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Newo Ikkin

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Everything posted by Newo Ikkin

  1. I have no idea about renting (sorry), but....wow. Good luck - not that it sounds like you'll need it.
  2. Lucky lady for you to see her like that! My partner is the same - he understands the light hair on my arms etc is not me turning into a werewolf..
  3. I'm with the last two posters. The pill, anti-depressants, problems outside of the relationship, generally low sex drive...all contributing factors. Mine's not that high (although I am on the pill, anti-depressants and suffering from depression), it doesnt mean I find my fiance any less attractive, romantically or sexually. And my relationship is perfect.
  4. Sounds like its screaming in her head, but she cant bring herself to do it. Save yourself pain in the long run man, you need to finish it. It hurts to hear people suggest that and its even harder to do, but she's waving red flags for a future with you.
  5. Take a year out to decide what you wanna do. And get a new guidance counsellor. From the sounds of things, you'd get on dangerously well with my fiance
  6. How did you work that one out?
  7. I'm shocked at most replies - just because she's married the man, doesnt give him the right to have sex with her. She should go all the way, or "put out" as some would say, in her own time. No rush. OP, talk it through with your husband. More than likely that if the man has married you without sex, he's not gonna throw a tantrum waiting until you're ready. Good luck x
  8. -be pretty -be a better girlfriend -get my schoolwork back on track
  9. Oooh lol, sorry. I mean yeah, any place should know the deal.
  10. Go back to your piercing artist and see what they suggest.
  11. That sounds fabulous girl! Just remember, if there ain't no kinky play - you've still had a good time and you were together - and thats the main thing in my eyes.
  12. Firstly, not trying to be disrespectful at all, but pleeeeease use appropriate punctuation. I felt like it was a race when I was trying to read that. Not trying to be offensive Secondly, to address the situation. Slow things down, give him time to pine (excuse the rhyme in that)...he's probably settled himself into a routine. Sex drives often differ in relationships (more often than not, by the looks of things) and it seems as though he's settled himself into the homely routine. Back off for a bit - see if it makes him do some chasing.
  13. It would be your decision but IMO, I wouldn't. As emmabemma stated, if she really likes you she'll do some running. Perhaps there is an alternative reason for her absense. Give her the time!
  14. None for me. *runs hand accross chin* Seriously though...still none. None none none.
  15. Wow, she burned you pretty harshly. What a [insert appropriate name here]. Take the advice above - move on, dude.
  16. Microgynon 30/Ovranette for me. The only two problems I put down to the pill are a lower sex drive and slight headaches.
  17. If its pussing or weeping, use the salt water method as posted above. Wear low waisted trousers if you can. Only touch it when cleaning it, and make sure your fingers are clean. Do not remove it no matter how bad you think it is. If you are considering taking it out, consult a piercing artist or your GP. Trust me, I went ALL wrong with mine. You regret it when you're stuck back on that chair, having a blunt needle smothered in vaseline being wacked straight back through the wound.
  18. It'll be one year on New Years Day since I said it to my SO! *smiles* We'd been seeing each other since early November, so..around two months? It was so right.
  19. They say you dont know what you've got 'til its gone. They also say absense makes the heart grow fonder. I know this most certainly happened for myself. It is a possibility. But never kid yourself. Pining/missing company and falling in love are so close but yet so far from each other.
  20. Okay, I understand what you're saying. Without bypassing the whole issue, can it hold for a couple of days? Have a major think about it, cover every angle.
  21. Is the thought of cheating largely to do with the sex problem? I dont suggest you confide in her about this initially, but the problems you both share and have led to you losing that feeling of love.
  22. Bare in mind we are not judging you on your wandering thoughts...but merely asking you to spare the feelings of others...
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