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Everything posted by blueangel

  1. hehehe I'm laughing at myself. That's funny to read. It's like I'm talking really fast, like a kid getting excited over an ice cream cone. Arent I cute?
  2. I DONT! Goodness, goodness. This is what I believe and my reasons for not being disappointed over soulmates. Believe in what you want! But do tell me for I am very interested.
  3. Writer Right now, I'm working on a book for young adults called Finding God (whether you believe or not it's still a good story) which is about a girl named Synasia (meant to symbolize my depressed side) who is lost in the crowd, has a torn up home life, and so on and so forth. A girl named Evanee (meant to symbolize the real me) slips in and out of her life but all the while changing it forever. It is through her actions and her friendship that Synasia finds herself fixing her relationships, herself, and her life. Evanee is the free spirited girl we all want to be who acts silly a lot, is kind to everyone and not afraid to say anything (most of all nice things because you may be surprised at how many people are just afraid of being nice) breaking stereotypical boundaries and opening many doors to love that Syn has never known. I want this book to make others feel free to be themselves... and to just be free including everything I've learned in life that has helped me with so much deeper things. Let's not act like strangers towards each other any more! Let's reach out and love! (altho im talking very lightly right now, it itself is actually very deep) Wife I want to get married young (like 25 or so) and have many years just to enjoy with my husband until we decide to have kids. I really dont think this'll be a problem because people seem to fall for me easily Mother I want to be a stay home mom as long as possible. I will never yell at my kids but rather talk and explain to them the reasons why certain things are wrong, treat them with respect! I will always strive to be understanding and I will teach them so much about life and love. I will teach them to influence others and to be a light in the darkness. They shant be allowed to watch TV or play on the internet because those types of entertainments distract us too much from life ( I should know... right now instead of fooling around on this website, I should be researching) I want them to play outside with me (we'll live around a lot of woods and have a big yard with many wild flowers) We'll play sports, I'll be creative with that, and games inside. We will interact and talk about everything during dinner and stuff... and I shall moniter their homework and even if they say they finished it in school, I shall reply with, "There's always something to do. You have to sit there for an hour anyway so you should find something" and I will make sure they sit there and so they will inevidably have to do homework or atleast some extra studying because nobody likes to do nothing. And I will make them have a social life! I'll make them start calling their friends and giving out invitations early in life as kids so they can develop long lasting friendships earily as well as social skills. I will have four children: Olivia, Alicia, Elijah and Jack and yes, i know this all sounds like silly and kiddish dreams but it so fun to do! The end!
  4. You must look within. What art tho dreams? I can tell you mine in two words! Reaching hearts It doesnt matter how much you make or how high your reputation, NOTHING can replace happiness. Find a pure and simple cause or something. You know when you're in the right place when what you are doing, you could do for hours for NO pay. Look within, My child. Looking wiiiithiiiinnn...
  5. -sigh- Seriously, I thought I found that too. Everything was PERFECT. And then it wasnt. But dont let me get you down! My life experience is limited. I'm only 14. Congrats!
  6. Actually I have to disagree with you here. He's worried for his father right now, and the last thing he needs is to comfort his girlfriend at the same time. SeaBisquit, if you really love him, ask to move in with him, but do it for him. He probably needs some extra support in his life, so as long as you know you aren't bringing more problems to his house, go for it. Don't make him worry about you, because you're already worrying about him. Whether he knows it or not, it will not make the feelings go away. Hey, I have to deal with more than person a day too and so can he. But he shouldnt feel like he has to deal with a person, you know? Comforting someone is different than making their stress your own. Guilt and pity are the worse things to hold someone back. They stem from fear. Well, be fearless. Fear or love? All things come down to this
  7. I'm allowed to say what I want to say and this apply to the topic. You got a better explanation? I'm all for it. Sharing beliefs is fine as long as you dont put down someone else's. If you dont like what I'm saying, ignore it. Better explanation for what? For life without God, I mean
  8. That's what I believe too. Ever read Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsh? You'd like it. Anyhoo, that's what I'm saying: God is the force behind everything whether you believe or dont believe. We are all a part of him (im just using the word him because I dont like saying IT lol) and so we are all one with each other. And every person fills our needs in their own way but there will never be one person to do so in all ways. You cant look to others to make you feel good about yourself... although relationships are very good tools for self expression.
  9. OMG- hasnt anybody ever taught you how to write paragraphs? Seriously, when sh*t is all crammed together like that, nobody wants to read it. As a newbie like yourself, I shall let this go. But please organize your writing. It makes it so much more harder for everyone else if you try to take the easy way out. As for the other stuff, I dont know because I couldnt bring myself to read all of that. I commend anyone else for their bravery
  10. You dont have to believe in God to experience him. As I said before, there is nothing that God is not. If you love life, you inevidably love God. But believing does help to understand things better because trust me, life makes a whole lot more sense if you do. Anybody can seem happy on the outside. we're all actors. We can do whatever we want
  11. I'm allowed to say what I want to say and this apply to the topic. You got a better explanation? I'm all for it. Sharing beliefs is fine as long as you dont put down someone else's. If you dont like what I'm saying, ignore it.
  12. hahaha- that's not something you hear everyday. "I just got divorced! I'm so happy!" "I just gave away my son! I'm so happy!" lol you're cute.
  13. Creating space is the only way to get over it. "Out of sight, out of mind." Do what you must. This is the time for our mind to kick in. The heart can become silly and carried away. It takes half the time you were with someone to get over them. Good luck. I solute you, soldier! (remember- love is a battlefield... great, now I have that song stuck in my head) Love is like war Easy to start Hard to end Impossible to forget
  14. There are 54 genes that suggest sexual identity is not a choice. You can never turn someone into someone else. Sexuality does not change and can not change. what confuses people though are feelings. Now, feelings are something we can choose. We live under the illusion that feelings "happen" to us when really, we are holding the reigns. With this illusion, many live under the idea that they are something they are not. thereforeeee, feelings can be influenced. But nomatter what- it comes down to a choice- whether you want to or not. Homosexuality can attract people simply because it's different and stands out. Some have made it into their own stereotype of what's cool. Some arent but want to be. Especially if your group of friends all are.
  15. You cant exactly make the choice of who they live with but they certainly can.
  16. As a 14 year old, I should know. Immaturity is written all over this. Dont be offended. Im just being honest
  17. As do all things, this will pass. For now, let yourself mourn. Let others comfort you. And stay the hell away from your ex until your feelings are gone and your head is back in control. (sometimes in the spur of the moment under all those emotions, people tend to do stupid things for love. Being under the influence of love is pretty close to being on a drug- nothing makes sense)
  18. 1. You use energy so yes 2. well I mean, it's hard because something hard was in fact up there 3. Again, a lot of energy- it wears you out (hey, good for insomniacs!) Lastly, yes i'm 14 and still a virgin (dont worry lol) I'm not talking from experience here. Just from what I've learned... ahem.
  19. First of all, the chances of that happening again are very slim Second of all, you should never hold back your feelings just because of how someone else feels Third of all, if after reading all that and youre still scared, get a security system. If you cant afford a standard one than be creative Last of all, good luck.
  20. You're not going to get that from a guy. They are less expressive and altho we females feel we are the complex and mysterious ones, it is often the guys who leave us in mystery. One of the hardest things I've ever done has been to actually tell my boyfriend what I wanted... which was exactly as you said above. But then he made me realize I was only using him to make me feel better about myself... and so in trying to hold onto that... our love blossomed into a lie. (thankfully I realized it in time to save it because I was becoming so unhappy and feeling unfulfilled- well what am I saying? We broke up a year later) Be warned. (lol)
  21. Clearly, you get it. Only God can fill a God-shaped hole. Everything else will always leave you still hungry. Funny things about humans, indeed. (indeed! lol) We try to define God, to create our own god, and although we may feel our lives are filled with this defined God whom we worship in a defined way, we are missing the point completely. In fact, the word "sin" derives from a Greek word meaning, "to miss the mark." Now, if I remembered the actual word, that would help- curse my short term memory! (kidding)
  22. You married him. You had children with him. The best thing for you to focus on is to make it work. 95% of all problems stem from a lack of communication. Tell him how you feel and that you want it to work but if it will, you're going to need him to meet you half way. Rough patches only make us stronger. Use the time you have now with him to fix things with him. Before it's too late. And yes, there will be a time when it's too late... when you cant just go back to the choices you have now. If you want to try again later after you moved out, there will be too many new things preventing you from going back in time, back into his arms. You have a responsibility to your children to make it work. I still cant believe how much my parent's divorce has affected me. It makes me feel unbalanced. Dad was the one who got my act together. Mom was the one to pick up any left over pieces. With just half of that at a time, I feel like I'm cut into half. It is necessary to a child's growth for both parties to be present. My mom spoils me. My dad orders me. When not together, they become something different. I become something different. It took the two of you to make your kids. It'll take the two of you to raise them. Dont give up. Never give up. You HAVE to be in this together. Sometimes love isnt just a feeling. It is a choice, an act. The feeling is merely the result, your heart saying, "on the right path!" The road is still there and will always be there but like I said, hard to go back to. All we have is now.
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