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Everything posted by babypink61

  1. I had a pap done last year and they told me I had some "abnormal" test results and needed to go back to get another pap done. Turned out that I have HPV (but not the cervical cancer kind thank god). I told my partner about it and he was very understanding about it. I've never experienced any symptons and I had heard that it's a very common STD and usually goes away by itself.
  2. Hmmm I didn't lose any weight either, bummer!! I think I was fine after a couple of days and my face wasn't as swollen as I thought it would be . . .
  3. His sister is just being a brat! Don't let it ruin your birthday! With that being said, I think you should still try to make a compromise with him, and don't make him choose between you and his sister. Honestly you would probably be better off not hanging around in Boston in case his sister tries to steal him away from you again.
  4. She's feeling extremely insecure and jealous towards your ex. What she did was wrong and I would classify her as what we call a "psycho" girlfriend. I know girls that have done stuff like that . . . calling up their boyfriend's female co-workers and ex-gf to tell them to stay away from their men. Needless to say, they are no longer with their boyfriends. It's also a respect thing. You have already told her what she needed to know, and she should've just left it at that. She totally invaded your privacy after you had asked her not to contact your ex. I thought that was kind of messed up. If I were you I'd be really upset too.
  5. I would consider that as rape because he has no intention of having sex with her and he wasn't even sober enough to reject her. I think most people would be biased because they view females as the victims instead of males. I think he should just be really honest with his girlfriend and explain to her what had happened. If he is telling the truth I would hope that his girlfriend would be understanding. It is possible to be completely blacked out, have sex with someone and not remember a thing. That actually happened to both my boyfriend and I . . . so I kinda believe him when he says that he doesn't remember a thing . . .
  6. lol I'm the same way too! I mean I'll say hi to them and stuff but I'm not the type of person to like stop and make small talks with them.
  7. how's the sister's marriage going? one reason might be that she's jealous of you. i've heard stories like that before . . .
  8. You kinda of brought that up upon yourself. I can see how she doesn't trust you. If you aren't going to be at your mom's, why don't you just tell her the truth? You say you have never cheated on her, so what are you scared of? And you say you'd cancel plans with her and wouldn't take her out with you, that just seems really shady to me . . .
  9. Thanks for the great advice everyone! I think I feel more comfortable just kinda lay low for a while and see what happens. I think if I were to bring up the subject again he's gonna freak out . . . we'll see what happens . . .
  10. lol that happens to me too! I like to drink wine sometimes when I go out and that makes really really sleepy after a while. I try to fight my sleepiness by talking to friends or try to get up and dance. But I did end up passing out the one time at the club lol
  11. And to answer InaneCathode's questions: Yes, I am madly in love with this guy. I've never met anybody like him before and he IS my first love. He's had two serious girlfriends before me but he has always said to me that I'm the best he's ever had and he has never felt the way he feels when he's with me. And I'm not bringing this up because I'm feeling pressured from my friends. I can seriously see a future with this guy and I know he would make a wonderful husband and father. I'm not looking in getting married NOW, but from the way he's been reacting, I just couldn't help but wonder if there is a future between us. I think the thing I'm confused on is that is he just trying to be like a typical guy and avoid the subject by playing it off like that? Or is that a sign that he's seriously not interested?
  12. So my bf and I are both in our mid-20's and we've been together for about 1.5 years. We've had some issues at the beginning but we've managed to work out out and besides that we don't really fight that often and in my opinion everything is going really well. As I start thinking about my future I couldn't help but start wondering where this relationship will be headed. We haven't really talked about it or anything but it seems like my bf is extremely sensitive to the word "marriage". A lot of our friends are either married, have kids, or engaged. Sometimes our friends will joke around and ask when he's going to propose, and when that happens he immediately went on the defensive and starts going off saying "whoa! I'm not even thinking about that right now!" We went out this past weekend with a couple that's engaged and as a joke my friend asked if I wanted to try on her ring just for fun. As soon as my bf saw that, he immediately tried to push me away and said "whoa, I don't think so!" There has been other similar accidents and it really made me have doubts about our relationship. I can't really get a good read on him and I don't want to be the one to bring this up. I think I'd be really sad if we were to be together for another year or two but find out that he doesn't even want to marry me. Sometimes I feel like that maybe I am just wasting my time . . . I know, selfish of me. But I think I am just tired of going on dates and going thru relationship after relationship and I just want to settle down and not having to worry about that kind of stuff. ARe there nybody out there in a similar situation??
  13. I think I saw an article in Cosmo a while ago saying that on average, black men do have larger penises, followed by whites than asians
  14. um, this is def the first time i've heard of this! lol although it is kind of weird, I'd think it could also be a bit endearing cuz he wants to make sure that he's prepared!!! but it's def TMI!!
  15. I hope you asked her aftwards if she was alright . . . you might even be hurting her and she's not telling you! I had sex with a guy that was "above average" and it hurt like hell! My private part was sore for several days! I would suggest that you be gentle and start off slow. And btw, I thought guys love it when it's tight down there?
  16. It happens. Sometimes you just run out of things to say! lol sometimes my friends and I will run into that same problem cuz there's really not that much going on in our lives . . .
  17. You've already done your part by trying to warn him about his gf but he won't listen, and there's only so much you can do. I would say just to leave him alone and let him learn the lesson on his own. How long do you have until your lease is up? If you're still going to be under a lease maybe you can try to find a subletter and either get another roomate or try to get your own place. Your roomate sounds irresponsible and unreliable and I would probably try to get out of the place.
  18. She may just be confused with her sexuality because she has had trouble in her past relationships with men.
  19. I think you would probably be liable for the fire as well since your name is one the lease. Your parents would probably get involved too. I don't think it's fair that your friend is trying to get you to pay for half of the damages because it's her fault for leaving the candle there! I def dun think you should pay for it. I would suggest you get a lawyer and fight it too!
  20. I think your fiance overreacted too! I think she's the selfish one! But I don't think you should just ignore her! Talk to her and ask her why she would think that you don't care about her?
  21. My parents used to be REALLY controlling when I was living with them. If I try leave the house past 9 PM my mom would start asking me all these questions and god forbid I stay out later than midnight! I used to get yelled at for not doing the chores around the house too. But it's all good . . . I think a lot of the parents are the same way. My mom has gotten a lot better after I graduated from college. 20 is technically still not considered as an "adult", I think his stepmom is just looking out for him. If he's getting sick of it, then I'd suggest him move out.
  22. Did you ask him why he doesn't want to see you? and what was the reason he gave you? His behavior is strange . . . if I were him I'd want to spend as much time with you as I could . . .
  23. Yeah I know how you feel. I think I'm a totally new person now that I am like 3 years out of college. What has happened in the past should stay in the past, he needs to understand that you've changed and that you're not the same person as you were before.
  24. Hmmm I think it all depends on how often you do it. If you're like obsessed with it and totally ignores your gf then I'd be pissed off too. But if my bf does it once in a while then I don't think it's a big deal, I mean, boys will be boys. There may be more reasons to the breakup then this. Maybe you need to really sit down with her and have a good talk with her.
  25. I'm 25, so that puts us both at the same age. I think I'd probably go with the guy with more stability. I feel like I'm at the age where I really need to start thinking about my future. If I were still in college, I'd probably choose the more fun and spontaenous guy. Another thing is that I also want to get married and have kids, so the second guy is def a deal breaker. It all depends on what you're looking for.
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