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Everything posted by babypink61

  1. I have a friend that found her SO from link removed and one married couple that met on link removed.
  2. First of all, I'm gonna wish you an early happy birthday! I'm sorry to hear that your family won't be there to celebrate it with you, that does suck! But I sure hope that you'll be able to celebrate it with your friends on your special day! Your dad is using your college funds for his business?? that doesn't sound too good. That money is supposed to be for YOUR education! You should've used that money towards your college expenses instead of taking out loans, trust me on this one! I graduated 3 years ago and I still have 3 more years of school loans to pay back! It's a huge burden on me now that I'm working on my own without my parents' help. And your dad has NO RIGHT in taking your college money away from you as a punishment. That money was given to YOU from the govt and he has no right taking that away from you.
  3. Well, does him seem to be interested in doing other activities with you besides having sex??
  4. Well I slept with my current boyfriend after going out to maybe like 2-3 dates? That was before we became "official" too. We've already been hanging out for about like 2 or 3 weeks believe. I decided to sleep with him because I know that we were both really interested in each other and I knew that we were both looking for something more than just dating. If I remember it correctly, I think we became official right after we slept together and that was 1.5 years ago. I don't think that there's really a rule on how long you should wait, you kinda just know it. But I def would not do it on the first date.
  5. I think that happens when you are interested in someone, but then after a few times of hanging out with that person and getting to know that person better, you find out that you guys aren't really compatible. So you say "let's just be friends" instead of continuing on with the relationship. It happens. You just haven't found the right person yet . . . don't get discouraged!
  6. I think like you said, if you guys do decide to move in together, maybe that will be an eye opener for him and make him realize that he'll need to start being more responsible financially. Before moving in with him I would recommend that you guys clearly define how the bills will be split between the two of you. Also, maybe you can get him to put a certain amount of money into a savings account every month and perhaps the incentive could be that you guys could use part of that money later for a mini vacation or something.
  7. It seems like she's just really stressed out and you're really not being very supportive of her emotionally. Perhaps you can try to be more caring and understanding
  8. I don't think you need to go on a diet! But I do think that people should exercise regularly regardless whether or not you're overweight.
  9. I was somewhat like that when I was younger (college days) and now I find myself buried in school loans and credit card debt. I knew I shouldn't be buying stuff but I just couldn't resist the urge and now that I'm older I really regret not being able to manage my finances better. You can nag him all you want, but he's not gonna change unless he wants to. He's prolly just going to learn it the hard way like I did.
  10. Are you sure you really want to stay in this relationship? It just seems like your relationship is in a constantly cycle of breaking up and making up and it doesn't sound very healthy.
  11. Is this your first girlfriend? How did you treat your previous girlfriends? It sounds like you have some anger management issues.
  12. Was that just an example or is there really a food that would have only 250 calories but 45 g of fat?? Something with high amount of fat should also have a much higher calorie content.
  13. For me, I believe in having second chances. But in your case, it seems like he has done it more than once and never openly admitted to you what he has done. To me, that's the deal breaker right there. It's one thing to cheat and confess to you afterwards and apologizes, but in your case, he never told you about it and you had to find out about it afterwards from other sources!
  14. I got my own auto insurance policy about a year ago (I used to be under my parents since it was cheaper) and I remember them sending me a letter saying that my premium is higher because of my credit history and the amount of debt I have. I'm about $18k in debt due to school loans and another couple of thousand from my credit card. I was not aware of the fact that it would actually affect how much I'm paying for my car insurance. I always thought that it was based on your driving record. So does this mean that my premium will go down once my debt has been cleared?? Also, about one's credit history . . . it is to my knowledge that as long as you make the min payment every month, that it would not affect your credit history. Is this also true? I also have a habit of signing up for credit cards because of promotions and then cancelling them after about a year or two, does that affect my credit history as well?
  15. Besides him wanting to see each other less, what other things do you guys argue about? How far does he live from you? And when you guys don't see each other, how often do you guys use other forms of contact such as online instant messenging, email, phone calls, etc? My bf moved to another city an hour away about a year ago and we usually each other on the weekends. We don't talk much on the phone but we do text and email each other daily at work. Before he moved he used to live 10 min from me and I see him on weekends and maybe once during the week and we both agreed that was enough for us. Perhaps he's stressed or busy with his job or school work so it's tough for him to see you during the week? There may be other factors contributing to this problem that you might not be aware of. What you guys really need to do is to make compromises and come up with a healthy balance or your relationship is not going to work.
  16. Hi chigal28! Since you live with him, why don't you start watching his diet? I agree with the other posters that cutting out sugary drinks such as juice and soda is a good start. When I prepare certain food I also try to cut out the butter and oil and substitute with low fat or fat free cheese or milk. You can find tons of delicious healthy receipes over the internet. Don't let him go grocery shopping by himself and try to fight the urge of buying any junk food! Satisfy your sweet tooth with fresh fruit, low fat yogurt/jello or lowfat froze yogurt. I would also avoid eating out as much as possible. The working out part might be tough though because he's not used to it. I would start out with something small such as a romantic walk around the park or neighborhood after dinner or something. Hope that helps!!
  17. lol my boyfriend is the same way!! He tends to procrastinate on things so sometimes I'll give him some friendly "reminders" and he would accuse me of "nagging" him. Now I just learn to bite my tongue and let him deal with it. Unless it's something extremely important, then I usually just let them be . . .
  18. First of all, why the heck is he doing drugs around the house when you're pregnant with the baby??? I think that might be your bigger problem rather than his personal hygene . . .
  19. Yeah, it does sound kinda fishy that she would not tell you where she was. If she really went to a wedding like she said she did, I don't see what the big deal is to just call you and let you know. Did she go as somebody's date or something? And she told you that it came up last minute? hmmmm usually you would need to RSVP to a wedding a month or two before the actual wedding, so it's can't just "came up last minute".
  20. Show sincere appreciation for the things that she does for you. For example, when I cook for my boyfriend he would always compliment on how good the food is and would always thank me for cooking. And he does that for every other little things I do for him.
  21. Sorry to be so blunt . . . but I think you've already posted about this topic before. Obviously he hasn't changed much since the last time you posted about this problem. Honestly, it doesn't seem like he's willing to put forth the effort to make this relationship work. Moving from one side of the country to another is a huuuge commitment, and he doesn't seem like he's ready for that yet.
  22. I apologize in advance if I'm being too blunt . . . If I were him I'd change my number too! Your excessive calling makes you seem a bit um, psychotic. If someone were to do the same thing to you I'm sure you would've react the same way. Seriously hun, I think you need to move on and stop obsessing over this guy . . . it's not worth the energy . . .
  23. I had a friend in college who was like that. She would stay up til 6-7 in the morning and just sleeps all day until late afternoon. But that's because she scheduled her classes so that all of them would be either late afternoon at evening. How's your schedule during the day? I would suggest drinking a glass of wine or some hot tea before going to sleep . . . it should help . . .
  24. Cute! What the heck, I think you should just go ahead and tell him that you love him! Somebody has to say it first right?? I think guys have this thing with saying the L word first cuz they don't wanna seem too girly or something . . . my bf slipped when he was drunk!! lol
  25. Hi Tara, Your boyfriends sounds really selfish, mterialistic, and emotional abusing. And no, it's not normal for someone to behave this way. You don't deserve to be treated like the way you do. HE should be the one changing, not you. You shouldn't have to go out of your way to satisfy his "childish" demands. Seriously though, if he's not willing to control his temper and learn how to grow up, my advice for you would be to move on and look for someone else.
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