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Everything posted by Avalon23199

  1. How old are you? When you are still young, it could be that your hormones are still trying to figure themselves out. It's not unusual for teens to have abnormal cycles. But if you still unsure, take a test. It's not going to hurt anything and atleast you know. But it doesn't sound like you are pregnant.
  2. This is probably the most unique post I've ever read. I used to get calluses on my fingers from playing guitar quite a bit. I used vaseline intensive care lotion on them whenever I felt my hands getting dry and rough. It worked pretty well. Also there are brands from neutrogena that work well also. Good luck! Also, driving gloves might be 1920's, but are you going to sacrifice comfort for style?
  3. I have been friends with this guy, (we'll call him J) for quite a few years. We were attracted to each other when we worked together, but since my interests mainly were in his friend, we both kept it to ourselves, and we didn't know until about a year after I moved back home and we were talking online one night. That was nearly 2 years ago, and we had lost contact for about 1/2 a year because he was in a committed relationship. They recently broke up and he's been back in contact with me. Before we lost contact, I felt myself becoming attracted to him again, wishing that the distance between us was something that could of easily been overcome. He is now a 13 hour drive away from me. And now, once again, I am falling for him, hard. Tonight we were talking and usually we joke around with each other sexually just to get each other all rowled up, but tonight our conversation softened a little bit. It does once in a while and he shows me just how much he does care for me and that it drives him crazy also that we can't be together. Here's part of tonight's conversation: Me grrr, I just wanna give you the longest, sweetest kiss ever right now Him i want that too ME mind you it would most likely lead to other things, but hell, all the more reason for doing it HIM i would settle for just the kiss HIM actually i'd settle for watching you sleep I think I'm starting to fall in love with him, but can't be 100% sure. I definitely know it's a deep infatuation. My question is, should I pursue this and try to do something about the distance, or should I just try to keep it on a friend level? We do have plans of seeing each other next year at a huge festival in PA that lasts for 2 weeks.
  4. I don't think you are being too controlling, but at the sametime, it sounds like you are trying to change him. I'm sure that he played video games before you came along, and nothing is going to change that now. My ex was like that and now my current is like that also. Boys will boys, and there is nothing us girls can do about it. Maybe instead of nagging him about playing his video games, you can make suggestions for you guys to hang out together. Say things like "Hey, maybe we can rent a movie tonight" or something along those lines. He'll appreciate that more. I can tell you this much, this relationship isn't going to last if there isn't communication between the two of you. He isn't taking you forgranted, he is just doing what he enjoys.
  5. It is hard to be in a situation like this. And unfortunately I'm speaking from experience. Being together out of convenience is never a good situation, especially for children. I myself am with the father of my daughter simply out of convenience. I am a stay at home mom so I have no money of my own right now, so I'm kinda stuck living here at the moment. My partner knows how unhappy I am, but we try to remain civil. Does he have a support system through NA? That is what he needs, besides constantly relying on you for support. I know it can be very taxing on a person to be in that role. Try counseling, not so much to try to improve your marriage, but for both of you to get help in this divorce. I think both of you are going to need it. And even after the divorce you can try to be there for him. You are always going to be in each others lives since you have children. And I think your children will understand that you and their daddy need to be apart. It will be hard on them, but let them see their father a lot and still have that close bond with them. It'll help their father as well to see his children still love him and want him to be an active part of thier life. I know this won't be easy for all parties involved, but it's best to be apart. You can still be friends, which is great since there are children involved.
  6. I have a question. My boyfriend and I have been looking into buying a penis extender (not a pump or pills, this is an actual piece that fits onto the penis that increases your length). He is too small to satisfy my needs. My question is, for those who have used one, do the guys feel anything?
  7. You said you had sex last Tuesday and you were already late. Your profile says your are only 16 years old. Get used to having periods that are irregular. My periods were regular until I was 17, then they started going haywire. As far as you having the "symptoms" of pregnancy, most women don't experience then so soon. Heck, 9 out of 10 women don't even know they are pregnant until they are about 2-3 months along. You're probably going to start your period soon, but if you don't within 3-4 weeks..go get a test done.
  8. Here's a women's view of the situation. It sounds to me like she's probing to see if you are still interested and she's afraid to mention that she is also. You said she is shy so she might be waiting for you to make the first move. She's not trying to be manipulative, just curious. Women have a strange way of doing things..and this is strange, but normal. It sounds almost like high school, hehe. Get your friends to find out if a guy likes you sort of thing. I'm still good friends with this guy I met over 5 years ago and fell in love with. In fact..he gave me a surprise call at almost midnight last night and we talked for a while. I do miss him, but we've both moved on with our lives. I'm in quite the involved relationship, and have a child now and he's..well,...he's a workaholic now. But one day we just both sat down and told each other straight up how we felt. We never dated, but remained good friends, and have really been there for each other. Maybe you should just tell her how you feel. You said that you guys distanced yourself from each other, so if the feelings are mutual, the distance will remain. You never REALLY get over someone you love, but the pain goes away eventually.
  9. Is this your first child? If so, the stress of becoming a new parent might be taking a toll on him, as well as the raging hormones of pregnancy. I know my daughter's father nearly left me several times during my pregnancy, but we were able to work things out and we're still together today. Maybe try some counseling and find out where the problems are. Open communication is always a must in a relationship and if there is none, then everything else starts to go downhill, with trust going out the window first. You have to take a look at both of your experiences in life. Were you his first love and things like that. No offense to any men on this forumn, but sometimes they can act like children and from my personal experience, children will clam up and keep things to themselves worse than some adults will because they don't have those experiences that teach them it's ok to be open and honest with someone. It sounds like he's scared of becoming a new dad and is lashing out in different directions because he's not sure what to do. I suggest having a good long conversation about things and figure out where you want to go from here instead of him moving out and you two getting a divorce.
  10. I'm not one for being rude usually, and I have helped people on here you seem to be searching for logical info. I usually don't pay mind to people who are trying to find ways to break no contact or stuff like that. But if you don't like this forum, then don't come here!
  11. I have to agree that having a child is very difficult, especially at a young age. I'm 22 and I'm a single mom to a one year old daughter. Her dad is very active in her life and I'm happy because of it. But I didn't plan on having children at all. I lost ALL of my friends when they found out I was pregnant, dropped out of college and am pretty much alienated from the rest of the world so to speak. Having a baby is not cool, it won't keep help you pin a guy down in a relationship, and it definitely is not for some little girl who is still in school. I wish more people would consider that being a mom is a full time job. When they said that a stay at home mom's annual salary should be over $100,000 a year, they aren't joking. Yeah, babies are cute, but take into consideration that they poop, they pee, cry, throw up and dont' sleep through the night until they are almost a year old, and your lucky if they sleep through the night then! As a mom, most end up feeling loney and depressed, especially at a younger age because the father doesn't always stick around. It's a responsibility that needs to be thought over before you spread your legs!
  12. I experienced that also while going to school and then as an adult I finally figured out what was going on. It could be several things. You could be dehydrated, which can cause cramping. Do you drink enough? I don't mean sodas, juices, and the like. Water is the best. I buy flavored water because I hate regular water. Also, you could be anemic. It's where your iron levels are low and your body doesn't produce enough blood products. Do you bruise easily? If so, that could be a possibility. Also, you could possibly be diabetic. All of these things you should definitely get checked out by a dr. as soon as possible. I hope this helps.
  13. "I find so much comfort in him and he is a good dad." "He would go through down periods where he would sleep for days. During these times he would yell at me, throw things, push me, and a couple times he chocked me and held me against the wall. This was all in front of our child. " You say he is a good dad, but yet he will yell at you and be very physically abusive to you in front of your child? What is that teaching your child? Where are you parents in all of this? Would they be willing to help you out? Have you thought about contacting a women's help group for help getting out of your situation? You and that child do not need to be in this situation. Please, look into your options!
  14. I have to agree with monique. If you go into a relationship focusing entirely on sexual fulfillment, it's not going to be a very rewarding relationship. I currently have been with my b/f for almost 2 years. We love each other a lot, and even have a daughter together. He's never given me an orgasm, but that doesn't matter. If you love each other, then the actual act of having sex is what matters, not rushing to the end just for a few seconds of ecstasy.
  15. Unlike everyone that has replied to your post, I'm not going to say you need help and that you are a bad person. But I am going to tell you that although you have invested 2 years into this relationship, I think it's time to go your separate ways. It seems to me that you and your g/f have issues that cannot be helped on their own. If she is abusive, then why stay? There is absolutely no reason for anyone, man or woman, to stay in an abusive relationship. One thing you said concerned me: [ We had plans to attend her friend's little post-hellday get together, and it has been a logistical nightmare trying to get that going with her little idiosyncracies and getting a 4 year old ready.] A 4 year old? So I am going to guess that their is a child involved. Yours? Hers? Both? I pray that the child is not both of yours. It's best to cut all ties if possible to your g/f. She just doesn't seem interested in keeping this relationship together. If she says you are controlling, gripes to her parents about your relationship, and hits you... you need to move on.
  16. I've been on Effexor now since September. I take it for post partum depression and bi-polar. I have to admit, that yes the side effects do suck. I take 75mg right now, but I was taking 150 for a while. Sleeplessness is a big problem with this drug. Everyone I know that has ever been on it has had to take sleeping pills to sleep. Unfortunately I cannot since I have a 7 month old daughter. I didn't have a problem with constipation though, but everyone has different reactions to this. I didn't know it could dialate your pupils either. Maybe you should take to your dr about these reactions and he might prescribe something else for you if these side effects bother you.
  17. What I'm about to say comes from my own experience. I decided to go see a psychiatrist about my depression after my daughter was born. While going through therapy I found out that I am bi-polar. I have a very mild form. I find myself getting angry for unexplained reasons, but just like you, I have never gotten violent. I put my anger to good use by cleaning, exercising, etc. I don't know if you've ever thought about seeing a counselor for it or not, but it could help you .
  18. I am not speaking from personal experience, but my daughter just got over the world's worst case of thrush, she had it for a month and a half. Are you taking any anti-biotics? if so, it'll make thrush not clear up or make it worse. Her dr started her out using Nystatin cream, which i have to say, sucks! It did nothing for her. Then, gentian violet. Her poor little butt was purple for a week and still nothing. He then put her on a liquid form of diflucan. That worked finally but it took a week for that to work. Give it some time but if doesn't clear up, go back to dr before it can cause more pain for you.
  19. wow, that is amazing. too many odd things to just ignore. call him or e-mail him. one question for you though. this all sounds like what happened to a friend of mine from holland. he would of been 27 5 years ago. is his name fabian by chance?
  20. 3 months is a long time! Are you on any type of birth control? Sometimes if you take the depo shot it'll stop your period (it's the number one reason I use it!) If you think you are pregnant, you definitely need to find out IMMEDIATELY. The first trimester is vital for fetal development. There are a lot of agencies out there that will help you. And most state governments will help out pregnant women with insurance (go to your local department of health and human resources, all they ask for is proof of pregnancy). Also, there is WIC, which will help you out with food and education resources. If you decide to keep the baby, it will be hard but soo worth it. I found out I was pregnant shortly into my relationship and thought about adoption, but we decided to keep her and everyday is a blessing for me. She giggles and laughs soo much...she's definitely my pride and joy. If not, there is adoption and abortion. I don't believe in abortion, but I'm not going to say that you are a monster or anything if that is what you decide. Everyone is intitled to their own choices. There are tons of families out there that would love to have a child of their own, but can't. Research your choices and TAKE A TEST please. If you need any support or anything, feel free to contact me. Amanda
  21. I have to agree. People like that are attention hags. The best thing to do is just give it time. OR..you can write that letter, but never give it to her. Sometimes the act of expressing those feelings in written form help to release them.
  22. From my own personal experience, the best thing for you to do is leave this person. No matter how much he might make you happy or you are in love with him, he's just going to keep doing this to you. You are always going to be worried about what he's going to do and your going to end up getting hurt. I did, very badly. I dated someone exactly like the guy you are with now and it ended on a very very bad note. He tried to commit suicide twice while I was with him, even while he told me he loved me and that I was his soul mate. I believed him for every second and ended up soo hurt that I sunk into a deep depression. He caused me to have a miscarriage when I was 4 months pregnant because of all the stress he placed on me. Sweetie, I am not saying that your guy is not a good person, but the guy I was seeing was a good person, but trust me, dont' fall for this crap and let yourself get stressed out by it. It won't do you any good.
  23. Ohman...I really hope you weren't looking for serious advice, cause it seems your title is catching more attention than anything else. First off, I seriously doubt you are retarted at masturbating. It's not like anyone is going to teach you how to do it, because it's about self-pleasure and no one but yourself knows exactly what you find pleasurable. Now, I'm not going to ask how you go about doing it because that's just gross and I really really do not want to know, but I can give you a few tips, just in case. First off....do you ever rub your clit? Some women cannot get off unless their clit is being stimulated. Also...try to find your g-spot. It can be hard to find, but when your going about your business, find the one spot that feels the most pleasurable (makes you literally want to scream out in pleasure) and rub it...you'll orgasm eventually. But just in case,...some women don't orgasm. It's just a part of their makeup. Blame genetics I guess.
  24. OK. You said that the retreat lasts all weekend and that your friend's wedding is this weekend. Let's see, I would say go to the wedding onlyif you are good friends with this person. If it's just a friend of your bf's, then why go? There is no reason to go if this person is just an aquaintance you know through your b/f. You might disappoint your b/f, but hey...he's done that already to you big time! As far as the retreat, if you decide to go to the wedding, call the volunteer place and explain to them the situation, I'm sure that they''ll have another retreat sometime for new volunteers. I doubt it's a once in a lifetime opportunity.
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