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Newo Ikkin

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Everything posted by Newo Ikkin

  1. In this case, I live by the phrase "What they don't know, won't hurt them".
  2. I wont say it'll go like lightning, but after a while you wont even realise they're there. So far its something like 2/2 and a half years for me...with another year to go.
  3. My fiance has the exact same problem with his boxers. No kidding.
  4. Eh? Fantasizing? There's always the possibility, but sometimes I myself do it and I'm most certainly focused on my man.
  5. Agathon, I'm not trying to start a war here, but maybe you have this jaded opinion because you yourself find it hard to tear your hand away from your penis? Quote/unquote your New Years Resolution?
  6. I dont understand why its 'not normal'. I never did. I never felt the need too. Am I screwed up? I'd damn well say there's nothing for you to be concerned about. Help her explore her own body - see what feels good and what doesnt.
  7. Damn you, girl - I want to see you happy and babbling on about your ravenous sex drive!!! I've read the best part of all of your threads and feel so crap for you. Deja vu is TRES common but shouldnt leave you feeling bluesy and scared. Is it the concern of what it may lead to, or the fact that you dont have control of your mind at times like that - or something else? Chin up lass. x
  8. Consider these lines a little more. Other than that, its a very good poem, SapphireStar. Kudos xxxx
  9. Cut your fooood up into small bits. Take your time. And most importantly, painkillers are your friend!
  10. Doesnt her behaviour tell you that there's something fishy going on? How are you feeling in yourself? (we tend to neglect this question)
  11. Picture things a year down the line, with nothing having changed.
  12. There is saying, and there is doing. Right now I can imagine she'd say anything to keep you. I'm not intentionally putting an ultimate downer on this relationship, but you have to understand that there is quite obviously some poison lingering.
  13. How could your family even try and convince you that this wasnt abuse?!
  14. Would lashing out and causing pain to a loved one instantly be labelled abuse? And to OP: I do hope Beec's post helped you a little. It was very well written.
  15. I havent got the answer unfortunately and am not intending to hijack the thread, but would also like to know the same thing between two lovers. I dont know if that makes sense.
  16. My suggestion: wait a few days, then give her a chat - see how its going.
  17. Hold out. Wait I'd say You're gonna get six of one, half a dozen of the other regarding this question.
  18. Please, get out while you can. This can actually be considered abusive. Do you believe her children are being neglected in any way by her? You mentioned her smoking pot in the bathroom while her little'un needs her - is that a regular thing?
  19. I read your other thread too, and there's no way I would advise you to stay in such a toxic relationship. Screw the bi-polar and the depression for a god damn second - she is using you as a baby-sitter and ignoring your advice to make things better. And this is the least she's doing to you. I'm not prejudice to those with 'baggage', but its a totally different kettle of fish when she's taking advantage.
  20. link removed Uhh...does this help? You'll have to excuse me for being British, lol.
  21. Damn right you can, missus! And we're all behind you!
  22. You never know, girl...maybe Mr Right is waiting just round the corner...
  23. A corny person made up a corny line once...and they said 'time heals'. Something like that. I wanted to meet that individual and kick them in the face, because at times it feels as though something may never heal with time. Congratulations on one month of NC...it'll get easier!
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