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Newo Ikkin

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Everything posted by Newo Ikkin

  1. Why is it that every damn spammer posts in dating. OFF.
  2. I'm sorry but I can't imagine the majority of the girls at your school are as pretty as you. Its a bonus, I guess Confidence building is vital. My new years resolution *thumbs up*
  3. Wait until the next time she brings it up. Then turn to her, look her in the eyes and put your foot down. You dont need things like this drilled into you throughout the relationship.
  4. I know its difficult! *huggles* I have been told by my counsellor that individuals are often left out, even by friends, due to their jealousy of you. Strange I guess, but quite commonly recognised. Dont be downhearted about it
  5. I know all too well how that feels, angel. But I've learned that attention goes both ways, and sometimes it pays to push yourself into the crowd.
  6. Then be nice but firm about it all - explain you want to keep it in the past, that it hurts to hear at times and you believe that from now on, its you and her that counts. That way she has that subtle hint, and reassurance.
  7. Argh, I would have been OUT by now. But I understand that you may not even be considering that, and its not always the most sensible option. You're in dire need of being straight with her before it creates a major problem. Whats in the past should stay in the past, and she should not be making it your business. Shame on her.
  8. Does she bring it up more when you argue, or does she drop it into casual conversation? I really dont understand the logic.
  9. Thats understandable. As Batya33 said, explain to her nicely but firmly, that its a little too much information for you. How long have you been seeing each other?
  10. First off, with the schooling - there's always retakes. A lot of colleges ARE considerate, and will accept you even if you've slipped up in one way or another. Secondly, HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF. I think its incredibly brave, and original, to aspire to become a paramedic! I feel for you right now because I'm in the same situation. My A Levels are going down the drain due to my instability and it feels as though its now out of my power. However, nothing is out of our power. It takes dedication, and occasional numbing from the rest of the world, but its worth it! Is there anyone (barring your boyfriend) who is able to support you both emotionally and educationally?
  11. I wouldnt say so! Is there anything thats making you worry about the gap?
  12. Half way is a major leap from nothing at all! Your Bi friend will most definitely know the motions you're going through now, so take advantage of it. Btw...Taking Back Sunday...Kudos, man.
  13. Angel, life is what you make of it. Hang in there.
  14. I gotta say that annoys me more than most things on the planet (alongside Jimmy Carr and Westlife). But yeah, I change. Sometimes slightly, sometimes unbearably. Most of the time, unbearably. Boyyyyy do I get an attitude.
  15. PUPPY ORGY!!! Dammit! *wanders away from thread..*
  16. Well you always have us. No-one is EVER alone, despite how much it may feel that way. PM me if you ever need it. Its good that your brother is getting help, very good. Thats one step towards progress. You both gotta hang on.
  17. You're most certainly not crazy - and you're most certainly doing the right thing. I have a strong respect for you for just escaping an abusive situation. Is there anybody you can talk to?
  18. I have read somewhere that its possible, but needs practice! I dont understand how to be honest, and can't imagine many being able to master the art.
  19. Be very honest with them. No 'minor' detail is 'minor' when it comes to helping their little girl. They may be shocked or upset for an instant second, but at the end of the day, you've approached them, trusted them, and given them the most important thing - a chance to help. Well done angel for feeling the need to take this step. People should learn from decisions such as yours.
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