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Newo Ikkin

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Everything posted by Newo Ikkin

  1. I'm actually glad to have found someone who knows about what those morons have done. Sorry about what happened to you! Am in the same boat. I cant bite together properly, have bucked teeth on the top row and my bottom row slope downwards. Moreover, my mouth is overcrowded. The next lot who took over also "had to leave" and I'm now left with what looks like a good couple of years with braces, and no trust in who's currently working on my teeth.
  2. No! Don't! These guys did my teeth for three years... link removed so you'll see what I mean! To the OP: Not intentionally hijacking your thread x
  3. Personally, I would like to be married by 21/22. I'm so tired of hearing thats too young. And that I'm too young. And that I "don't need to worry about that right now". When you know, you know.
  4. Marmite? Uh-oh, its a british thing link removed Just trying to cheer myself up. Sorry I'm bringing my crap onto your post! Only you know your man and what he would like...I'm poo at thinking of surprises x
  5. For my six month anniversary, I got my man a pack of mini marmite tubs shaped as hearts Worked a treat
  6. I dont mind the contradiction. You know what you're talking about. I've never had an orthadontist who actually knew what they were doing so maybe I was a bit wrong to come posting on here. Thank you for giving her some decent advice.
  7. Mine cost £425, and we both had a fit about that. If she wants the right to cost that much, how much is she looking at for the wedding dress?! Pack up your hiney and join the circus.
  8. You're 16, you're young, and too vulnerable to get yourself into this mess! Honey, get out now. Chances are when the right man comes into your life, the jewellery and gifts will be endless, without conditions. Please think about what you're doing. You say its too late not to get hurt, but right now, if you stop things where they are, the pain wont last as long! Cliche, but so true. Rooting for you. PM me if you need anything. x
  9. My gut instinct says he's playing some sick game to keep you on those strings. Wait til tomorrow. He'll be back, with more begging. x
  10. Relax! You'll be fine. The pain may not subside for a few more days because both you and I know how long the aching lasts when braces are tightened! Not calling you a liar IN THE SLIGHTEST, but perhaps you can see there's been movement because you're worrying so much? After the work on your teeth, I couldnt imagine there would be any movement - otherwise there wouldnt be much point in braces! You'll be fine Pain will go down, your teeth shouldnt go back at all. Relax! x
  11. A. After all, my fiance is of part-Sikh/Indian background.
  12. Take note in things he likes - such as what music he's listening to, or what he's reading. Use it! Either make a point that you're interested in whatever he's doing, or tease him nicely about it. It sounds silly, but sometimes you can get more laughs and feel more comfortable by taking the mickey out of each other! x
  13. Its only the homophobes and the oldskools that have real beef with lesbians. The only lesbian I knew nearly ruined my life, so I'd rather not pass judgement! Being gay is catch 22 - people learn to accept it, but you're never going to get the thumbs up from everyone.
  14. Perhaps the girl just needs a bit more time. She's young, and perhaps not ready to try things out just yet. If you want satisfaction, you're better off out. You could end up pressuring her without consciously being aware.
  15. Relationships are about sex? huh? You've been in some pretty shallow ones to base it solely on that! LDR's are difficult, especially when you go days without talking (talking already being a strain on the relationship from the mileage between you). You have choices. Talk to him about it. Some guys/girls get so engrossed but dont realise HOW bad they're getting. Trust me, I know from experience. On the other hand, you could end it on terms of negligence and his inability to understand your needs. Or you could just carry on playing him at his own game (no pun intended). Do whats right for you. x
  16. He just sounds metrosexual to me. Well groomed men (gay or straight) are often bound to get 'looks' from homosexual men! Ask him. If you dont want to right now, wait until/see if the signs get stronger. Right now, the radar looks pretty weak. x
  17. My fiance has four lip piercings and a tongue stud, and none are a bother when we kiss! Glasses - again, my fiance wears glasses and they dont get in the way. Does she wear glasses too? Perhaps you'd feel more comfortable taking them off. Most importantly, good luck and hope it goes well! x
  18. Wow, thats high! Believeable, though. I too have questioned my sexuality, but have settled for 'straight but consider certain girls hott'. Yes, its my own little sexuality. Mildly bi, perhaps?
  19. So you should be Stick it out - and let him stick it out how he wants! x
  20. Sorry about how you're feeling angel Unless you can fight your feelings and urges to get him back, its not such a good idea you build some kind of friendship with the guy. But it will feel better eventually
  21. Take your time to find someone you care about - them and them only. You have the rest of your life ahead of you!
  22. I'm sorry, I dont think its right. At this age, the gap is too big.
  23. Does she want to change? First step is to help her admit she has a problem. Alchohol could well be the trigger for the latter issues - thereforeeee, attack the stem. Same old, same old, TALK TO HER. Not just about the way she acts in general, but why she does so and what she dislikes in herself enough to change. If you love her, this may be an ordeal you could find too hard to handle. If you're IN LOVE with her, its another story. Regardless of her characteristics, she may feel (I hope) something completely different towards you than she ever has done with previous partners. I've cheated on a past partner, but would never consider it with my fiance. For now, the cheating and the dominating should be put aside, I would suggest. Talk to her about the main issue before anything. Really put through that you care and you're concerned, and that the problem IS visible. She may be in denial because she doesnt understand that others can see it.
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