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Everything posted by Tinkerbell

  1. Because it's "gnawing" at you I definitely think that you should do something about it, but take caution not to open up old wounds. You've made it clear that writing letters and not sending them doesn't work, so perhaps it's time that you actually send it, but make sure not to give her the idea that you want to get back together again and that you've completely forgiven her for what she's done. It sounds to me like this girl owes you an apology, and maybe the only way you can let go is for her to give you one.
  2. I do not think it's a turn off at all! If you don't feel comfortable asking her to drive, you could always pay for a taxi or take public transportation. If she's really interested in you, she won't mind the slight inconvenience.
  3. What lisaria said sounds right. One of the side-effects of the pill is spotting, so this is probably why you're getting it. If you're experiencing too much discomfort, talk to your doctor about it.
  4. If you have oral sex it does NOT count as losing your virginity. I don't think there's a specific age that should be considered right (Okay, well to a certain extent, I certainly don't think 13 year olds should be sexually active). If the person is in love, whether they are 17 or 25, it seems perfectly fine and normal to me. Mind you, I'm saying all of this, but if I was a mother and I found out that my 16/17 year old daughter had lost her virginity, I would probably flip out...
  5. You should definitely introduce yourself if you want to pursue a relationship, because face it, you can't exactly get involved with a complete stranger! Don't be too pushy tho, just casually introduce yourself, and if you have a feeling you're going to clam up, maybe think about what you're going to say beforehand. Perhaps the two of you can become friends first and then eventually start dating, but you'll never know what might have been unless you talk to her. Good luck!
  6. Well that all depends on the situation. Have you guys remained friends? If yes, then it would be a kind gesture for you to get her a card (nothing lovey-dovey though) and maybe even a small gift if you'd like.
  7. Lady Speed Stick is a good deodorant, and as for acne washes, try Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash or Spectrogel.
  8. I think that dividing your time amongst the people you care about is not the least bit wrong. When some girls find a boyfriend, they often neglect their friends, but your way of going about this is actually preventing that from happening. I think that you need to have a serious talk with the two friends who are having a problem accepting the fact that you can't always be with them. You have to make them see that they cannot be selfish and hog you all the time. Point out that if they really care about you, they'll realise that your boyfriend makes you happy and that you deserve to be happy, and that they should not try to stand in your way because of their own egotistical desires.
  9. Of course, it is very possible that she still has feelings for you. Often, when you share your heart completely with someone, you continue to care for them for the rest of your life. Strong emotions do not just disappear overnight. I cannot say why she is with this man, and perhaps she may realise that she has made a mistake and does not wish to continue a relationship with him. It really is impossible for me to tell exactly what she is feeling right now, and you may only find out later on. For the meantime, make the most of the time you spend together, and do not wait around for her forever; if you find someone else, do not hesitate: You deserve to be happy.
  10. It's true that continuing to develop a friendship may result in another romantic relationship in the future, but what you have to realise now is that despite the fact that she may miss you because of a CD, she is currently involved with someone else, and it wouldn't be fair to that guy or her if you interfered. Just keep playing it cool like you're doing, and try not to expect too much out of the friendship. Don't set your hopes too high as you're bound to get hurt if you're expecting romance and only end up with a friendship.
  11. Hmm, I'm not quite sure I understand why it is you'd even LIKE to have him as a friend. By the sounds of it, you're pretty repulsed by him, and you certainly don't trust him, so why not just stay acquaintances?
  12. I guess it's natural to feel nervous, but there really isn't a logical reason to be. If your boyfriend cares about you, he'll respect the fact that you're less experienced and might want to take it slow. However, does he know all of this? Have you let him know that he's your first? That would probably be a good idea, because I strongly doubt he's a mindreader Just let him know that you don't have much experience and that is why you reacted kinda funny at the dance when he kissed you. Insist that it had nothing to do with him, because you're very attracted to him and would love for him to kiss you again, but you just felt a little nervous. Next time he kisses you, try not to think so much about what you're doing, just let yourself go in the moment.
  13. Sorry to break it to you, but you cannot TEACH a person how to kiss well, it's something that comes from experience. However, I can give you some tips... You don't just want to jump right into it and startle her, in case she's not in the mood. So maybe start off by gently playing with her hair, caressing her cheek, and so on. If you get a good reaction out of her, just lean in and kiss her! Start off nice and slow, and maybe add a little tongue, but don't shove it in because you might choke her. The key is to be relaxed and go with the flow. If you guys haven't really done any touching yet, you can rest your arms around her neck or her waist. However, if you have, slowly (I repeat SLOWLY) begin to add that in with the kissing. Try not to worry about it too much, because tension may cause your lips to freeze and may result in a not-so-good kiss. Just go with the flow and everything will be fine. Good luck!
  14. Oh, and one more thing, here are the facts you were looking for: Average soft (flaccid) penis length = 3.3 inches (8.4 cm) Average erect length = 5.9 inches (15.0 cm). For men with a foreskin, this measurement is taken with the foreskin held back. Average erect shaft girth (circumference) = 4.9 inches (12.4 cm)
  15. From what I gather, size really doesn't matter, as long as the guy has an idea of what he's doing. Besides, men can pleasure females in a large variety of ways, without even using their penis. As they say "It's not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean!"
  16. Wow. Thank you for that, it really is beautiful! I happen to enjoy the Chicken Soup books quite a bit myself!
  17. The dirty jokes depend on the female, some have a wide range when it comes to their sense of humor, others don't. If you're unsure, don't start off with anything TOO dirty, and if you get a bad reaction out of it than don't do it again. I'm very comfortable talking about "female manners" (menustration, etc..) but some girls aren't. It's probably best if you wait for her to bring it up... And questions about her undergarments? I don't know, it depends on how well you know the girl, because your inquisition about her bras & underwear may be taken as disrespect. As for the random kiss out of nowhere, I don't suggest you do this unless you're POSITIVE that the girl feels the same way, if not, you may end up with a bruised eye... [-X
  18. Your thoughts of the day, or poetry if you wish, was well-written, creative, and an enjoyable read. Continue to share with us!
  19. Well, I really cannot do much to help you because you must know which you'd like to pursue as a career. If you're worried that you may have trouble getting sufficient real estate education, go to your guidance or career counsellor at school and have him/her give you information on different instituitions in the area. Try not to worry about it too much, you're still young, and although you may not know today what to continuing studying, you will know eventually. Just ask yourself which you can see yourself doing for the rest of your life, which will make you happier. And then go with that one. Besides, if it turns out you realise later you've made the wrong decision, you can always switch and go back to school!
  20. I agree with Lobster, her email proves that she has been thinking about you, even if it isn't in a romantic way. What might help you is an interesting post that myJoy made, titled Strategy for Getting Back Together w/ Your Ex. If you have the chance, take a look at it: link removed
  21. I hope everything works out for the best for you, I don't know the whole story of your relationship and break-up, but it is very possible that you can make things work again. However, I do not agree that you should wait for her (Remember, this is just my opinion..) as you're so young and you shouldn't put your life on hold for anyone. If it turns out that she doesn't want to get back together at the time, try your best to move on and meet other people, and if something happens, it happens. Best of luck!
  22. Oh, well in that case, I don't think there's a need for you to ask permission. Just ask the girl out, and if she says she thinks her parents will have a problem with it, THEN you can go talk to them.
  23. Alright...But remember, if ever things get worse and you need someone to talk to, we're all here for you. Take care!
  24. That was nicely written, keep up the good work. =D>
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