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Newo Ikkin

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Everything posted by Newo Ikkin

  1. Ahhh, fair enough. The tattoos sound fine - you're pretty much an adult and its your body. Just be sure its 100% what you want, and that they're not going to stop you any time in the future.
  2. What career are you in/hoping to go into?
  3. Nein - I for one cannot. Not as of yet anyway. ;]
  4. I dont know much about it being from the UK and all, but congratulations on your new discovery. Like Vandgsmom said, dammit - you can do this. x
  5. My Fiance and I shared the best kissed I've ever had. First time with him, nervousness, excitement - the adrenaline's going...and then we saw Alkaline Trio a couple of hours afterwards! haha. x
  6. ~Testing the strong ones - Copeland (Highly recommended that song's checked out!) ~ANY Placebo song. ~Skeleton - Bloc Party ~Everywhere - Bran Van 3000 (such a happy song!) ~Butterflies - Sia (for my love ~Cries a Girl - Buck 65 ~Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots - The Flaming Lips (my boyfriend sent this to me and told me to listen to it every time I felt down and lonely because Yoshimi is ME and I wont let my problems beat me)
  7. I have that problem, too. My three most trusted friends are all male. 4thelast1 is right in what she says. And don't shy away from judgemental glare. More often that not, if a girl senses you're not intimidated by another's attitude, you're suddenly "worth" the time. But friendships with people like that wont last long anyway.
  8. My god, that sounds so much like my mum and dad right now. Although I can't really offer you much advice, I hope you find happiness in something. x
  9. Do you understand why you feel the need to have sex so much, or do you reckon its a hormone thing? You need to talk with your new partner. Times like this, explaining yourself would be a good option, rather than perhaps destroying what could be a perfectly healthy relationship.
  10. So you should be! I'm glad its going well for you x
  11. I'm in my second year. We're the 'guinea pigs' in our school's first attempt at a sixth form. Cant say we're doing very well. I got C in English, D in French & History, B in General Studies (which I think is your General Paper) and U in Maths. There was a lot of hooh-hah with maths before-hand and I dropped it this year. I'm doing better that start of this year though Speaking personally, I've found it extremely difficult. Most of it is a MASSIVE leap from GCSE so dont take anything lightly. If things do get on top of you, speak to someone about it as soon as you can. Dont leave it. And good luck!
  12. The pull-out method is not a method of contraception. You might just be panicking, but do you not think its best to get an expert answer, although the test came out negative? Thats a dangerous 'method' of contraception and quite a long time of using it. Condoms.
  13. Well said Michelleth. I know its awful to judge in this forum, but have you no shame? Are there problems with your marriage? It appears it turns you on because your "possession" gives you credit from others, and she's taken to you as a "lover". If we look at this realistically and not just from a lustful point of view, what are you looking to achieve from it?
  14. Belladonna, Although I'm fairly new to the forum, and havent known you/of you for long, I still feel so much sadness for you. Perhaps its because I'm human, or perhaps its because I've seen how much of an amazing contribution you are to the forum. I believe I speak for everyone when I say we are with you. You know where we are if you need anything. x
  15. Oooh right...I should really have done my research I'm agreeing with the other rabble. You're not gonna get respect that way. x
  16. Better still, dont try to find HIM...let HIM find you
  17. I always hear off people that guys think with their willies, but NAHHHHHH not all of them. There IS hope, darling. I'm not implying anything at all here, but, do you hold out? Boys are stupid. Throw rocks at them. x
  18. Sometimes (or quite often) someone's personality is a hidden gem. I wear black, get punched/punch people in mosh pits... ...But can't sleep without Chunky and Mr Jungletots at night. How would you judge me? Haha Communication and attitude towards others is often a dead give away. There's this one girl on my bus and I get really bad, obnoxious vibes off her. I suppose as the saying goes, you cant judge a book by its cover. x
  19. My Nana has been battling cancer for a good four or five years now. Whether you've witnessed the tragic effect cancer can have on a personal level or not, nobody can escape the fact that its out there - EVERYWHERE. Our school do sponsored runs, Dress Pink and fancy dress every year and its always nice to feel like we're doing something. That should be mandatory.
  20. Agreed, Rose2Summer. In for the kill, lad. She'll be pleasantly surprised, I'm sure. x
  21. I'm so sorry to hear thats happened to you. Just holla if you need to talk about it xx
  22. Don't instantly shun his offer. I don't agree 100% with the whole idea of friends before guys. I'm engaged to my ex-best friends ex, haha. Talk with her first. If she just thinks you're hating on her, get the guy to back you up gently. If its going to hurt her more than is repairable, be tactful or reconsider the whole thing. If she was your best friend, she would be happy for you no matter what? I know it doesnt always work that way. But don't sacrifice yourself and your happiness. x
  23. You like her, right? Simple bit of advice. If there's water, get in it. There's only two possible options: sink or swim. She appears to have been giving you good vibes. Go for it! x
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