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Newo Ikkin

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Everything posted by Newo Ikkin

  1. Woah, that could have been a mess if I didnt strike it lucky. Needless to say, right now there are MANY names I could call my doctor
  2. Thats strange - I was told I was fully protected from the first pill
  3. Can I ask why its a goodbye present, too? I dont mind if you dont want to disclose.
  4. Is Buckethead pretty big in parts of America then? I mean, he's not too big - okay, not at all - over here, but I don't know why! And to the OP...you got my vote. Kudos.
  5. I'd say you need to ask him his reasons for not considering you his girlfriend, to be honest.
  6. I helped choose my ring, but it turns out he would have picked the same one anyway!
  7. You are not a doctor or psychologist. Nor are we. No-one can give definite answers. I strongly suggest seeing someone, because it does sound like you need it. PM me if you need to talk any more. Regards, Newo.
  8. Argh, I dont know if I can give you any advice My partner has his tongue pierced but I cant say its ever been a problem..well...for him maybe...especially when he gets it wedged in his lip rings and cant get it out..
  9. Oooh I've remembered two non-red asterik names. Moses, and moomin. Why I ended up calling him it, I'll never know.
  10. I am Numpty. Because I'm...well...a numpty, really. I shall not disclose the names I call him. We'd have a page of red asteriks.
  11. I shouldnt think so, but poor you if one of your symptoms is a blocked nose...
  12. Bit of John Legend does the trick...*sighs with content*
  13. Still being in my teenage years, I relate a considerable amount to what you have written. You may feel like you are in the minority - and I wont lie, I know full well you are - but you're not alone in the way you act or feel. We're young, we're learning. We have time to work these things out! Its difficult when you know you're more advanced than the greater number of your peers - I understand that conversation is difficult, and talent feels as though it is lost. But dont become recluse and shy away from social opportunity because you have the hunch you're a bit 'above it all'. Sometimes its nice to take a break from your own 'norm'. Your advantage will still be there after the conversation ends. As some wise old owl said to me not long ago, right now you feel as though you're buliding your own raft and you're floating along on your own. With time, people similar to you will clamber onto your raft, or build their own alongside. Long story short, you are far from alone.
  14. As I've already said, Mr Benty, this is amazing. Kudos, dude. Sorry I can't say anything remotely intelligent about it, though - my history essay has pretty much wiped my brain.
  15. Hang back a bit...see what chasing she does, eh? I personally believe that its possible she's worth the challenge - see if you can break her out of her shell?
  16. Personally, I could never get bored of happiness.
  17. I was about to ask the same thing. I respect your situation, but I dont quite understand that.
  18. Thats is absolutely adorable!! I really do hope it all goes well for you, angel.
  19. Well all I can say is I hope it gets the recognition it deserves.
  20. What reaction are you hoping for?
  21. You'll screw up your car... No, I'm not taking all this lightly. There's just not much more I can add that hasnt already been said. Think about speeds, alcohol intake and reaction times.
  22. Thats very well written. And full of intense emotion.
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