne because they kind of look like white heads. I noticed that some of my friends have the same thing too. Does anyone else have the same problem? How do I get rid of these? They are gross!!
  7. It was not cool of her to compare you to her ex-bf! I can't stand girls who expect their men to buy them everything!
  8. Nope, if I'm not interested in the person I wouldn't agree to a 2nd date . . . so I think you're doing great! Call her back to let her know that you're still interested and make arrangments for the 2nd date, good luck!
  9. babypink61


    If I were you I'd ask her what the deal is between her and her bf first. I mean, is she going to break up with him so you guys can be together? If she's not going to leave her current relationship then I think it's best to leave her alone and move on. I don't think I'd want to go out with someone that cheats on their partner, would you?
  10. I don't blame you for getting annoyed by the situation. I think I'd get bothered too. And it just seems really weird that she didn't invite you to come along, I mean, that would be the respectful to do in my opinion.
  11. Hmm usually I look for outfit ideas from magazines. You can also try to get ideas from free catalogs such as Kenneth Cole, J. Crew and etc. If you have some female friends you can also take them shopping with ya! My bf likes it when I go shopping with him cuz I can tell him what looks good and what doesn't.
  12. I'm just wondering what type of supplements are other people currently taking. I think I may need to starting taking some, but am not sure which ones. I think I have a pretty poor diet . . . I don't really eat that much veggies or fruits. I eat chicken most of the time and rarely eat any red meat. Also, I eat a lot of carbs I don't consume a lot of dairy products either so I'm thinking maybe I need to start taking some calcium supplements? But I've heard that I need to be careful about taking vitamin supplements because if you don't know what you're doing, you might over consume some unecessary vitamins and it might actually do you more harm than good . . . any advice?? Thanks!!
  13. It seems like he's not sure of what he really wants and is going back and forth between you and his wife. I think the best thing would be to separate from him for a while and give him so time to figure out what he really wants. I
  14. You should do whatever that makes you happy! I was in your shoes about two years ago. I got a job at this company in a really small, rural town and most of the people I work with were older and married. I just graduated from college and didn't feel like I could relate to anybody there and always felt alone. I like the work that I was doing but then I was not very happy with the social aspects of my life at that time. I couldn't make any friends and often felt really lonely. The only thing that got me through it was when I visit my college friends that live 5-6 hours away from me. I used to make trips to visit them once every month. Then after about a year or so at the company I finally decided to start looking for new jobs. Fortunately I was able to land a job in a city where I'd only be 45 min from all of my friends. I could honestly say that it was the best decision I've ever made in my life. Two years later I'm still at the same company and I'm perfectly content with my life. Plus I'm getting paid more than at my old job It's gonna be a risk that you have to take. I took that risk and I did not regret one bit. You just gotta do whatever you think it's the best for you! Good luck!!
  15. Ew, what a drama queen! I give you props for how you're handling the situation, shows a lot about your maturity! Seriously though, it seems like you're perfectly content with other aspects of your life (ie your man and your new best friend), so I would just try to focus on the good rather than the bad. If you just ignore her and stop giving her attention, then eventually she'll go away. Like everyone else said, she's a just drama queen that craves other people's attention. Nobody's gonna want to be friends with her anyways cuz who would want to be friends with someone that talks trash about everyone else? It's not exactly making herself look any better either. It's good thing that you're going to move away from college and get away from all this crap. Hope things will look up for you!
  16. I don't think your girlfriend is "controlling", she just wants to spend more time with you. Although I thought she's could've been a little bit more understanding with your busy schedule. How long have you guys been together? I don't think it's cool that she tries to constantly bring up the *moving in* subject, even after you have told her that you're not ready for that. If you've already told her that you're not ready, then she needs to respect that and stop being so pushy. I think moving in with you is her solution of getting close with you and spend time with you, so if you're not ready to take that step then maybe you need to sit down with her and come up with a compromise. Maybe like dedicate a day or two during the week where you guys could spend together? Or occasionally plan like a romantic date or dinner together would be sweet. She probably just feel neglected and needs your attention.
  17. Hmm I think I have longer arm hair than a typical woman but I don't shave mine. I don't think it bothers my bf though. Back to Yvette's question: I have pretty thick and stubborn hair too that grows out very fast. I have to shave my armpits and legs everyday or it gets stubbly and annoying I've tried using that Nair stuff and it doesn't work on me! It always leave something behind! I think I'm gonna look into waxing though. I started getting Brazilian waxes on my private area and the hair seems to grow back a lot thinner and slower.
  18. Hmm I'm 25 and personally I'd prefer men either my age or older. But it also depends on the person's maturity level. If I were still in college I probably wouldn't mind dating younger men though (but only maybe only 1 or 2 year younger).
  19. Um, I don't see why he should get mad at you for that. You did ask him what he wanted to do and he told you to decide, so how can he turn around and accuse you of making the decision on your own?
  20. Girls are complicated . . . so you won't know for sure what she's thinking unless you flat out ask her. She could possibly be interested in you but is playing games with you to make you jealous when she talks about other guys. OR, she might not be interested in you at all.
  21. Say something like, "I really like it when you (insert something that you like him to do)". My bf really values my opinion on things and when we go shopping together he'd always ask me first if I like the things he pick out for himself. When he's wearing something I don't like, I'd say something like, I think you should wear the other shirt because it makes you look really handsome. lol that usually works though!! Or you can just tell him the truth. I don't think guys are as sensitive as girls, so I don't think he would get offended or anything . . .
  22. Yeah I know what you mean . . . I have to work through college and pay for my own tuition (still paying off the debts now!!) and some of my friends got a full ride off their parents, with a free car or free townhouse even after they graduated! Life is just not fair sometimes . . .
  23. Man, this is why I hate taking oral contraceptives . . . I'm on the ring right now and I only have to deal with it once a month . . .
  24. Do you usually go to sleep right away? If you don't need to wake up early in the morning for work then I'd suggest staying up for an hour or two after eating just so that the food can digest. At least you can burn off some calories that way . . .
  25. I personally have never been with someone like that, so I probably would panic and wouldn't know how to react. But I'd probably at least try to find out what is the reason behind the cutting and see if there's anything that I can do to help. If the situation doesn't improve then I'd probably break up the person because it's not something I would be able to deal with mentally.
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