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Everything posted by Tinkerbell

  1. Lubrication is a must, and I think it would help if you fingered her before entering. Your fingers are obviously not as big, thereforeee when you enter it wouldn't be as painful since she'd already be somewhat "stretched out."
  2. I'm very sorry that your marriage has taken such a sharp turn for the worst. Although you do love him, I cannot see how you can be happily married if you're not IN love with him. I don't believe that the racial differences are a great cause for concern, but the differences between the two of you in general are the problem. It is possible for opposites to attract, I've witnessed it myself, but conflicting characters will lead to trouble. The whole dating online ordeal is a cause for concern, and since the last time you had suspicions it turned out that you were right, I think that you should go with your gut feeling about where your relationship is heading. You must also remember that although you did take a vow, your happiness is the most important thing. It is not your problem that your husband is not financially stable, so don't feel as though you're responsible for him if the two of you decide to divorce. Without kids in the picture it makes it a whole lot easier, and I think that the only way to tell for sure whether or not you want to stay with this man is to take some time apart. If during that time you miss him dearly and are fully convinced you want to be with him, than perhaps the two of you could try couple's therapy or something along the lines of that in order to build up the trust again. However, if the time apart does not effect then maybe it's time you get a divorce. It really does not sound as though you're happy with this man, (You mentioned there was no affection present, etc..) but don't rush into making any decisions.
  3. It's odd that you're wishing she'd get another partner, from what I gather that's usually the last thing a person wants since part of them is still hoping that they can get back together. Anyway, maybe you could get this "closure" by getting rid of things from her (I'm not sure if you've already done this..) Things like notes, pictures, etc.. Try to avoid seeing her as best as possible, and repeatedly tell yourself whenever needed that you're better off without her and you'll find someone else. Since you want to get over her so badly, whenever a thought about her pops up remind yourself of the reasons you guys broke up, the things she used to do that annoyed you, etc.. And most of all, go out and meet new people! Chances are that when you're in the presense of others and having a good time she won't be on your mind.
  4. Avman's right, most of the time people don't even realise that the condom is ripped. Make sure to becareful, and if you're sexually active it would probably better to go on the pill or take Depo Provera, but don't forget that these methods don't protect you from STD's!
  5. Planning a romantic evening... The key to making a romantic evening special is to keep it simple. If you are running around making the food or lighting some candles it takes away from the romance. Keeping it simple will allow you to be more mellow and less worried about what lies ahead. Follow some of the tips below to ensure a romantic night. It is a good idea to try to have everything ready before the special someone is scheduled to arrive. Be ahead of yourself in case they arrive early. Many of the preparations can be done ahead of time and will make the actual set up time less. For instance, you can set out silverware, tablecloths, glasses, candles, and flowers ahead of time. These are less things that you will have to worry about minutes before the person arrives. The dinner should be simple and easy to make. Start with a Caesar salad and fresh dinner rolls. Follow with a something like pasta. Pasta is good because you can prepare it ahead of time and mix noodles and sauce together and bake in oven. This will entail you to eat leisurely and not rush through the first course. Pasta will not overcook in the oven and generally tastes better because the sauce will cook into the pasta. Another idea is crab or lobster. This is something that you can also make ahead of time and keep warn in the oven. The downfall to crab or lobster is that it is a messy meal unless pre-shelled. Dessert should be pie or cake, nothing that is too complicated to make or takes a lot of last minute preparation. The key is to have a bottle or two of your favorite wine on hand. Also, have glasses of water pre-set on the table so you are not getting up to get glasses and water. A flask of ice water is a good idea, too. Some of the things you can prepare ahead of time and will cut the last minute preparations in half. Linen or cotton tablecloths with napkins can be pre-set. Silverware, plates, and glasses can be arranged ahead of time. Setting a nice flower arrangement in the center of the table is a good idea, although make sure the scent is not too strong and that it does not obstruct the eye contact. The atmosphere is the mood creator and will entail how the evening unfolds. Even if you are not familiar with classical music, this is a great time to try it out. You want some mellow music that will flow with the conversation. Classical is a great form of music because it is relaxing and pleasant. Turn it on low, just enough to be heard and not loud enough to distract. You should be able to speak in your normal tone of voice and be heard. Next, light candles and turn the lights down. This will make the mood highly romantic. The key to candles is to use many different heights and thickness. Use an assortment of candle sizes, but try to stay clear of candles with strong aromas. You do not want the candles to be overpowering. To prevent interruptions, it is a good idea to unplug the phone or turn the ringer off. A romantic evening can be spoiled if your mother calls to check in and see how you are doing. Try to tell friends that you have this evening planned, to shy them away from dropping by unexpectedly. This is an easy and delightful way to impress your loved one. It is the thought that will count and make them smile with delight. Knowing that all of this planning was for them, is sure to make the night special and romantic all in its' own. Relax, be yourself, and enjoy, as this is your night too!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope this has helped!
  6. It means exactly what it sounds like: She doesn't know what she wants! Break-ups are usually painful, even on the person who ends it. Chances are she's confused about the relationship and is still harboring feelings for her ex. This was not the best time to ask her out, but since it's already been done I think that you should give her some space and not bring it up again. When she's ready and if she's interested she'll come to you.
  7. I think that you should explain to Suzi and Olivia the unfortunate situation with Sarah, and make it clear that you would've loved to have both of them as bridesmaids in the first place but there just wasn't enough place. Since you know that whomever you chose someone will get hurt, I suggest you flip a coin with them (It may sound silly, but it's the only way they'll know that you aren't "picking favorites.")
  8. Since you haven't mentioned your location and you're suggesting sex outside, I'm going to assume that it's summer wherever you are. Well, let me tell you something, sex underneath the stars sounds like a really romantic idea, but be prepared to discover mosquito bites in interesting places when you're done. I speak from personal experience, it could turn rather unpleasant.
  9. If you wish for the two of you to remain friends, I say go for it. Don't wait around for him to do it, just do it first! Make sure not to come on too strong though, as in, keep the buddy-buddiness until later, staying friends after a break-up can be difficult on both people.
  10. "If two past lovers remain friends, they are either still in love or never were." I believe in the quote above, but I'm not you so I don't know how you feel. If you really care about this girl, put the bitterness aside and try to be friends with her, it's the only way you'll ever get her back (Afterall, it's rather difficult to begin a relationship with someone you don't ever see or talk to..) I don't think you should be so hard on her about the 3 break-ups, maybe she was feeling rather confused and upset and didn't know how to deal with things. And one more thing, why is it that she refused to go to your prom?
  11. That was a very nice post, and I completely agree about living life to the fullest and seizing the day (carpe diem in latin ) But, well.. granite is a hard igneous rock! (I'm sure you meant granted, but I just wanted to point that out..)
  12. I wouldn't worry too much about the absent periods, it's a common side-effect for this method of birth control. Think of it this way, it's better to not have them at all than have it almost all the time! (Yet another side-effect..) About the gyno, I've never been before but I gotta go soon too, a couple of my friends have gone and they say it isn't bad at all, they just felt a little uncomfortable at first. I doubt it's painful..
  13. I'm trying to get in shape for the summer (I'm not overweight, I'm pretty thin) so I want to try exercises that'll keep my weight up but give me some muscles. My buttocks area could use some work, but I'm not sure what kind of exercises are best. Also, I'd like to work out my tummy, and right now I'm starting 30 sit-ups a day, do you think it'll make a difference or do I need to do more?
  14. It sounds like he wants the best of both worlds: He wants to be with you but he doesn't want to be tied down. Now this is fine and dandy if you're lets say 18 years old and looking for a fling, and if this is still the case for you, then go ahead and tell him you're willing to see him without commitment. Judging by the manner in which you wrote your post I'm going to assume that the above statement isn't true. In this case, I think that you should tell him flat out that he's the one who broke it off and you're not going to wait around forever, if the two of you are really over it's perfectly normal to return items. Explain to him that although you still have feelings for him, you're not going to put your life on hold. If he, however, regrets his decision and wants you back, you should probably think long and hard about it before making your decision. Afterall, this guy has hurt you quite a bit, what's to say he won't do it again? Then again, second chances can bring upon good things.. This is a tough one, so just try to deal with it the best you can.
  15. The playing with her hair thing could either be something or nothing at all, it's hard to tell at such an early age. Quite a few girls do this as a means of flirting, does she tend to look really deep into your eyes when she talks to you, never breaking the contact until absolutely necessary? I think to avoid the chance of rejection you should bring it up casually, just ask her if she wants to go see a movie with you Saturday night or something. No candle-light dinners should be in order until you're positive that there is a mutual attraction.
  16. Is she your first kiss? Then it's no wonder you're nervous, but there really isn't any reason to be. Next time you have the opportunity, let yourself go in the moment and try not to worry too much about what you're doing. I'm sure everything'll work out fine, but you shouldn't wait too long to do this, she may begin to think that you're not attracted to her.
  17. I'm glad you've got yourself back on the right track, it's amazing what a good optimistic attitude can do for a person. Keep it up!
  18. Hmm, I think it all depends. I don't think calling 20 mins in advance is the best idea, because chances are the person will already have plans, and they make take it the wrong way and assume that they are just back-up plan and a time passer and a last minute resort. I suggest asking at LEAST a day in advance. It's completely different if you're already going out though, if my boyfriend called at the last minute and asked me to do something I wouldn't mind at all.
  19. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
  20. Hey everybody, I'm super excited and I just feel the need to blab it out.. I've been accepted to the Psychology program of the college of my choice! Heehee!!
  21. Love...one simple word that can change your life forever. "Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell."
  22. After she told you the way she felt about you things got weird, is that what you're saying? (Sorry, but your post is a little hard to understand..) Maybe she's been acting oddly because she doesn't believe you feel the same way. I suggest you get her alone and talk to her, tell her that you care for her a great deal and would like to begin a relationship if she's up to it. The only way you'll find anything out for sure is by being upfront and honest about it.
  23. I think it's good but you're trying to hard to make it rhyme. A poem can be a lot nicer if it just flows and it doesn't sound...well...so prepared and put together.
  24. I think that right now you should be supportive whether you think she's being dramatic or not. I strongly doubt she gave herself that bruise, so quit thinking that she's lying and be there for her! It must've been a rather traumatic experience and right now she doesn't need you complaining about her not contacting the police. She's obviously scared, and she needs your love. When she's ready she'll do something about the whole situation. Maybe talk to her parents and see what they think, perhaps they can do something to help.
  25. What do you mean you can't get her to talk? Do you mean you can't get her to open up, or she's literally become mute?
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