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  1. Hang in there I also recommend "Don't Call That Man" by Rhonda Findling, she has a website as well which has a lot of info. I think it's link removed. Onwards and upwards, my dear!
  2. It sounds normal to me ... the natural vaginal secretions do smell different to soap and water ... about an hour after showering, you would expect that you would start to smell normal again
  3. Lisaria, you have some excellent advice here. I just wanted to chime in and say that I, too, understand how you feel. I have no idea why some people behave in that way. It has happened to me, when my de facto boyfriend and I broke up. He said he would call me at the end of that week, but that was back in 1996 and I never heard from him! You are doing the right thing in getting on with your life. I know it's really hard. Sometimes you just have to make your own closure. Right now I've just broken up with someone and I am going through the whole thing of expecting to have email from him and so on. I don't know how long it will take for it to stop, but I'm just going to ride it out. You can do it too.
  4. I have to say that I agree with Avman. Your relationship with your daughter has nothing to do with your relationship with your girlfriend, and you need to be able to look at it separately. Won't *you* miss your daughter if you don't see her for a month? How do you think a two-year-old would feel if her daddy just disappeared for so long? I don't mean to sound harsh, but I think you really need to get your priorities straight. Your daughter really does need to come first.
  5. Thanks for the reply, Tinkerbell! I will take your advice and mention things to my friend, and see what she says (I'm too nervous to ask her to see what he thinks, and she knows him very well so she will have an idea of the best way to approach things.) It's hilarious how nervous I feel - thought I was too old for this! Crushes are fun though
  6. I feel silly posting this, but hey, this is the place to ask! I'm in my early thirties and have been more or less single for a few years. A few months ago I met a guy that I'm very attracted to - he's a friend of a friend of mine. I've seen him a few times since then but we've never talked one-on-one - but I have a major crush happening! I'm not sure what to do to take things further, as I am unlikely to get a chance to talk to him privately - he's in a band so when I do see him, he's surrounded by other people and I feel too shy to approach him. I've thought that I've caught him looking at me a couple of times but maybe that was just wishful thinking! Now I'm not sure what to do next - should I come clean to our mutual friend that I have a crush on him and see what she suggests, or should I approach him at the next gig and talk about ... what? Please help! Thanks!
  7. I am 100% with dsikkema on this one - ask her for coffee! It doesn't have to be a big deal - just smile and say, "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go for coffee sometime next week?" She is sure to say yes - it's hardly a threatening request. Then you can either get her contact details (if you don't have them already), or choose a day and time then and there. Go for it! Please let us know how you get on
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