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Everything posted by Tinkerbell

  1. I think that you should just be yourself, seeing that every individual looks for different things in members of the opposite sex. Some girls may look for a guy that she can be really serious about, some girls look for a guy they can fool around with, some girls look for a guy to pass the time, etc.. The only thing that you should try avoiding is being rude or cocky, just try to be nice in general, because I do not know many females (actually, I don't know a single one) who finds rudeness attractive. Oh, and one more thing: Try being outgoing and friendly, if you're a naturally shy guy this may be hard, but in the end it's worth it because you'll meet many people, and hopefully build many friendships out of these encounters.
  2. I think that you should definitely seize the moment. It doesn't sound like a big deal to me, and since other people agree you should do it. You really don't have anything to lose, and you should live your life so that you have no regrets.
  3. I certainly do not think that by wanting to meet her in person first this would make you shallow. Afterall, you cannot tell whether or not there really is something there and if you have chemistry until you guys meet in person. I definitely do not think she should move 1000 miles away for a person she's only spoken to over the net. Spend some time together in person, and if all goes well, than maybe consider it. It's best not to jump into things.
  4. Beautiful, keep up the great work...You have talent! =D>
  5. Well, one thing is clear: You don't seem to have much hope for the relationship, so why are you still dwelling on it? Do not, I repeat do NOT invite him for dinner. By the sounds of it, you know in your heart that the two of you won't work out, and I understand that it's hard to get over someone, but it's even harder to do so when the person is present in your every day life. At this point, I do not think you should make any moves. Rest assured, if the two of you are meant to be together, it'll happen. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually.
  6. Woopsie, sorry about that, I hadn't quite figured out the quote button...
  7. I'm sorry to hear about this...People's feelings do change, although if she was crazy about you it sounds pretty odd that her feelings would change so drastically over such a short period of time. I'm afraid you really cannot do much to change her fear of relationships, as it's something she must do herself. In the meantime, continue the friendship, and if it appears that her interest in you is continuing to disappear, than you have to try your best to get over her. You shouldn't have to wait around forever for her to be ready to make a commitment. Since you still care about her very much, it may be hard for you to try and look at her in a different way, so give yourself the time you need.
  8. Hmm, that eye thing does sound pretty silly to me. The only way you can tell for sure whether or not she likes you as more than a friend is by bringing it up. I think that you should let her know how you feel about her, but make sure to clarify that no matter what happens, you wish for your friendship to remain intact. I know you might be afraid to go out on a limb, but if you don't let this girl know just how much you care about her, you may regret it very much later on. Who knows, maybe she feels the same way!
  9. Since you're interested in pursuing a relationship, try to keep the conversation interesting so she cannot just end it abruptly after 5 mins. If this goes well, suggest the two of you grab a coffee or donut or something, that way you'll have more time to talk. I have no idea why exactly it is that she's so keen on disappearing, perhaps she likes playing hard to get!
  10. Hmm..I think that by following his new diet you are certainly supporting him, so you might want to point this out. Explain that your jokes are just that, jokes, and he shouldn't take things too seriously. Since it really seems to bother him, try not to make fun of his new health kick in his presense. Also, the relationship is just beginning so things are bound to be a little bumpy, so I think that you should stick with it for now and hopefully things will work out in the future. Maybe suggest that the two of you start off fresh, and insist that communication is a must and he should point out right away when something you say or do offends him so you can fix this before the problem grows out of hand.
  11. It sounds to me like the real problem is communication. When your girlfriend gets back from her business trip, sit down and talk with her about everything that's been bothering you. Explain that she's been driving you away, whether it's intentional or not. Let her know that you still love her, but if things don't get any it would probably be best for the relationship to come to an end so that you can be happy again. I think that for the moment, what you're feeling for this girl in your class just may be infatuation, and an intense longing for your girlfriend to return to her normal self. If you really want to make things work between you and your girlfriend, perhaps it would be better for you to not spend so much time with this new girl, as the temptation may be too hard for you to resist. In the end, things might not work out with your current relationship, and if this is the case, go ahead and make your move on the new girl if you still feel the same way about her. However, if things go back into full swing and your girlfriend and you are once again very happy, then pursuing a friendship with the other girl shouldn't be a problem, as long as you make sure it doesn't lead to anything.
  12. I don't think you should worry too much about the situation, afterall, according to you he has been busy with school etc...Since he hasn't replied to your other emails, I don't suggest you write anymore until you get a reply. Give it some time, and if he still continues to ignore you, he isn't worth your friendship.
  13. If you can pleasure her using your mouth and hands, I'm sure you can give her much pleasure from sex. First times aren't exactly the greatest of experiences for some people, because quite often it DOES hurt a lot for the girl. There really isn't any way to avoid this, but you can help minimize the pain by starting off really nice and slow and asking her to tell you when she's ready for it to be more intense. If you know your girlfriend isn't the most lubricated no matter how excited she is, maybe you should look into buying a lubricant. The wetter she is, the easier it is, and most of the time, the less it hurts. I don't think it's wise for you two to only use a condom, so you should definitely determine a method of birth control beforehand. The pill is pretty darn safe, with the only method being safer (as far as I know) is the birth control shot called Depo Provera. The shot is given 4 times a year, and it gets rid of the hassle of the pill. The added bonus is there's much less of a chance of her parents' finding out (I'm gonna assume here that you're she's not gonna come out and tell her parents that she's sexually active at the age of 16) In conclusion, just go with the flow and try not to be too nervous (because that may cause some complications... Start off with some foreplay, and gradually move into it.
  14. Wow...that's very well-written, and extremely powerful! Keep up the great writing! =D>
  15. Have you tried an online dating site? I've never used one myself, but from what I gather quite a few relationships are blooming because of them. If you're interested, you might as well give it a shot...Afterall, what do you have to lose? O
  16. Hmm, it sounds to me like you're trying to buy him back by bribing him with things you know he loves. Look sweetheart, I adore the show Friends, and I certainly watched the finale, but you have to realise that TV and movies are very different from real life. I understand your pain and that you're longing to be with him, but I really don't think you should do any of those things. What was the reason for the break-up? I think that for now, you should keep things "light and airy." You don't wanna jump back into things only to set yourself up for another heartbreak.
  17. Before I begin, I'd like to welcome you to enotalone. I look forward to seeing you around! Now about your current situation...It sounds to me like your ex-girlfriend is rather confused at the moment. You seem to be pretty sure it's not because of another guy, and since I don't know her I can't say for sure what's causing this. But I do know this: You need to give her some time. I don't think she knows what she wants, and as hard as this is going to be on you since you care deeply for her, you must give her the space that she's looking for. If you feel up to, try to salvage a friendship out of this, but it may be too hard for you at first since you're in a lot of pain right now because of the break-up. I sincerely hope the two of you can get back together in the future if it'll make you both happy, but you cannot count on that to happen. As best as you can you must try to get on with your life right now. I'm sure you don't want to be hearing this, but it's true, there are many fish in the sea! Most of all, remember we are all here to help you out and support you, so please stay in touch. Things will work out for the best in the end.
  18. I see, that's understandable. Have you two been in contact since then?
  19. Before making your decision you must be certain that you truly wish to become romantically involved with her, and not just because you're lonely. Once you have established that and are convinced that the two of you could make a great couple, suggest moving things to the next level, but make sure to never let go of your wonderful friendship no matter what happens in the future.
  20. If you really love her I suggest that you do not interfere with her current relationship with her boyfriend. I would not over-analyse the whole sweater wearing thing because, quite frankly, it really isn't a big deal. Sadly, she may just view you as a brother figure and given you the wrong idea. It just seems to me that if she were in love with you she would not be with her boyfriend, and there would be much more definite signs of her affection. Do not let this get you down though, things will work out for the best! Continue to be friends with her, and if something happens, it happens. Just go with the flow.
  21. I don't think you should worry too much about this, especially since it doesn't sound like this happens very often. The child was probably in a bad mood to begin with and took her frustration out on you (As people often do) I suggest that you continue babysitting for her, and if a repeat of today's episode occurs talk to her mother about it, she probably has a much better idea of what is going on with the little girl. Try not to take it personally though, chances are she didn't mean anything of it and it was nothing but a silly tantrum. Kids will be kids!
  22. It sounds to me like your ex-girlfriend is confused and doesn't know what she wants. It would be unfair of her to drag you into this, and so perhaps taking a break from one another isn't such a bad idea. Why is it that you didn't want her to go to this party? As odd as this may sound, if she was feeling the need to get away a little bit and think things over, your unwillingness to allow her to go out may have provoked her to want to go out even more. Whichever the case, the party may have caused her to miss the single life and this is why she is feeling uncertain about her relationship with you. Perhaps she isn't ready to settle down completely and has realised she prefers casual dating to a serious relationship. I know this must be hard for you to hear since you're in love with her, but you must give her time to set herself straight. In the mean time, try not to wallow and become depressed. Go out with your friends, find a new hobby, just keep yourself busy. Most of all, wait for her to contact you first. If time goes by and you still haven't heard a word from her, I suggest you try your best to get over her. Afterall, you can't be expected to wait for her forever! Try to cheer up a little and focus on all the good things in your life. Rest assured, in the end things will work out for the best. Take care!
  23. I suggest you let this girl know how you feel even if it means going out on a limb. If not, you will probably regret it later on and often wonder what might have been. If she feels the same way and agrees to take the relationship to the next level, that's wonderful and I wish you much luck. However, if it turns out that she views you as just a friend and wishes to remain that way, make it clear that you hope you can put the incident behind you guys and continue your friendship. It may be hard for you at first, so if necessary, give yourself some time to allow your feelings for her to cool down a little.
  24. I think that you should confront your fiancee about the great amount of porn he has. Let him know how much it bothers you, and ask him why it is that he's not more keen to be interact with you (a real woman in the flesh). It is obviously hurting you a great deal, so I don't think you should just ignore it, because chances are it'll keeping nawing at the back of your mind until it drives you nuts. And one more thing..Do NOT think that you're unattractive, I am sure this isn't the case. If your boyfriend thought so he wouldn't be with you in the first place. And afterall, the majority of men look at some kind of porn, even if they are in a happy and fulfilling relationship.
  25. Being friends with her does seem like it could work out, but she could still needs some time. Perhaps she really took your "seem kinda lonely" comment to heart and believes you view her as a loner, and for this reason she is trying to interact with new people. However, I don't think that you should assume that she's "faking" her interest in these people. I know you probably feel that you have done nothing wrong, and I am not disagreeing with that, but it seems to me like you have hurt her feelings (even though it was unintentional) and if you want to keep your friendship, apologizing and letting her know what you meant by it might be a good deal. If you don't feel as if you should have to do this, give her some time to cool off and be with new people. Eventually, if the two of you are meant to be friends, it'll happen.
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