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Newo Ikkin

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Everything posted by Newo Ikkin

  1. Hip area, particularly hip bone. Sounds weird, but works well! And Scout, yes, my partner is proof.
  2. As for your ex - I have read your other thread, and I'd like to add that right now YOU are your number one priority. Do not let him occupy your mind. Maybe the couple of days break will do you more good than just simple relaxation - it can also be time out from unwanted thoughts.
  3. *hugs* You're struggling sweetie, arent you? Talk to your boss if he/she isnt a dragon - you can't work under this pressure. Hell, even if your boss is a dragon, its worth a shot. You need to bring things to a halt before they bring you to a halt! Slow down, take a breather, SLEEP, get a few days away. Take care, okay? x
  4. My god thats the best idea I've heard in a while! She could be there a while though, eh?
  5. I have no contact with my exes, nor do I plan to. Do I regret it? In no way at all. Biased opinion coming from the fact that I don't have any of those, what you call "moments", to cherish. So cut, erase, delete, remove...whats done is done in my books.
  6. Newo Ikkin


    I'm so sorry you had to go through this, lost&broken But from what I can see on here, you are one mighty strong character, And you will get through this. I have that gut feeling! Am here for you x
  7. Offering a hand is always a bonus *thumb up* Be smiley - smiley, smiley, happy, happy. Positive impression already. Take interest in conversation, even if its boring you to tears. Sounds trivial, but if they know you're into what they're saying, it suggests you've accepted them, so they'll accept you. I cant explain that one properly. Sorry Lastly - sounds obvious but it always overlooked - dont ignore your partner! Sometimes you can get so wrapped up in making an impression that your other half becomes a ghost! Most of all, good luck!
  8. There's not much I can say to help, but just to let you know I acknowledged and read your post. You haven't "bored" anybody! x
  9. I'm still trying to master it too, so my hat comes off to you for even having a go! I'm often to dominant, or too mousy. I can never get it right either. Eye contact, volume and body language are good keys to keep attention. Another thing I've been told is, when working in a group/having a group conversation, a way to refrain from appearing dominant is by agreeing with what the previous speaker has said, then adding your own comment to it. That way, it shows you have listened to and comprehended the ideas of others, but you also show independent thinking. Just my two cents...sorry if it didnt help!
  10. ROFL. I dont quite know what to say, really...picky isnt a bad thing, no way. Especially with a bit of an oddball like this. Erm, well, keep the red flags aflyin' for a bit longer. He might get weirder for all you know =|Best not to throw yourself in the deep end just yet. Keep it casual until you're sure enough not to be needing advice from others. Good luck, and hope for your sake the guy does have all his sandwhiches in the picnic basket. x
  11. Am engaged at nearly 18 - no plans for marriage. Had been "dating" him for 10/11 months before he proposed. No regrets. B A L L S to age restrictions.
  12. There is no real answer. Revenge, numbing-technique, just not wanting people close. They'll learn to regret it.
  13. BUTTT at least we have chocolate to make up for it?
  14. The world's one big contradiction, my friend.
  15. I get panicky sometimes too, *hugs* It cant hurt to check. But I have a gut feeling that you're fine. I reinforce, best be safe than sorry!
  16. BC often makes periods light at random times. I'd say lucky you! But if you believe there's a chance you could be pregnant - best be safe than sorry I say.
  17. Strrrrrrrrrroke HIS face! *thumbs up* Playyyyyyyy with his hair! Strrrrrrrrrrrokw HIS neck! Apologies, I have just woken up and the caffeine has HIT me.
  18. I sound so much like your girlfriend. Its not childishness as such - there's normally more behind it.
  19. Its one of those 'depends on the individual' things. I trust my boy with everything and anything, but I'm so jealous that he's close to some girls. One at the moment is blatantly trying to muscle in but I'm a mug and I'll take it until I have nothing left to do but get the chainsaw out. He cant see it, obviously. She's "just lost and confused".
  20. To be frank, I dont know what sex means to me right now.
  21. Have no problem when it comes to weight, height, etc etc. My bf is now a size 30 waist I think, but a year and a half ago (when I didnt actually know him) he was like 17 or 18 stone. Would I still have been attracted to him then? I can't see why not. He's the same guy.
  22. It'll take time and it will be harder at times than at others but if you both knew it was the right thing to do, then well done for finishing it. He may well be thinking about you now, and hurting too. The future holds every possibility! x
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