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  1. i like to thank all of you for the advice but i comfrontede her when she called my house to talk to him and ask was there anything going on and she said they are just friends and that she loves her hubby i told her when we went to there house i felt uncomfortable she said she was sorry i felt that way and she to was uncomfortable to but now we have talked and she knows how i feel and my hubby tells me he knows where the boundaries are so i am giving him the benfit of the doubt because he comes home and tells me what they talk about so i got to thinking if there was something going on i would sure he wouldnt tell me what is going on and what they talk about they talk at breaks sometimes when they see each other so i just wanted to say thanks all of you
  2. i know but she is married also i just dont understand why she cant talk to her hubby she sees my hubby at work she could talk to him there but she wants to get together and hang out but i feel uncomfortable there when she dont try to talk to me and i told her this she said she didnt know me
  3. hey my b/f is like that it takes a while to get him off but then he does but i want to know if this is normal and what i can do about it he gets so mad cause he cant sometimes
  4. it is hard to trust my hubby but i am trying he has a friend at work and she is married she tells him everything she calls him and talks to him. yesterday she called and i called her back to see what she wanted well i ask her if she had a thing for him she said they are friends but when we went over there on memorail day she hardly talked to me but did him he said i have to get over this cause they are just friends and nothing else but i cant help but to think something might happen should i be worried i mean i love him and i know he loves me this is what we agrue about he called her back last nite to see if she was ok said that i made a butt out of him and me i told him that me and her talked and she didnt seem upset
  5. no i havent been on no meds in alone time but my therapsit is trying to get my appointment with the dr. to get on my meds. i just tried my wifes because i was so depress. but i am not mixing nothing at all
  6. hello there this is the real sam i am . as of latly i just find my thinking of stuff i shouldn't. like hurting my self aging. feel so down and out at time's like a car has ran me over. there are some Problem's with my wife and i. but we have been working on them. Most of witch you can read all about on some of are earlyer post . i have been going to get help for my problem's but still have have not been given the med's that i was once on. so i took some of my wife's today. my friend's have noticed that my hand's are starting to shack and stuff just feel like it could get pertty bad. so i came to this place looking for someone to maybe understand my point of view. but then aging most of you are wemen so how could you understand littel old me lol. And most of you all just think i am crazy well i allready new that lol. But back to talking about how i feel. I geuss sometime's i just feel so empty as it were. maybe becuse of the lack of friend's to talk to or maybe becuse i just can't help but to feel like a failer. In all thing's i don't feel like i make the people around me happy. i have so much feeling deep with in but no way to show it. this rigth here dose help some but it to has it's limit's. It just leave's me with a empty cold feeling after pouring my heart out on this screen. Sometime's i just feel like i can't do nothing rigth. my wife want's me to do do do it seem's to me but all i can do is just never good enough. just like rigth now she just asked me is that the way you feel. so don't know what to do any more just feel like i am less then. less then anything that i could do rigth less then a man less then anything rigth. and it make's me very upset and angry i use to drink but i don't anymore becuse of my liver. sometime's i wish i could make thing's rigth but just don't know where to beging. sam_i-am
  7. yes i have had a couple of guys cheated on me it was a hard thing to get over to so i guess that is why i feel that way
  8. i love my hubby very much but i have a hard time believing and trusting him he never gave me a reason not to but i do i was wandering if there is something i can do cause i want to trust and believe him exspecailly while he is working we have been married for 5 months and he says he loves me and want break our vow but the girl he works with is constantly telling him and other people things like she is ragging and things like she swings and she is married also i asked him if he could just distance himself from her at least some because it is driving me crazy and i think maybe she is wanting him because she told him that since she and her got married he doesnt give her much attention so what should i do my hubby says it takes 2 and he is not interested in her except as a friend thanks
  9. it is good to know all this but i do have 3 poems published in a poetry book and besides i just did this because i was in a mood that i didnt wont to be in so see i can write poetry when i want to but thanks anyway
  10. i like for my guy to hold me cuddle with me and kiss me i also do the same to him i dont like a guy to say they love you then go and cheat behind your back had that happen in the past that is why i am kinda of scare to trust my guy but he says he aint going nowhere and i believe him but there are some guy and women do this to that cheat on there other person
  11. well not that i know of you cant love someone one day then not the next day love is a feeling that is shared and it is very specail. now unless someone did wrong in the relationship then you will have problems but you would still love that person no manner what
  12. I really like the poem crush it is to the point keep up the work
  13. like your poem that is a great poem keep up the good job.
  14. feelings are something that you have you want to hold on to what you got . You think you are so prefect but you aint. You want to share everything with that specail person the one that you have so much feelings for. But then you began to feel that your heart is beating very fast because you are in love with this specail person. You cant breathe or sleep because all you think about is that specail person. So this is how i feel for that specail person. And this person knows how i feel and who it is . hope yall like the poem
  15. Me and my wife was talking the other day about inculding a third person in are relationship. She has said some thing about bring another women into are life. Just something that me and her has talked about. She has never been with a women. And she was kinda wanting to try it. As a loveing husband and a man come on who wouldn't want that lol. I just want her to be satisifed. But then aging we really don't know how to go about asking someone. There are a few pepole that we know that go both way's. But we both think thing could become weird with those pepole. Any thogth's on what to do and maybe someone can tell my wife what it is like to be with a women. So she don't go in flying blind as it were. thank you sam_i-am
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