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Everything posted by musicguy

  1. my fiancee and I are still in school, it's an LDR and we are both graduating school in 8 months. She said that she was going to a FB game and that's all good and everything, but I got to talk to her for 15 mins before she had to go. Now her and I talk maybe at most once a week or once every 2 weeks on the phone. (both of us get busy with school). but in my books a good communication line is one of the impt. keys in any relationship cuz you can't read minds. Whenever I'm on the phone with her and she gets another call, she usually gets it and, leaves me hanging on the other end for a bit and sometimes says that she's gotta go or that she'll call me later and it never happens. I want her to have fun in school and hang with her friends but it seems like I seem to get pushed aside a lil bit. What should I do? should I just let this be the way it is? and what can I do to get the attention that I need from her?? musicguy
  2. I've tried personals ads and I've met some cool people, but a lot of them are either liars or just plain psycho.
  3. okay for one thing..what you said about this girl bein the girl of your life, esp at 14. Dude, you are young, have fun while you are at it. I'm 24, sure I found the girl of my life and I'm gonna marry her soon, but live it up as a teen. I remember at 14 I had no idea what love is/was, even people today at my age or older find it hard to find love. High school relationships are a lot different than "adult" relationships. If you're relationship isn't meant to be then it's not meant to be. You have good intentions, just go with the flow for now, but there are many fish in the sea..go fishing!! like the other replies state "if it works, it works, if it doesn't, it doesn't" musicguy
  4. Clueless, I was on the opposite end of the spectrum when I was in school, but it's good that you shared it through your eyes, because a lot of people perceive the "popular" crowd to be hassle free, when it isn't. Every "click" in school has their issues. musicguy
  5. go into any chatroom, I don't think that there is a certain chatroom that won't let you talk in it. As for cybersex in a chatroom..are u serious?? not doggin on people who have cybersex, but cybersex to me is pretty lame, but that's my opinion
  6. I so feel your pain. I felt the same way you did 3 years ago and even longer. All of my friend's had girlfriends and I was the only one without one, but now I have a significant other. It just takes some time. Relationships aren't perfect nor is life. Good things come to those who wait. musicguy
  7. princesslizzie, I'm in the same boat you are. I just moved to college from out of state and I've felt alone here, but my buddies and I try to go out and hang downtown (did that tonight) find some clubs or college activities that let you mingle with other students. I do a lot of studying myslef cuz I'm in the 2nd toughest industry (the music industry) and I have to find someway to relax and chill outside of the studio. Good luck and have fun while you are at college. musicguy
  8. I was in the same boat that we were in when I first had sex, I too was afraid because my first gf had more experience than I did, but in the long run, it helped me sexually in the long run. I'll be honest with you, even today if I dated a girl that had more experience than I was, I felt like crap...but my fiancee is a virgin and now it's my turn to be the teacher. Don't feel uncomfortable, make your first time a learning experience, esp. if it's with someone you like. Musicguy
  9. I agree wtih everyone else. I too have this prob. getting into severe depression and I had an episode just like this 3 weeks ago. I wanted to kill myself, end my college career, my dreams, eventually if I did kill myself then I would have ended a relationship with my family, friends and my fiancee. Keep your head up and think positive, good things come to those who wait. musicguy
  10. I agree with |OCS|Virus and enadevoli. I'm a shy guy and I open up a lot when I get online, but ask him questions that would pertain to what his likes and dislikes are.
  11. I have a co-worker back home in the same situation and I've talked to her about this subject a lot. Drag him to the clubs with you or play some sports with him I guess. I find it kind of dumb he he doesn't want to be in a relationship and yet be in a relationship. This isn't in anyway your fault that he's always going outta the house and to other people's houses, that's basically his choice. As much as you try to make him change, he probably won't because the only person that can change is him. I find it very saddening that he doesn't even want to spend any quality time with the one he loves, pretty much makes you feel abandoned and unimportant to him. Anyway just keep on doing what you are doing to try to spend some time with him and if nothing works then either you need to set an ultimatum down or break it off with him if he's not even appreciative of the time spent with you or if he just wants to do his own thing. Good luck to you and I hope that you can work through this. Musicguy
  12. I've been in this situation before and the only thing that you have to do is trust her on this. I'm sure that there is some sort of pressure on her too. Unfortuantely you have to be patient and go with the flow. I had this same situation with my fiancee back in June and she made her decision to be with me and we are still together now. Good luck to you and I hope that she makes the right decision for herself. musicguy
  13. Lol. Well done simply complicated. Basically do what was stated above. It's really not that hard to get ur significant other to get all "hot and bothered" to end up leading into intimacy. (unless she's not ready) then that's a diff. story.
  14. I'm actually from Ames, Iowa, so just chill with your folks until ur 18...sure living with your parents sucks, but you just gotta do what you gotta do until your 18...besides it's worth the wait, then you can have the freedom of gettin laid all that you want.
  15. I'm in the same situation with my gf who's a senior in high school and I'm 24 yrs old. Her parent's don't really know about me and she's kinda afraid to tell them and she's hinted to her mom about me (from what she says) and I do tell her mom about me, so her mom knows a little about me. So try to talk to your parents about inviting him over to dinner or some place to get to know him better.
  16. I'm in the same situation with my gf who's a senior in high school and I'm 24 yrs old. Her parent's don't really know about me and she's kinda afraid to tell them and she's hinted to her mom about me (from what she says) and I do tell her mom about me, so her mom knows a little about me. So try to talk to your parents about inviting him over to dinner or some place to get to know him better.
  17. I'm in the same situation with my gf who's a senior in high school and I'm 24 yrs old. Her parent's don't really know about me and she's kinda afraid to tell them and she's hinted to her mom about me (from what she says) and I do tell her mom about me, so her mom knows a little about me. So try to talk to your parents about inviting him over to dinner or some place to get to know him better.
  18. I say I love you to my gf all the time and I mean it to the full extent
  19. I didn't have my first kiss or date until I was 19, now I'm 24, just take your time and if there's a girl that you like, ask her out.
  20. Dude, I'm 24 and I'm shorter than a lot of girls my age, even guys my age, I can't complain, sure I was that I was taller, but I can't really change that. You still have a lot of growing to do, who knows, maybe in 2 years you'll be a lot taller and if not, then you'll have to deal with your height.
  21. Failed 3 tests this week I'm going to school to be an audio engineer amd I failed 3 crucial tests that need to get me farther in my learning career and I'm really super depressed about this, because it's something that I wanna do for a living...but I feel like quitting or killing myself. I already cut myself 2 weeks ago. musicguy
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