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Everything posted by shikashika

  1. How did you go two years without having one holiday? Have you even had any long weekends? I think you ought to have at least a day of pampering... if that includes the hair salon so be it!!
  2. Why is it so important for you to live together? I know you said you know its not a 'cure all'... but how do you think living together is going to make things better?
  3. I guess my problem with someone saying"I will never get married" sounds like they are walking around with a chip on their shoulder harbouring some bitterness to someone else.. And... if his reason is because some girl broke his heart 6 years ago.. whats that got to do with you? Marriage is about commitment...and plenty of people are in long term relationships aren't married... but i guess I'd have to ask... in your situation... why is he so against marriage? Is he really saying..I want to love you and commit to you forever but won't get the piece of paper.. or is he saying" I don't want to commit to you forever' What is is that you are feeling confused about? The fact that he is now sort of changing his mind?
  4. hmnn...Personally I don't neccesarily think living together will bring you closer together... nor does it mean you are more commited I have seen many relationships fail where they think if they have a ring on the finger.. or live under the same roof, all those commitment problems will magically disappear.. I say... if he's not ready( even if you are unfortunately) then dont' push it... you have to BOTH want it..and doesn't sound like he does at all.. i don't see the point in trying to force someone or give them an ultimatum..because then this will only cause greater problems in the long run
  5. is she on the pill? i know plenty of people in commited relationships who don't use condoms If whe is not on the pill of course she could get pregnant... what if one day you're just going and can't stop
  6. yeah guys are visual... Guys that I've been with always want as much light as possible
  7. caro... I COMPLETEY agree with you about the overuse of NC on this site ... as if its some sort of mantra... I think its a good idea for a while.. but everything is not so black and white NC is NOT always the best thing to do... it just prolongues the bitterness IMO i hope you feel better Tony!
  8. I think its great that she has a caring child like you! I think your aunt and uncle and whoever else should butt out I would suspect that you and your brother are probably the only bit of stability or joy she has in her life...and to take you away would be cruel i really don't know the legalities in a situation like this so I don't know what you can do or can't.. Can you talk to your relatives about this? do you they know your thoughts?
  9. hmnn..I'm not a guy... but I can safely assume that if a guy wants to go to bed with you.. he is already attracted to you and he isn't going to be looking at the bag... but instead thinking" hey... this attractive girl wants to have sex with ME!" I definitely think as I get older the body image issues go away... the first guy I was with I was more body conscious.. but now I can't even be bothered to cover up.. I guess just try to stay positive and I think if the guy wasn't attracted to you he wouldn't be trying to get with you in the first place!
  10. Hi Kate I'm sorry to hear how you're feeling.. I was not in a long as relationship as you were... but I was asking myself the exact same questions that you are. My boyfriend at the time... one day ... just said "yeah i like you but I'm not nuts about you" I always thought I was a pretty perceptive, independent kind of person... and it came as a TOTAL SHOCK to me... I had no idea... I even used to think that he was more 'into' the relationship than I was. I asked over and over and over and jumped to a million different conclusions i really think everyone has a different opinion on the next bit and what works for some people won't work for others I wouldn't say I'm FRIENDS with my ex... but we are civil.. and we have done things together... part of me still feels like "i shouldn't allow him the pleasure of my company'... especially because like you.. I had no idea.. and still don't.. well..I do know a bit.. the guy had zero relationship experience...and just didn't want to make an effort with anything.. but anyway.. I'm just mumbling on... but feel free to pm me if you need a chat.. I know I can't say "I know how you're feeling'.. because I can't.. but I do know that its darn hard and frustrating when you don't even know why a person decided to leave a relationship. Take care
  11. ^^ thats fine... I'm just saying what I think. I think situations like yours are few and far between. i just remember when I was 17 or 18 i wouldn't have wanted anything to do with a guy much older than 20... who knows...as I said.. I can only comment on my personal experience and those that I've seen around me
  12. well I think the issue i would be more upset with would be the lying. it does sound very dubious how did you find this email? do you have access to your boyfriend's account?
  13. Dont' worry about the skinny people at the gym.. they are probably too busy looking at themselves in the mirror The hardest part if getting back into it and sticking with it... perhaps if you have a class you can join it will make you go and stick to it? I know that when I have a workout with a group or a scheduled class i make myself go... whereas if i say "I'm going to go to the gym, Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week, its harder for me to go. diet is the most important thing.. so if you can rid your house out of all things you may be tempted by... and bring yout lunch to work/school because then you don't be tempted to buy lunch... and then you may end up buying junk. I keep a bottle of water at my desk to try and stop me from snacing throughout the day.. A lot of times when we think we are hungry we are usually just thirsty. good luck!
  14. Do you believe the diary is true? could she be elaborating in her diary.. for lots of people diary is just an outlet... cheating is bad... but yeah snooping on someone like that come pretty close IMO
  15. I understand you are angry... but I can see where your parents are coming from.. I have a younger brother who is 24 and if he was dating a 17 year old kid... I would roll my eyes and know that he is not in it for any type of relationship... My opinion... what is a guy who is old enough to be done grad school doing with a teenager. Lots of people will say 'age is only a number' and "maybe they are the same maturity level' but personally i agree with your parents... its more from this boy's point of view... i don't see what on earth he would want to do hanging out with a teen... and if he was more immature than other guys his age (which I think he would have to be if he was looking to go out with someone your age) why would you want someone that immature anyway. I can only speak from personal experience.. but I know when I was 18.. even 19 , I thought 24 was too old for me.
  16. nah ... there's lots of English there too to even you out i say bring both... really!
  17. But Banff is fun! Is your friend a fellow aussie on a working holiday in Banff at one of the ski resorts? there are a million and one ausisies living in Banff!! In July it could be 35 degrees above or it could snow in July... especially in banff if you do some high altitute hiking! banff doesn't get as hot... usually as in Calgary or Edmonton.. it gets quite hot as you move into BC interior... lots of days in places in the Okanagan above 40 degree C. thing about the prairies is the lovely 80 degree temperature fluctuation between winter adn summer ( in celsius!)
  18. I'm from Deadmonton!!! yeehaw. and funny thing is.. I HATE winter... I only do things like snowboarding, x-country skiing because it makes the winter more bearable... if i could live in plus 30 degree celsius heat even with humidty ...i'd be a happy camper... i've lived in Australia.. but still Sydney could have been hotter IMO.. the hottests place i lived was in southern Japan... where the humidty was sky high..but i still loved it despite the unfomfortableness!
  19. well i'd like to think I do!!!... even though I live in a place that has winter for much too long.. If it isn't 30 degrees celsius.. i'm wearing a sweater!
  20. people who say this have no balls ( girls included) Its a very immature and cowardly way to do things... they want to give you hope when they have no intention of actually calling you How old are these girls that are doing this..teenagers? I guess people can be immature at all ages though, sadly
  21. I'm Canadian...and I'm pretty foreign to the idea of multiple dating.. Having a one-night stand is one thing... but if I went out with a guy for a couple of weeks.. and found out he was seeing someone else.. I would just think he was a player, a liar and a cheater! Going on 'a' date maybe.. but once you've had a 2 or 3 'dates'... then only one person.. I could never do the American way of dating and I don't know of any Canadians who do either.. I'm sure some do.. I think I asked about it on enotalone before... but its a totally foreign concept to me... I don't think I've ever had any friends or met anyone who does that.. unless they make it clear they are in bed-buddy relationship.. form both sides
  22. its not just a guy... lots of girls like to look at porn and masterbate as well.. I've done it If I've said to a guy Iv'e been with .. "Hey Mr. boyfriend... I sure love looking at porn and masterbating".... its been nothing but a turn-on for them. why not the other way round? When I'm with a guy, it really turns me on to watch him masterbate... even if he gets some porn to do it... hot!
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