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  1. My girlfriend and I have been dating for a little over a year now and apparently something has changed for her. I have fallen in love over the past 14 months, but it seems as if that has scared her off a little bit. I know that no relationship is perfect, but I thought our relationship was going great. My girlfriend told me that she just didn't feel that spark and had lost her sex drive in the past few weeks. We spent a few days apart to sort of re-evaluate our relationship and see if there were things that we might could change to bring her back closer to where I am emotionally. We talked last night and we both had a lot of the same ideas, and we came up with things that we could do together that might spark a few emotions between us. I want to think that everything will work out for us, but I can't help but think that she will inevitably leave me because she feels alone. Does anyone have any ideas of how to make her fall in love with me all over again? Any help is appreciated, ACMoseley
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