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Everything posted by Tinkerbell

  1. I don't think making out with her right after the break-up was very wise, you knew she was vulnerable and having trouble thinking straight. Since you can't go back in the past and change this, I suggest you stay away from her for a little while. Let her figure out where she and her boyfriend are right now, and if she two of them want to get back together, you can't stand in their way. I know it will hurt you, but if you really care about this girl you'll want her to be happy.
  2. Well, I think a 5 year age-gap at your age is not wise. You guys aren't at the same place in your lives, it would be very difficult to pursue a romantic relationship. Perhaps you should suggest the two of you stay friends, and maybe in a few years (when you're an adult) you guys can hook up and it'll be legal. Let him down easy when he reveals his feelings to you though.
  3. There really isn't any way to tell for sure. If you really wanna know, flirt with her and see how she reacts. And if you're into the girl, just be blunt and ask her if she's interested.
  4. Aromatherapy! Light a couple of candles and relax in a bath full of bubbles..That's bound to get you to relax! Deep-breathing also helps a great deal...In through the nose, out through the mouth... *Hummmmmmmm*
  5. Personally, I do not think there is anything wrong with wearing glasses. I'm sure any girl would rather her boyfriend wear them rather than walk around squinting all day long and bump into things. Besides, glasses CAN be sexy, all you need to do is find the right shape for your face.
  6. This girl does not sound like a very nice person. Not only does she turn you down by lying to your face, but she uses you to avoid boredom. She is not worth your time! I suggest you give her the cold-shoulder for awhile, afterall, as your "friend" she hasn't been treating you very well. In the meantime, try to get to know this other girl a bit more.
  7. Maybe start off with a smile and a nod and see how she reacts. If it all seems good, approach her friends and her, not paying special attention to one in particular, and just make small talk to begin with. Don't drag it on for too long because it may get awkward, and then leave after telling them you'll see them around, talk to them later, etc..
  8. Hmm, sorry, I didn't see that husband part before... Well, if you really think it's necessary, get them to take a lie detector test. There's not much else you can do, it sounds like this is really tearing you up so the sooner you can put an end to it, the better.
  9. I think that you should believe your husband and have a serious talk with your best friend. Try to find out why on earth she's trying to sabotage your marriage, is hers not going so great at the moment? Also, did she tell her husband about the whole incident?
  10. Every guy is different, some last 10 mins, some last an hour. If you want to try and last longer, when you feel yourself getting close, slow down. Maybe move to a different position that's less satisfying for you but particularily good for your girlfriend. Don't worry about her not having an orgasm, chances are once the two of you have had sex a bit more and developed a rhythm, etc, she will begin to orgasm also. Like everyone said, foreplay is important, so be sure to devote at least 10 mins to that.
  11. Hmm..Well, you called her a friend/acquaintance, which is a definite sign that you guys aren't very close. I think that she was just saying that to comfort you, don't doubt that she cares for you, but it wouldn't make sense for her to be IN love with you because 1) She hardly knows you and 2) There would've been signs that pointed this out. Don't dwell on it, I don't think it's a big deal. The word love gets thrown around a lot these days; it's starting to lose its meaning.
  12. Explain to your boyfriend that they're just friends, and although you care for them, you're not in love with them and nothing is going to happen between you and your guy friends. Tell him he has no reason to be jealous because you're not interested in them in THAT way, he's the guy you're into! I don't think that you should distance yourself from your guy friends, despite their sex, they're still your friends, and a person would be pretty miserable with a life void of friendships.
  13. I think you misunderstood Xandra, it's not her ex that's interested in her right now. I suggest you tell your admirer the truth: You've been hurt quite a bit and you're not ready for another relationship yet. If you can see yourself dating this guy in the future, let him know that, but also tell him that he shouldn't wait around for you.
  14. I think that you should ask your mutual friend to casually bring up the topic of you during their next conversation to see what he thinks. If your friend agrees that he may be interested too, you should approach him after his next show. Just be really confident, congratulate him on the terrific performance, and ask him if he'd like to go out for a coffee/drink etc with you sometime.
  15. I certainly believe there is some truth to that. Quite often romantic relationships begin with a friendship, and if both people continue to have feelings for one another after the break-up, pursuing a friendship may lead back to intimate relations.
  16. I think that for the moment you should set him free and see what he does. There's an expression, I believe it goes something like "If you let something go and it comes back, than you know that it's true. If it doesn't, you hunt it down and kill it" Sorry, I couldn't help myself, I had to stick some humor in here. Anyway, I suggest you give him time to think over the whole relationship and allow him to figure out what it is he feels for you. Make it clear that although you care for him, you're not going to wait around forever.
  17. Since at the moment you guys are just friends, you need to be there for her during this hard time and try to cast aside your feelings for the moment. Once she's feeling better about the whole thing than would be a good time to start giving her subtle hints. If she seems to be taking them well, just come right out and tell her the way that you feel. Make sure that she understands that no matter what her reaction is, you don't want to lose her friendship.
  18. I have to start off by saying I admire you for coming out and sharing this with all of us. You must feel relieved to get it off of your back. I'm really sorry that you feel this way, and I think that the first step on the road to happiness is letting yourself have hope. An optimistic attitude can get one through a lot. Secondly, you must accept your sexuality. It doesn't matter whether other people out there agree with it or not, what matters is that you're happy. I take it by your age that you're in high school, and that can definitely be a rough place for people who are "different". But don't forget that different isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's uniqueness that gives everyone their own flair. You're weight sounds like it's causing quite a great deal of sadness. I know that people can be cruel and they'll taunt you until you're on the verge of tears, but you must try to ignore what other people say. People who pick on others are the ones who are unhappy with themselves. But since it's bothering you a lot, why don't you ask your pediatrician, or even the school nurse, if there is any healthy way that you can slowly begin to lose the excess weight? Another thing that might help is an increase in the dosage of your antidepressants. But you HAVE to talk to your doctor first, you can't just start taking double the amount. There's nothing wrong with taking antidepressants, because a mental illness is STILL an illness, and what better way to treat it than with medications? Maybe you should try to look for a different group of friends, they don't sound like they're helping much. Or perhaps you could confide in one of them, but only if you're ready. Whenever you're feeling particulairly down, come on here and someone's bound to help you. Do not resort to suicide. I hope this has helped.
  19. There really isn't any way to make someone fall in love with you, so I suggest you just be yourself; the man she fell for in the first place. Maybe try to re-create one of your first dates, or an extremely romantic/special moment that the two of you shared.
  20. I think that the reason he suddenly neeeded to detach himself from you was fear. Looking at rings probably really got to him, because although I don't doubt he loves you, the thought of being with one woman for the rest of his life probably freaked him out. Since he says it's not another girl I think that you should trust his word, but certainly find out whether or not it's because he's scared. He's obviously having trouble dealing with his emotions right now so getting a straight answer out of him might be hard.
  21. I certainly will not give you any tips on how to turn into a jerk again. What is wrong with you? Going around slapping women's asses all day is disrespectful! I certainly would've slapped you had you tried that on me..Women do not like a guy who's cocky, so please, for our sake, don't start that nonsense again.
  22. You should definitely let him know that it's bothering him, men aren't mind-readers and chances are if you're just pretending everything is alright he won't notice. Besides, if he gets carried away and it really gets to you, you might blow up on him, which would be unfair since you told him that you didn't mind. Get my drift? Let him know how you feel before it turns into an argument.
  23. I'm pretty sure they are the exact same thing, except one is proper english and the other is slang.
  24. I know it's easier said than done, but try to cheer up. Just because you're not currently a part of some giant romance doesn't mean you can't be happy. If you wanna meet new people, try hanging out a local pool house, bar, etc. Even an arcade! You'll be surprised at the amount of people who go by themselves or with a good friend. Don't be afraid to interact with others, because chances are once they get to know you they'll be glad you intiated conversation. About this girl you like who you won't be seeing in awhile; don't dwell on the fact that she's gone, but focus on the time when she's coming back. When she does return, get to know her a bit better and try to find out if she's interested in you. Another thing, there's no need to feel lonely when there are so many people on this very website who will be there for you. Remember: You are never alone!
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