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Everything posted by musicguy

  1. I'm 24 years old, I have a tattoo and I've had piercings. I'm just curious as to why parents get upset if their son or daughter wants to get a piercing or a tattoo. I mean it's not like they are destroyng their body or anything. Sure, if the facility doesn't clean their needles well, then you can end up getting messed up, but not unless you do your research on the piercer/tattoo artist or facility. That's my take on that subject. Musicguy
  2. Ash's post stated things quite well. A simple way is to just get naked Musicguy
  3. If I see an attractive girl on TV I think she's hot and all, but I know I'm nver gonna get her. As a previous poster stated, it's eye candy. As for flirting with other girls, flirting is harmless, some people flirt with others and may not even know that they are doing it, some people flirt and are very aggresive with it being quite noticeable. Guys and girls have fantasies If you are bothered by this, talk to him about it. Musicguy
  4. CustomX, girls probably like you, it's you that's making you feel ugly. Love yourself and be happy with yourself before you love someone else and make someone else happy. Musicguy
  5. nturner99, I've been in your shoes before. In high school I was the nice guy that none of the girls dated. I was downed for Senior Prom because one of my friends asked my crush out before I asked her to the Prom, so I know where you are coming from. Don't give up man, just cuz you think that your dream girl has slipped away, doesn't mean that there is another dream girl right around the corner. Good luck and keep your head up. Musicguy
  6. I'm having a big communication with my significant other. I'm an open person with my feelings and I like to express my feelings towards my significant other from the heart. My partner isn't really open with me a lot and she tends to hide things from me. It's like pulling teeth when it comes to telling me what's on her mind. When she tells me "nothing" or "nevermind" it's like I'm left in the dark about how she's feeling about a certain situation. This bothers me because I'd like her to tell me what she's feeling so that if she has a problem, I can help her with it. She's been like this since I've met her, she's changed a little bit and is more comfortable opening up now, but she still hides things from me. Because I sometimes think "How can I marry someone who won't tell me things?" What should I do? Thanks. Musicguy
  7. as a published poet, I thought that your poem was really good. I felt every words that you said. Poems don't have to rhyme neccesarily, it's all what you feel when you write your poem. Good job. Keep up the good work. Musicguy
  8. Okay. So my fiance called me on Sunday last week and we talked for a long time, I told her that I was installing a sound system at a stripclub, she was okay with that. Well a day before X-mas Eve my friend (who installs sound systems for his job, I was his helper) went to the stripclub that night and relaxed..now I got a lil lapdance from one of the strippers, so, being my honest self I told my fiance about this and she told me that she was okay with it, to have fun before we get married. Now was she saying this because she didn't want to tell me how she REALLY felt or did she really think this was okay for me to do? I mean, I was on my X-mas vacation and my friend and I went out and had a boys night out. Was I wrong to tell her what I did or was I wrong to even go? I mean my friend didn't tell his girl he went to the stripclub. I felt that I did the right thing by being honest with her. Musicguy
  9. Anal sex is not "normal"sex, a lot of girls don't like it and some do. All I know is it's not a fantasy to have an anal sex with my girl, but, if she would want to try it, then that's her choice. Musicguy
  10. Welcome to enotalone PsychoPsilocybin. It's clear that she likes hanging around you. Just keep on being yourself and go with the flow. Girls signals are confusing and girls will say guys signals are confusing too. Good luck to you. Musicguy
  11. luvs 2 b luvd. I agree with a lot of the posters on here, cuz I felt exactly how you feel when I was in high school. It's good to be in a relationship, but just cuz someone or your friends are in a relationship doesn't mean that everything is always going well for them. I mean relatiionships are a lot to maintain. Love will find you, don't try to find love. Musicguy
  12. It's purly a fantasy thing, it's like us guys liking lesbians. Two hot girls together is hot.
  13. My gf took a home pregnancy test and it came out negative, then she went to the doc and she was told it was negative. I'm assuming that home pregnancy tests are accurate, as of how accurate they are, I don't know that for sure. Musicguy
  14. Okay. Let's hope your not pregnant, but if you are then Hope things go well for you Musicguy
  15. I'm not gonna go into my teens and sex (if you are a teen) speech again, but if you are definitely pregnant, then you have to accept the consequences of your actions and if he sticks around then good for him, but if he doesn't stick around then you'll have to raise a baby on your own, (with hte exception of your parents, if you still live with them). Musicguy
  16. Laura, love takes time, my friends used to tell me that you have to let love find you and not alway look for love. Love won't make you happy, you have to make you happy. Find the things that you like to do and you never know, your special guy might be next to you. So be patient. Musicguy
  17. marthasunny, I'm going itno the music industry and that career requires a lot of hours and hard work, so I know where you are coming from. That's why a lot of guys in my field are single, just cuz it's varied hour career. Musicguy
  18. I'm sorry that your dog bit you As VickiRose suggested try to see if you can take your dog to obedience school. I took my dog to dog school, he failed tho..lol (kept on playing with the other dogs). I know what it's like to put your pet to sleep. I lost my cat (put to sleep) my dog (sent away by animal control) I hope that you can get to keep your dog
  19. What's the difference between these two things? Musicguy
  20. sandra_b, you DO deserve much better. I'm sorry that you are going thru a lot right now and things will be better. Keep your head up. Welcome to enotalone too there are a bunch of great people on this site and they are all very helpful, caring and willing to help anyone in need. Keep us updated on your situation and keep on smiling
  21. Johnny, you being almost 21 and her being 16 is nothing to worry about at all. I'm in a relationship where my girl is younger than I am.
  22. SnowYs, it's good that you are comfortable telling people that you are bi. A lot of girls and even guys have a hard time telling others about it. As for you telling your best friend and her reacting the way she did, is normal.. a lot of people react that way. Just keep on talking to her. If she is really your friend she would accept you for who you are, your sexual preferences, etc. I'm heterosexual and I have gay friends and know bi-girls, but that doesn't stop me from being friends with them. Musicguy
  23. blondebabe22: Do not bite on his penis..no guy doesn't like to be bitten in the area. lick the shaft and the head of the penis. You can even play with his balls. You can even ask him what he likes. SnowY as for your question: ask her what she likes. lick/suck her clit, labia and if you want to, stick your tongue in and out of her vagina. There's my advice. Just ask and they'll tell you what they like. Musicguy
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