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ernest stoner

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  1. Why do some people,who has been abused and manipulated all of their lives, turn around and then manipulate and use their friends?
  2. She chooses losers because she was abused by her husband of 7 years and by her parents and also she dated men because of their outside appearance and the charm not their heart. She is down on herself because she is obsessed with her appearance and on how others see her.
  3. I have a friend,who I have known for 2 years,just recently broke up with her boyfriend.He mentally and emotionally abused her and took drugs.She has been calling me every day,maybe 5 or 6 times,just to talk.She has been depressed and suffers from anxiety and panic attacks. Yesterday,I wrote her a text message saying "Good morning sunshine"and she called me saying if I said that again to her she would stop calling me.I told her that I was trying to cheer her up and she said nothing.She also told me that I was trying to get her to go out with me saying that I was pushy.I told her that I was not trying to do that,I was only trying to be friendly. Last night,I went out and she asked me a ton of questions like how many beers youre going to have and why are you going alone.She also said to me "Are you going to have a couple of beers and have have a one night stand?"She also asked me if I am gay,which by the way I am not. She tells me thats she's is ugly and she's not.She says that she can't find a boyfriend,that she only picks losers.She tells me that she's lonely and then asks me if I am lonely.She can't keep a job because she's always worried about how people feel about her. I was just wondering if she's playing games or has mental problems or both?
  4. Well I was right.This guy took advantage of her when she was trying to get over her boyfriend.She told me that she had sex with him at his house.But now she wants to get back with her abusive ex-boyfriend saying that he was under alot of stress at work that caused him to abuse her.
  5. I have tried everything to get her out of the house,but she wont go.She don't even know this guy and he is already calling her sweetheart.
  6. I have a female friend who has just broken up with her abusive boyfriend.She is very depressed at the moment,but she is getting over him slowly.She calls me 8 to 9 times a day saying that she's lonely and wants someone to talk to.I'm the only one she trusts to give her advice.She's home by herself most of the day and complains she's bored.I ask her if she's wants some company,but she keeps saying no,but she just met this guy 2 days ago and shes invites him over.She knows nothing about him,but I have a suspicion that he's another loser like her last boyfriend was.I have known her for over 2 years now and it makes me upset that a stranger can come over to her house but not her best friend,who has only seen her once in 2 years.
  7. In all fairness,she told me that she wanted to wait a while before having sex but his smooth talking led her to have sex and no she didn't use protection.This guy left another woman after she got her pregnant and he is paying her child support.The other 2 questions you asked are I dont know and no
  8. Well I knew it was going to happen.He lied to her and had sex with her even though he said that he was going to wait a while before having it.Now shes afraid shes pregnant.I know whats going to happen next.He's going to leave her when hes finds out
  9. She fell for him hook,line and sinker.Last night he said he loved her and she is falling for him.After what all I told her,what he has said to her,all the warning signs,she went ahead anyway.She will get her heart broken by this guy.After all the bad relationships in her life,you would think she would have learned her lesson.Guess not
  10. I found more disturbing things about him.He smokes pot and is jealous.I text messaged my friend and he said if I am trying to make him jealous,it's not working.Sounds like it is working to me.But the sad thing is she doesn't mind it.All she cares about is if his hair is soft or his legs and feet are nice or if all of his teeth are there.He stares at her all the time and shes enjoys it.She doesn't think he's weird at all.
  11. She just told me that when she was messing around with his cell phone,she accidently pushed a button and a picture of a nude woman came up.He said he didn't know her and forgot to erase it.
  12. I have a friend who is dating a "nice guy".He buys her things all the time and tells her what she wants to hear.She told me stuff that really freaked me out .He said to her"My legs are tired because of chasing you in my head" or staying at her house at all hours without telling her.You can be nice to a girl,but not to the point of obsession.
  13. The guy is 36 years old,he has been married once and has a child.She is 31.Ithink he means he wants to get married.
  14. No,actually she said she likes him,but she has never actually had a normal relationship.So she has no experience in that field.I have talked to her,but it goes in one ear and out the other.She's looking for Prince Charming.I have known her for 3 years and him for 5 days and she trust us both.You don't trust somebody after 5 days.
  15. I have a female friend who just recently started seeing this guy.She started to tell me things about this guy which I find troubling.On the first day they met,everything was OK,but on the second day is when my eyebrows raised.He came over to her house uninvited and stayed 4 hours with her and called her 30 minutes later to ask her questions.She doesn't like anybody come over without her knowing first.Then the next day,he told her that he can't stop thinking about her and told her that his legs were tired from chasing her in his mind.?Then he asked her out,and told her I'm going to pick the resturant,and she can pick the movie.Then the next day told her that he wants to see this movie.He told her that he wants to see her in a bikini the second time he came over.He spends day after day at her house giving her no space and keeps buying her things.Then this morning she called me and told her that he wanted to settle down,not even knowing her for a week.This guy freaks me out.I need some output on this subject.
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