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  1. look, I don't want you to think that I take this all lightly. I still deal with it everyday. Every day I have a long talk with God about it. I keep asking him to lead me in the direction that I should go, and to give me the courage to do what he asks of me, and here I am still. I don't just sit around and try to find ways to rationalize my actions. I take responsibility for them. I used to think so much like you do right now. Nomatter what anyone said, I had a comeback. guess what, you can do it forever, go back and forth, back and forth. but at the end of the day, you have a decison to make. Also, I don't know what God's schedual is, noone does. That is a good way of putting it though, i like that. But i do think that it is very possible that it could be our generation. My dad and i were just talking about it the other night actually. When we sin, and do wrong. we have this thing inside us that sets off this red flag that says "this is wrong". Sometimes we stop, but sometimes we continue, but always we know it is wrong and terrible. We have a built in sense of right and wrong. Ask yourself, if qhen you are with your girlfriend do you truly get that red flag, or is it years of being brought up to believe it was wrong. In your heart, if none ever told you either way,do you feel like it is wrong.
  2. about corinthians. I believe in the bible and its contents, but I believe that yes it is te word of God, but some may have been distorted by man. Also, that verse describes something that almost everyone on earth has been at some point in their lives. "Whoever believeth in me shall not perish, but have eternal life." I believe.
  3. I'm not sure about the raping the angels thing? But that is another thing that suggests that all gays sleep around and are evil and commit grotesque sexual crimes. All gays are not like that. There area large numer of us that are normal peoeple who get up and go to work everyday. Also, Satan tempts us to do evil and to sin, not to love. Pure and true love of someone I've come to believe is never ever evil. Look, I've been where you are, and right now you're in the stage where you're coming up with every contradiction and doing everything in your power to pass this "test". we are supposed to serve God, give up everything for him, But how are we supposed to know what his will for us is. Mabey you are being led in this direction for a reason, but mabey you are right, and it is a test. Everything is how you inturrpret it. Ultimately you have to make a decision that is what you believe to be right. But I prmise, it will get better, and I pray that you find peace with yourself. How does your gf feel about it?? how long have you been together?
  4. Hi, I was raised in a very religious family. I am a Christian. I believe in Christ our savior. I fall short more often than I should, but I believe, and I try to do what is right, though I sometimes fail. When I was in Highschool I had a normal life, I considered myself straight, and had lived a straight life. The thought of being "gay" had crossed my mind before, but I always fought it. I dissmised it, becasue I was afraid. I didn't want to disappoint God and ruin my eternity. Then I met this girl. We were friends for more than a year before nything happened. then I fell in love with her. I couldn't help myself. Everything with her just felt so right. One night we both gave in. It was one of the most beautiful expieriences of my life. But that night I cried myself to sleep. I got on my knees and begged for forgiveness for what i had done. But despite how I tried to fight it, it happened again, and again. 5 years later, we are still together, and still in love. We are both getting ready to graduate college. We have lived together for 2 years. I lived with the fear and guilt of being damed to hell for so long. It is the worst feeling. My guilt is still not completetly gone, but it does get better. I can' tell you that I'm positive that I'm not worng, but here's how i look at it now. I used to see it as a handicap, a test in life that I was to overcome, but failed. But I read a letter this minister wrote about it once. It said that love, not lust, is pure and good in any form it comes in. God is love, and for some reason I am supposed to love this woman. I believe that God loves me, and i believe that he does test us, but he doesn't set us up to fail. And no matter how I fought it, i couldn't stop it. God created me, and for some reason that I still do not know, this is how I turned out. Everything happens for a reason,that i know is true. I still consider myself to be a straight woman, I am only physically attracted to men, my girlfriend is the only exception. She is the only person I have ever slept with, we have a commited monogomous relationship, and still practice our religious beliefs. What is sooo wrong about that? I used to be so antigay, and then it happened t me. Whether it is right or wrong, I can't say for sure, i still struggle with it daily, but I just keep remembering what I told you, and I look at my girlfirned and the life we've built together, and I remember that it is worth it to me. Sorry to ramble on, I hope this helped. I just ant you to know that i've been in your postition, and it will get better.
  5. Hi Evelyn. first iof all let me jsut say that you are a terrific mom. Your daughter trusts you so much that she can be that open with, and you are so accepting. Not being judgemental is the greatest gift you can ever give her. having accepting parents is winning half the battle for a gay/bi individual. To answer you question. My entire life, all the way up through high school I dated guys. The thought of being gay never even crossed my mind. I was even very serious with one, and he was so good to me. Then I met Patti. She was so beautiful, I was just drawn to her. It was so confusing, I too thought that I was just mistaking a deep feeling of rfiendship for something else. But I wasn't. Four years later, after alot of heartache, going up against alot of "gay-bashers" who were once my friends, we are still together. To this day I can look at another girl and it would do nothing for me. I'm exclusively attracted to men, accept for her. I don't know what it is about her, But I absoleutly love her. I've come to the conclusion that for some reason that we may not be able to see or realize, some people just belong together. She may outgrow it. She may not. She may really love this girl. Just let her figure it out. Be there for her. It is such a scary time for her. Believe me I know. It is so much harder beign in a gay relationship, but if you find someone who you're ahppy with it, the ups are well worth the downs. You are right to worry about gay bashers. I wish I would have been more descreet when I was first finguring myself out. I butted heads with some horribly closed minded aggressive people. She is just so caught up in this new realtionship, she's not thinking about anytihng else, so keep reminding her of the danger that's out there. Sorry to babble on. Hopw this helped.
  6. Thanks everyone for your replies. You've given me a new way to look at the situation. It really helped me. Thanks
  7. Hi, My partner and I have been together for 5 years. Like all relationships we've had our up's and downs. We also live in the midwest so it puts alittle extra strain on the relationship. However, we are still truly in love with each other. Not the the infatutated kindof lusty love anymore, but the committed, respect, long term kind of love. We both work extremely long hours, but still manage to make time for us. A few months ago we bought a strap on, our first one we aren't real toy people, anyway, we both loved it. She's the Fu#ker, I'm the f#ckee, and I'm okay with that. But ever since we got it, that's the only way she'll do me. I like it, but sometimes i just want her, no toys. Also, the foreplay has been great, she gets really turned on like she always has, but I can't get her off. I try everything! It has NEVER EVER beena problem iwth either of us. So what's the deal????? At first it was no big deal casue I mean those things happen on occasion, but it's been like every time for a few months now. I end up haveing to do it with a vibrator. I try not to get angry, but she can sense it. I'm not mad at her, I know she thinks that, but I'm just mad at myself. I feel so inadeqaute, like i can't do my job right. Now when she's in the mood, I try to blow it off, and I know it hurts her feelings, but I just am afraid that I'll fail. I just don't get it, I know her body, we've been together for so long, I know what i'm dodin down there, but it just isn't working all of a sudden. I've even changesd it up. CAN someone PLEASE give me some advice. Also, It's not like I can talk to her about it, because she's just a quiet person, she isn't a big communicateor, esspecially about sexual issues. Also, I'm positive it's not a health problem if that is what anyone is thinking. I'm just concerned. We just came out of a really rough time in our relationship and I don't want this to damage the recovery proces. I absolutely love this woman with all my heart and soul. She's my rock, my best friend, she still amazes me everyday, and I have so much respect for her. I just want to make her happy. Thanks guys for listening to me ramble on
  8. Hey, thanks for the tip I'll try that. Any other suggestions?
  9. yes I have the means. I want a double one really bad too. Since she keeps backing out do you think that I should just buy one and bring it home to surprise her and leave no excuses?
  10. thanks for replying I don't think she would go for the dressing up though. she doesn't get too much into things like that. I want to use a strap on sooooo bad! she always says she wants one too and wants to do me with it, but when we go to buy one she always backs out?
  11. Hi. My gf and I have been together for 4 years now. We love each other, but our sex life is getting to hwere it sucks. We haven't had sex in like two months now and I am so horney it's unbelievable. Does anyone have any suggestions or some techniques about how to have great sex again. I just want to try something new, but I'm running out of ideas. We're not into the whole role playing thing. We finger, have oral, give massages, and etc. Please help, give me some good ideas! Some very exciting ones=)
  12. If you've seen my other topic, you'll know that my gf and I have been together for four years and have been friends for about ten. We've ben friends siince childhood, but beginning with ighschool, there has been so much sexuak tension between us you could cut it with a knife. One night my sophomore year wwe were out late one night just talking and it just exploded, we were all over each other. It was beautiful and the most passionate moment of my life. We have been together, but in the closet ever since. We've lived together for a year and a half now. She ia going to be a senior in college and I also have only one year left of culinary school. for the first three and a half years we were together things were fantastic, we are so inlove. the real kind of love you know, we see each others shortcomings and have accepted them. We are truly in love, not lust, and were preparing for the long haul, so I thought. This summer We are both moving back in with our parents. not breaking up, but just because we are noth doing internships in our hometown, our lease is up on the apartment, and we are trying to save money to possibly put a down payment on a house, since we both have great job offers. However, the past three or four months she has been sort of impersonal and cold. Not mean, she just seems like she doesn't care whther or not she sees me or not sometimes. We both work unbearable hours so we don't get to see each other more than an hour or so a day, so we used to make us time. set aside a few hours a week for just us to hang out and catch up. Now that has dissappeared. She always wants to do things with our group of friends, which is fine, but I hsven't talked to her or cuddled or spent time alone with her in 2 months. We ahven't had sex in two and a half months. she just sems so different. I don't know if she's preoccupied with work or there is someone else or what. But when I treat her the same way and act disinterested she is all over me. it's a power stuggle that goes back and forth and it's getting old. I love her and worship the ground she walks on and will for the rest of my life. she is such a wonderful woman she's my rock and my support. I don't want it to be over, but I need to feel loved and appreciated again. And I can't talk ot her, she isn't the confrontational type. she'll just blow me off. So the other night she was all over me, so I ask her to stay with me at my place. and she asys no! I ask why not and she says she has to be at work early. But I have to be at work at 5 in the morning sometimes and I would stay up with her or go out with her becasue I love her and wanted to see her. And when I told her this she asaid "well, I guess you're a better person than I am" What should I do. Can't go on in a relationship like this. should I stay or break it off?
  13. Thank u so much for posting that topic. I've done some things I'm not so proud of today and it helped me find my way back to the lord. When ever I find myself in times of doubr I read the word, but I also just look around me. How could all these people, the beautiful planet have been created by chance? Go outside tonight and look up at the stars. they are so beautiful. only God could have created somthing like that and we take it for granted so often. Ask Jesus to wlak beside you through life and just sit there silently and you can feel his presense. Good luck.
  14. I'm a bi female except I'm the same way! When I want great sex, I think of men, and I like men, however when it comes to a relationship, someone to share my life with I like women. It is very confusing and i understand what you're going through. If you are aprehensive about gay sex though, you's be surprised how many females like giving men anal pleasure using dildos fingers and what ont. I'm one of them, I think its very exciting. Alot of womne like it, but are afraid to admit it.
  15. Well, Rgiht now I'm thinking about ending a long relationship with my girlfriend, and I'm afraid it might be too soon. Hine sight is always 2020 you know. If you still aren't over her, then why not give it another try. time heals many things with out you even knowing it. why don;t you start out just being friends, fall in love all over again, start from the beggining. Just don't let yourself get hurt. keep the defenses up.
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