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Everything posted by blueangel

  1. Leave him another message. If wait with so long of periods in between to contact him, he'll think that you are struggling with unsureness and that you seem to always have troubling deciding. What do you argue about? What is his side? What is your side? And have you been defensive? The best thing to do is to try to understand the other person first while still approaching them with true honest feelings. It does not matter if he intentionally made you feel a certain way. As long as you felt it, it needs clarified. Vice versa He's unsure of what you want and isn't giving away any of his own emotions. The best thing to do is to talk to him about where you want to go from there. Admit what you did wrong or what he feels you did wrong. Speak in person. Emotions can't be misunderstood there. Call him and contact him until he agrees. Tell him you want what you had back or at least a clear knowledge of what's going on inside his head. Speak softly and tell him you understand. Then, wait for his reply. Like I said- dont give up until he does. Now for you: what is it that made you run or fear? This factor in your character isn't going to disappear just after some time distance. You need to talk with him what's going on in YOUR head and figure it out together. Dont back away now because you ARE afraid what dislike he may feel towards you. Try it all with no regrets and if he is still not willing in the end, it's time to move on- maybe find something in yourself you can rely on instead of an outside source. Find a way to be okay alone since you are not obviously ready to move on. And stop waiting so long to contact him! That's unfair to him.
  2. Guys think that not being direct is saving you from worse heart break. They want the relationship to just fade away softly so it hurts you less.
  3. Dont be afraid of talking to him and telling him your feelings. No matter how you feel he masks it, he cares about you and because of this, you should be able to be honest. You two wouldnt have started off in the situation that you were if you didnt both care for the other. Some people try to act like they've moved on to cover the humiliation that they havent. If you dont feel good enough, neither does he. Find the real reasons why you cant be together. Being different has nothing to do with it. As long as you can be yourself and express yourself with him, then he doesnt have to be anything else. No, this isnt a matter of differences. It's a matter of communication
  4. Dont focus on what could go wrong. In any situation, always choose to take the chance. What is it that you want? Is it in her or in your work where your true happiness lies? Anything is possible. Anything can be done. So dont ever say they cant. And just for the record, she feels the same.
  5. It's probably just the people you've been with. We are drawn to what is familiar so you are drawn to people like that. But also remember this: relationships only dont work if we are going into them for the wrong reasons. I hope you find your reasons- and most of all, the right guy! Dont give up. There are so many out there. You're bound to find someone more giving. You just have to look in the right places... keep your eyes open for the right things. Best of luck. And dont worry- you're not the only one to feel this way. In a world of so many people, that would be impossible.
  6. Brainwashed is such the right word. We are ALL brainwashed But yeah, I agree. You've all become one deminsional by your beliefs If I wrote a Bible and kept it accurate as far as historical setting and such and people believed it was true for a long time just because it's been there a long time, would you believe it too?
  7. I think suicide is silly because if your soul wanted to dispose of your body, it would. If you have to commit suicide then obviously your soul still has a reason to be there and so you are only cheating yourself. There is never a time, as bleak as life may be, that there is absolutely no hope left whatsoever. There is always more and you just dont know if it's going to get better or not so how can you just decide that it wont?
  8. From years of playing on the ouija board, this is what I've learned: All dark No sound No feelings- just float in empty space Can only see or hear or feel when my soul reaches out to them- but they dont see me. They only hear my voice, see a blurry image of the ouija board, and feel their spiritual arm entertwined with my spirit's arm (ever hear of an aura? according to them, our body is not a temple for the soul but rather the body is carried by the soul... and there is no where one soul ends or another begins. There are only distinctions between them that cut them up into sections like say a house of many rooms has the same air floating throughout but the kitchen's air smells different than that of the living room's air where the fireplace is on- make sense?)... they sometimes can also see the room around me if I talk with them long enough. The more we talk, the more the senses of my world and the area I am in are opened up to them They travel by thought. Just by thinking of a person they know, they find themselves looking at them through the swirly darkness and drift around them to see different perspectives (this is how it is in life too. we travel by thought but since there is time here, it happens slower. that is why prayers seem actually answered and all the right things for your soul at a certain time are brought to you- like all the right people. what you believe will happen, you experience happening- and since we are trapped in a limited reality, we believe we have to go by certain rules when the only reason they are there is because we obey them... by obeying we are believing in them. It's best to learn this as a child when you are naive enough to believe anything- otherwise it takes years to be able to control what happens to you. We control everything, you see) Sometimes a light comes for them when they are talking to me too much and sucks them up like a vaccuum only for them to land in another place of darkness, nothing more This is like this only when they are caught in the dark place. There is a way out though. Some have made it out. To get out of the dark place, you have to believe you already are. What you believe you experience. It takes a long time to figure out. Sometimes years to millions of years. sometimes just days. What you know in life you take with you to death so it is better to know this now
  9. link removed There is text in the center of the page. Keep refreshing this to see the different things it says.
  10. The worst thing in the world is to take yourself too seriously because you give yourself an image from pride that you forever are trapped in maintaining.
  11. Be not ashamed of yourself and you'll have nothing to be ashamed for. Have confidence in who you are. It is only our insecurities that cause people to judge us. If they know we are embarrassed about something, they'll treat it as something to be embarrassed of. Laugh off little stuff like it's no big deal and it wont be- no matter what. Once a girl's skirt feel down in the hall and she just pulled up and laughed at it with her friends and everyone else also saying, "omg!" If she hadnt of joined in, they'd still be laughing- know what I mean? People will treat you not only by how you treat them, but by how you treat yourself- your attitude towards yourself becomes as thick as smoke... with everyone stirred up inside
  12. I am drawn to bad gothicy punk guys who are sweet underneath and actually really intellegent behind their slacking in school. Ah, Rob, my first love
  13. You need nothing to be happy. Happiness is yours. It's your choice to experience it. Open your heart to the feeling. If you cant find a job, dont stop looking. If searching is your only option, then search. Ask for change on the street. This is no time for pride (not that there is ever a time). Ask someone you know for help until you are able to carry on once more by yourself. This is a time though that you should not be alone. Rush to the arms of those that love you. And if you feel there is nobody, come here for support from all of us, from me. There are infinate roads. I have to go now. so you better not do anything while I'm gone, mister! I may be back tomorrow to check in on you but I dont know. I have to come to a public library and relying on my parents seems to be... unreliable most often. lol
  14. Dying isnt the best way of getting life back for the things life gave you... because it still hasnt stopped giving
  15. Pain can be inevidable. Suffering is not. To suffer is your choice. Although you cannot chose what happens to you, you can chose your attitude and how you deal. You're not choosing anything else because you dont believe there is anything else. The more you fight against happiness, the more real your pain becomes. But it is only because you make it so. There are always options. what is hell to you may be heaven to someone else. McDonalds may not be the highest paying job but it is a paying job. There are people there, oppertunities for friendship. There are chances to learn something new. Learn to appreciate what little you have if ever there was a time in your life where you had everything but nothing mattered. All you need in this life is the air in your lungs as well as the basic needs to live. But you need nothing to be happy. You need nothing to be happy. Happiness is up to you. If you want to be happy, be who you want to be. Life is like a play and most of it is acting. We can be whoever we want to be. We are constantly shifting. We are constantly choosing. The choice itself may not be easy but there is no way you could really know what it leads to. It's kind of like the half full or half empty cup question. You choose how you see the world. You choose your perspective.
  16. The more wisdom you give to others, the more you give to yourself, the more you engrave things in your own mind as well... until sooner than later you find your actions reflecting thus There are ways to make money even after you lost your job. There is never a dead end. You just have to keep your eyes open for a way out. And there are always people who may help. You cant give up on yourself. Any reason to is bs. There is always hope. There are always things to live for. It all come down to a choice though. Do you or dont you want to live? Once you make that choice, the rest falls into place. If you've already decided you want to give up, it is because you've decided so that you will. Not because you have to
  17. wow. Now THAT'S deep. lol wanna know some more of mine? 1. it's ok to swim in a puddle. who cares what they think? 2. I AM batman 3. Santa Claus is a stalker 4. Do not pet the bald man. Nomatter how shiny his head may be 5. Only the trees understand me! 6. Stare at strangers. It's okay. It's only polite 7. Peter Pan isnt coming for you so stop waiting 8. Unless you're waiting for Michael Jackson than maybe 9. Trust nothing that moves 10. Watch out for mini drivers. They are only pretending to not be able to see you. They really do want to kill you 11. The only fascinating thing about Britney Spears is that her face looks different in every picture- seriously, what does she look like? 12. THEY must be destroyed. You know who I'm talking about 13. THEY 14. THEEEEYYYYYY 15. No, I dont really know either 16. Yes, I'm talking to you 17. I'm your conscience 18. You must obey my every order 19. Or else 20. You will die in seven days. The end!
  18. What do you have left? There are many things still to appreciate. You HAVE to hold onto the life around you. Walk among nature, walk in the sunlight. There is something there that will never abandon you. Cherish the light that you are, the beauty of your soul. Think better of yourself. to change how you feel, you must change how you think. The world around us is a constant mood controller and amplifier. Surround yourself in the mood you wish to be in. Play happy music, open the windows, take darkness out of your room, clean and beautify yourself- LOVE yourself through your actions. BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE You control more of your insides than you think. If you still feel that way then it is because you are getting something out of it- being the victim. But I tell you this- we are not victims unless we make ourselves so. Be honest with yourself. I wish I could comfort you right now physically, and hug you while you cry out everything, release the pain but Im not and noone here is. Is there anyone there? Your mom you could call? someone who knows you, whose heart is your home? what are you dreams? you have to make yourself want to live right now because life changes so much that there is no way you can know if it's going to get better. I went through a deep depression too and wanted to kill myself many times. But I AM SO GLAD I DIDNT. I found God, I surrendered to him and discovered so many things. I discovered myself. reach hearts, lightn. there are many around you, all separate and clouded from you from darkness. reach their hearts with love and youll find yourself gripping your own. youll find your own light as they do theirs. use this website to do so. Dont give up. NEVER give up. Keeping love and living. Live forever HOLD ON TO THE LIFE AROUND YOU> I really wish you could appreciate it as much as I do. There isnt a day that goes b y that Im not filled with emotion, with love, with safety... with home all around me. I am at peace. You can be too but there must be some changes
  19. They feel trapped in a situation they are unsatisfied in. They are not then your true "soulmate" if such a thing does exist
  20. It's kind of a weird poem though. It flows but yet it doesnt flow. Know what I mean?
  21. Do you think you are different from anyone else? Do you think you are better? No. So how can you think that you are worse? Surrender your fears. they do not matter. Step into the unknown... and know that you will ALWAYS come out ok. what in this can you learn and who in this can you love and why in this should you live? What would you tell someone in your place?
  22. "Life must be lived and curiosity kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life." Eleanor Roosevelt If life to you is so meaningless, why not just live it? You will travel through many dark tunnels in your life, but know this, that no matter how far in you plunge, there is still a shining warm but distant light... never too far.
  23. Shouldn't you feel obligated to be faithful, or at least truthful to your boyfriend? I mean, your attitude here seems selfish. "Who cares how I'm hurting others, as long as I'M happy." I just don't get it. The thing is is that we shouldnt need each other so much so that we are hurt when they are gone. To love is to let go. That is false love. I may have not been "faithfull" as you would put it, but I was truthful. They were all completely in love with me but I only loved pieces of them. I did not want the one person, long term love that many look for. When we turn love into a committed thing, we must be ready to commit because it's hard work and love I dont think, feels as though it should be harnassed. And I was not ready. I was only 13
  24. Everybody, read my replies as well because it adds to what I'm saying in my post and I think it makes it clearer, because by itself, my post is rather confusing, I think.
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