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Everything posted by musicguy

  1. aznboy88, just be there for her. She's going thru some stuff right now and the best thing for you to do to show her that you care is to listen to her.
  2. Phoenix_girl, I'm sorry to hear what you have been through. I did a lot of research on my own about girls/women who have been sexually abused or raped because one of my close friend's was attacked last month. My advice is continue to go to a therapist, it's going to take a long time to get over you have been thru, it may take month,s it may take years. I've also learned that having a good support system helps the healing process. You have been through a lot and time heals. If you want someone to talk to you can PM me anytime that you want to. Musicguy
  3. I've seen this topic on here quite a bit. Guys are visual. It's not we are gonna have sex with the girls in the movies.
  4. I'd have to say any female musician really attracts me. (Michelle Branch, Jewel, Lillix, Kittie, Lucy Woodward...to name a few) Any girl who's attractive, sweet, caring, honest and respectful and loves me for me.
  5. I didn't know whether this topic should be posted on the Breaking Up area. Anyway, I've seen a lot of posts where couples have been in relationships over a year or two, even more and have broken up, feel depressed and I feel their pain. I've read the posts and many questions have come up about love and relationships. I'm happy for those in a long term relationship and are doing great. Here are a few of those questions. 1. Are people just not wanting to be commited to one another anymore? 2. Is it that people just don't trust each other anymore? 3. What makes long term relationships work?
  6. musicguy

    Plz help me

    Why do you want to make girls jealous anyway?
  7. I'm 24 and I've dated younger girls and let me tell you things can change and feelings can change esp when you are a teen. Treat it as a friendship and wait until she's of age. I've gotten crap from a lot of younger girls parents cuz they didn't approve of my age and it doesn't matter. Just be careful.
  8. sorry to hear about your break up. I'm going thru what you are going thru more or less. I told my ex that I didn't want to talk to her ever again. I'm sure that it'll be easier on both of you, it's really up to you though and your feelings.
  9. CustomX..I'm right there with you on the depression part and I know how ya feel cuz I'm thinking just like you right now
  10. hurtandlonely: I'm in the same boat as you are. My ex-fiance of one and a half years broke up with me last Thursday, I thought that she loved me too, she lied and cheated on me too, so I can feel your pain. I'm trying to get over and cope with my breakup at the moment too.
  11. I have exactly 3 weeks and 2 days until I leave college for my internship., then after my internship I graduate. I started July 21st and I'm closer to my final days as a college student. I feel that it's been a long, hard road to get where I am today and thanks to my best friend back home who got me to be where I am right now. My parents have been supportive of me as well. I just can't believe it really. I'm 24 years old, 6 years ago I left high school knowing what I wanted to do. *To all or any of you who have a particular goal in mind whether it's about your life or career, go for it!!! You'll be glad that you did, cuz everything all pays off in the end.* Musicguy
  12. If he's disrespecting you to make himself better or because he wants to be a "badass" or a "thug" dump him, honestly, he's not worth your time.
  13. As I posted here earlier about my ex fiance cheating on me. I'on on day 3 of my depression, I just feel numb and empty. I have over 3 weeks of college and this could have happened anytime else except on a major point in my life. I haven't been eating too good, I feel sick, it's hard to sleep, it's hard to concentrate on things and I cry sometimes too. I keep on thinkin of how angry I am at her, how hurt I feel, how much I want to see her suffer. I want to cut again like I did Thursday night when I talked to her. I have so many things happening in the next 3 weeks until I leave for my internship, then there's the internship. I can't be all depressed at my internship, not focus there could mean losing my internship and not graduating college. I'm trying to be strong, but it's not working too well. Yeah I hate her and don't want to talk to her anymore, but the deception and the heartless emotion that she had in her heart telling me she loved me, when she didn't or else it wasn't enough for her. I sent her flowers, bears and cards, not only on special occasions, but out of the blue. I gave her 200% of my heart. She sent me letters last week telling me she wanted to be with me, wanted to marry me, have kids with me etc. and now all of that is down the drain. *poof* all vanished! She gave me excuse after excuse of why we should break up, didn't even say she was sorry at all. Heartless, emotionless...left me pretty much dead. As I sit here I am crying and my heart is heavy. I was supposed to hang with friends to watch the Super Bowl, they never called. I can't trust anybody anymore. Thanks for reading this. *tears* Musicguy
  14. Thanks. She's not worth my time and effort anymore, she hurt me, lied to me and played with my emotions.
  15. I'll be honest with you, my fiance just broke up with me last week because we had communication problems in my ldr. As long as both of you want to make things work out in the communication dept. then do it and if ti doesn't change, then expect things to go downhill. Good luck and keep the communication open and often. Musicguy
  16. I just got cheated on....at this point it's really hard for me to trust anyone now.
  17. brandon500_us, I know what you are going thru because my fiance just called me up last Thursday to break up with me AND to tell me that she cheated on me. I know the pain that you are going through. The thing that I told my ex is that I wasn't going to talk to her ever again and IF she were to ever have the heart to call me back and wanted me back, I'd just tell her that she lost her chance and I'm not going to go back with her. I'm NEVER going back out with a cheater. I guess the only thing that we have to do is let time heal. I'm on day 3 of my depression.
  18. Morpheus_67: I've been around the porn industry for 2 years, in fact a friend of mine is in the industry. The porn business is one of the most profitable businesses in the market today. There are billions of dollars made on websites, VHS, DVD's and magazines. It's a worldwide business too. The reason why they have "dirty, old men" on a lot of the movie,s is because when a male is watching a movie they are more focused on the girl than they are the guy. I don't know where you are from but generalizing American women by stating "are you really that cheap?", then stating "Where is your American society heading?" really got me upset, because you have the wrong idea about American women. The adult industry is a job like any other job out there, it's not exactly the prettiest of jobs, but it does pay you a lot of money (atleast for the women). Ballpark figure I think is about $200-500 dollars a scene (from what my friend said). It's not glamorous and I'm sure that most of the girls in porn aren't reallty enjoying what they do, but some do like it. A number of them are found on the streets or in stripclubs. I'd take back your statement about America and American women. Musicguy
  19. So Megan called me last night to tell me that she wanted to break up with me because of the distance factor and the fact that we weren't communicating a lot, she also told me that she cheated on me on Sunday, because we hadn't officially been broken up until last night. I'm really hurt by this, she lied to me, played with my heart, I gave her roses, bears and cards, she gave me nothing. I can't believe I was fooled for a year thinking that she really wanted to be with me. I told her that I didn't want to talk to her anymore and she hung up. I'm so angry, I'm hurt and depressed. Trust is now gone when it comes to love. Musicguy
  20. I know how it feels. I feel the same way sometimes. As john one says, you chicken out because there is a part of you that wants to live. I normally think to myself "oh I'm gonna kill myself cuz no one will care" In fact I was just in that phase last Monday, but I didn't wanna die. I have too much going on for me in the future. Think positively and you will be positive, it's not gonna be an overnight thing, it's gonna take awhile. People do care about you, even if you don't think that they do. If your mom and dad hit you, maybe you should talk to someone about that. As for having a bf, being in a relationship doesn't always make a person happy, it's you that has to make you happy before you can make another person happy. Smile, love yourself and live your life. People love and care for you. Musicguy
  21. It really depends on both of you. If you 2 feel that you are ready, then get engaged, if you aren't then you aren't. There really is no time limit on when you want to get engaged, just like there is no time limit on marriage either. If both of you plan on getting engaged after you graduate college, I'd say go for it!!! Good luck and congrats when you 2 get engaged in the future. Musicguy
  22. Penis size shouldn't matter at all. I'm under the average size..maybe even a little under the average size, but it does the job...lol
  23. The_Loner_Warrior Dude, I've been down that road before, I know exactly how you feel. Do you know who would care if you are gone, all of us at Enotalone would care. It sucks that your family and friends don't understand what you are going thru. Focus on your karate. My parent's told me to take the martial arts route, but I refused to, so I did the therapy route and it helped me. Try to find a counselor to talk to close to where you live. Things will be better for you, trust me. A warrior is strong and brave and you ARE a warrior. Musicguy
  24. when I break up with someone I listen to Adema's "Rip The Heart Out of Me" any Linkin Park or Good Charlotte song, when I'm in love or happy I listen to a lot of Nsync, BSB and pop music. Musicguy
  25. sad_n_kunfuzed, Welcome to enotalone. Sorry about what happened to you. You were right in being honest with him about your rape. I don't know why he said that you and he aren't going to work out, that's pretty dumb of him to say, especially when you opened up to him about something traumatic that happened to you. My girl was raped 4 months ago and I've been supportive of her recovery ever since it happened. It's hard for some people to understand and deal with someone who's been raped. It can be a lot to think about and sometimes difficult to help someone whos been in a traumatic situation. Maybe he didn't know how to handle the situation..anyway, I hope that you find someone who will be there for you thru thick and thin. Good luck and PM me if you need anything. Musicguy
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