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Everything posted by Avalon23199

  1. Of course you aren't pathetic!!! I grew up saying that I would never have children, I never wanted them. At the age of 20, I found out I was pregnant. 4 months into my pregnancy, I miscarried. It would have been a boy, we named him Garrett and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about him. But now, with my current b/f, who I love more than anything, we have a 4 month old daughter. Everyday that goes by is a miracle, and yes, it is hard, but it so worth it. I'm actually looking forward to having another one, but not until my daughter is much older. My only advice is, wait until you know you are definitely ready and can support a child. We weren't ready and we are greatful for everyone that helped us, without it, my child would not have any clothes, a crib, or much else for that matter.
  2. Yes, this is definitely normal. I became very moody around my 5th month of pregnancy. So bad that my b/f and I took a break from each other for about a week. Now our daughter is here, and things are better. stressful, but better. Good luck and congrats!
  3. I've been in both positions before, been cheated on and have cheated. I was cheated on twice by two different people. I was only able to really forgive one person. It took two years to do it though, and he and I are still really good friends. And as far as my cheating, I got lucky. I had only done it once and told my b/f two days afterwards. We broke up for a while, which I did the breaking up because I think we needed some time apart, but we got back together. Now, we've been together for almost a year, and have a beautiful daughter together. I feel like I got lucky there, cause I don't know if I would of been able to forgive myself if I had to switch roles with my b/f. It just proves that sometimes love is worth it.
  4. Avalon23199


    I've learned the hard way that it seems so easy to tell someone who is introverted to just go out and do things, but for them, it's quite an ordeal. I have a friend in Holland who is going throught the same thing you are. He's never been in a relationship and desperately wants one, and to have friends. He's making good progress, and I feel a lot of that is due to some of the conversations he and I have had. He often tells me that I have helped him a lot, even though I feel as if I'm just being a good friend to him. So, if you ever want to talk, you can reach me on AIM or yahoo. My AIM screenname is Amanda23199 and my yahoo is Amanda_23199. I'm usually online most of the day, well, I'm logged in most of the day. I'm a stay at home mom. I went through a lot of the same things you went though throughout your life and it took a lot for me to open up, and I'm still reserved sometimes when it comes to meeting new people, but I'm working on it everyday. Well, I better get off of here, my daughter just woke up from he nap and I'm sure she's gonna be hungry! Ah, the joys of having a one month old. Feel free to contact me anytime! Amanda
  5. Having a guy with a small penis isn't a problem, unless it's extremely small and you're not tight enough, which is very rare. You said you had just finished your period, which could make you a little looser, I'd wait a few days afterwords, especially if you use tampons. As for different positions, I'm not sure what you try, but you can try being on top facing him, or even facing his feet, both of which are very enjoyable for both partners. If he's up for it, you could try doggie style. Also, there is one called the butterfly, where you lay on your side with your top leg bent, or he can hold it and he is on his knees. There are good websites that show sexual positions, that aren't porn sites. I wish I could remember the links so I could sent them to you for advice. Also, you can try to do Kegel exercises. This exercise uses the muscles you use to urinate. You essentially are pushing the urine out and you can stop the flow by stop pushing. You know you are doing it right if you are using the bathroom and you can stop the flow. This will make you tighter an if you do them during intercourse, your guy will love you forever! LOL! Hope this helps.
  6. Typically, you should wait atleast 5 days for the early results type test, and 2 weeks for any other test. I can say, if you are truly concerned, you can go to a clinic and they usually will give you a pregnancy test, which is very accurate and usually free. If you have insurance, you can also go to your regular physician and have a blood test done, which is 100% accurate since it detects the presense of HCG in your blood, which would only be present if you are pregnant. I just had my daughter two weeks ago, and I found out I was pregnant about two weeks after she was concieved, and that was by sheer curiosity. I was helping my mother move and found a pregnancy test I had left at her house from a few months before and I decided to go ahead and see what it says because my period was late. I wasn't too concerned because I had just gotten back on birth control and thought that maybe the birth control was throwing off my period. Well, low and behold...I was pregnant. I bought two more home pregnancy tests just to be sure, they both came back positive, so I went to get a blood test done. I am a firm believer that if you do take a pregnancy test, test twice, just to be sure. Good luck and I hope things turn out good for you, which ever way you want them too!
  7. Here's some advice from an already pregnant woman. You said that her periods were already irregular before she even started having sex and now that you and her have been having unprotected sex that her latest period has been skipping days and is very light. Well, she's either spotting or that's her period. Spotting can occur during the first few weeks of pregnancy. It comes from the fetus essentially "attaching" itself inside the woman's womb. Also, how long has the cramping lasted? That too could be her period but could also be from the attaching process. And a woman's breasts do not start to "blossom" till 2-3 months into the pregnancy, and even then it's not that noticeable. The most noticeable thing is that her nipples will start to darken, and as they grow, you can see the veins under the skin. This is probably too much information right now, but if she is pregnant, then you might want to get used to it, because this is a G-rated version of pregnancy. I suggest getting a home pregnancy test and taking it, but I wouldn't be too concerned. It doesn't sound like she is pregnant and it could be the stress of her thinking she might be that is causing her period to go haywire. Stress can affect a woman's period more than I think people realize.
  8. Talk about your confusing situations.... My boyfriend and I have been together almost 10 months now, and I've been pregnant for 8 of those months. The pregnancy was totally unplanned, but neither of us would change the decision we made to kep the baby. My situation is, as much as I find myself in love with my b/f, I feel like things could be much better. I keep feeling like hes hiding things from me. He's had personals up on the internet which I confronted him about and he told me he just hasn't removed them from when we met nd that the only reason he goes on them anymore is to delete any messages he has. The argument finally reached a head and he removed the profiles. Now, he talks to people on the net and if I'm around the computer monitor he won't bring up the message to answer it till I walk into another room or sit somewhere where I don't have a view of the screen. He's never done anything to break my trust in him, but I'm beginning to wonder. I'm also beginning to question my love for him. I do love him a lot, but more and more each day I find myself fantasizing about not being with him, and the idea is becoming more and more tempting. Problem is, I cannot work due to pregancy complications and have no where to go if I did end things with him. Not to mention the baby. Im hurting here because I don't knw I can trust him. Any advice?
  9. I know exactly what you are going through, because I went through the same thing, and it wasn't a bad thing at all. I had met my ex in a chatroom, and we hit it off pretty well. We talked for about a year before we actually met in person. He flew over here for the first meeting and the feelings we had for each other were confirmed. I fell head over heels in love with him and vice versa. The day he flew back to London, I cried like a baby. It was only a few weeks later that I flew over to London to visit him. I stayed with his family in their home. His parents immediately liked me, and my ex and I just grew closer and closer. We eventually got engaged and visited each other when we could, and tried to talk everyday. We were together for almost 3 1/2 years until the distance and some other problems got in the way and we broke up, but we still talk to each other, and I still love him even though I am with someone else now. Not all situations turn out bad, and I say that if you feel so strongly for someone and they feel the same way in return, anything can work. The only reason the distance didn't work for me was because I was still in high school and wasn't about to leave the country and Andy had a pretty good job and wouldn't leave London. I say goodluck and definitely go for it, follow your heart, but use your head if things don't seem right.
  10. I can't really offer an opinion on this, but all I can say is that when i was 19, I was pregnant and ended up having a miscarriage at 20 weeks (4 months). My parent's were shocked, but accepted that I was living on my own and could take care of the baby. They didn't like the father of the baby, but they were happy. Now, I'm 21 years old and I'm pregnant again, in fact, I'm due to give birth in 5 weeks and my parent's are very happy, love the father of the baby, and just generally are looking forward to this (sometimes more than I am at time, lol) but I do believe they are happier now that I am a bit older and more responsible now than when I was pregnant at 19.
  11. I first want to say that I completely understand situation and I'm here for you. I was sort of in the same situation you are in right now. I am 4 1/2 months pregnant right now and when I found out I was pregnant, I thought I was further along that I really was. I was only 7 weeks when I thought I was nearly 12. The problem with that is, I had cheated on my b/f with a friend of mine and was really scared because I thought, OH MY GOD,..this is my friend's child and not my b/f's. Well, after several heated discussions between my b/f, my friend and I, we got things settled and figured out that hey..it's not the friends because the timing was all wrong, but it really scared me. As far as your pregnancy is concerned, you really have to take a step back and think. You said you're only 17, which means your either a junior or senior in high school. Do you want to go to college? A baby is really going to change your future. I want to finish getting my bachelor's and go on to get my master's in veterinary medicine, but I have to work around a baby's schedule now. My b/f is very supportive of me in my decision to finish school and is there to help me with it. Which is why I think you should tell your father, even if you decide to have an abortion. He might be upset with you, but if you guys have even the slightest bit of a good relationship with each other, he's going to be there for you and try to be supportive of you in every way. I'm only 21 years old, and it scared me to tell my parent's but they are really there for me. My mom goes with me to all my appointments, and she's even nicknamed the baby already! I'm glad you have stopped drinking and doing drugs, and I agree with other posters that you should go in for std testing. If you go in for a prenatal visit, they will test you then. If you need any advice or just wanna talk, feel free to do so. my e-mail is email removed and I usually check it once a day if I can.
  12. Ok, bare with me because I just found out. I had met a guy about 2-3 months ago and we hit it off really well. One night while he was at my house, we had sex. We've only done it once since then, and then I started seeing someone, who I am also sexually active with. My problem is, I just found out I'm pregnant. I just called the guy from before and told him and he was really rude with me on the phone saying it was impossible. I told him it was possible, that things like this happen. He said that I needed to make a decision about it and let him know, and that if I decide to keep it, he'll pay for a blood test to see if it's his (I'm pretty sure it is, but I'm not going to say it is because I don't know for sure) and if so, he'll take responsibility. I just don't know what to do. I don't want to have this child at all, but don't believe in abortion. GOD, I'm soo confused right now. I'm only 20 and not ready at all!
  13. Hello. I just want to say I know exactly where you are coming from. I'm in the exact same situation except my part would be the girl's part. I broke up with my fiance after a two year relationship because we were growing very distant and accusitive. He thought I was seeing someone else behind his back because most of my friends are guys and I was in school and working, I rarely had time for him. I know that's wrong because I should always try to find time for the person I loved, but I just couldn't and he couldn't accept that. It got so bad that he stopped taking my phone calls and wouldn't talk to me. We broke up for about two weeks, but ended up back together. During the worst parts of our relationship, my biggest fear was how it would effect him. I knew he loved me deeply and I also knew that he was mentally unstable. I tried to be supportive, but it just got to be too much, I mentioned that he needed to go to counselling again, but it just made him angry. I didn't know what to do for him anymore, so we ended things. Now since then, I have moved on, but my heart still aches and I think of him everyday. I've even picked up the phone and started calling him, only to hang it up out of fear. I eventually do have to see him, because some of my things are still at his place, but I don't think it'll be anytime soon. The only thing I can say about your situation is, do things to occupy your time and try to move on, and just like it was said, try some counselling. It's good to have someone to talk to who doesn't have a personal view, someone who can offer good advice.
  14. Ok, here goes. He and I finally sat down and talked about this tonight, and the conversation lasted a very long time. I told him that he had me really confused and I told him why and he was like, I'm in the same situation, I like you and want to be with you, but at the same time I don't want you to be the "rebound" girl so to speak. We talked about having sex together and decided that we shouldn't, not until we know exactly what we want. So, the decision was made to give each other a month as friends, and that's it and if we still feel the same way, then we should do something about it. Yes, we talked about the consquences like "What if one person starts seeing someone else" which the answer was, then I guess those feelings aren't there, are they. My question to the decision was, what if one person feels the same way and the other doesn't. The answer was, then you'll just have to move on, because things aren't meant to be if that is what happens. I guess it's cool that we are both very understanding and patient individuals, and I feel a ton better for finally telling him exactly how I felt. I probably won't be so confused anymore.
  15. Ok, I met John about three weeks ago. Over dinner, we both were nervous, but we maintained a good conversation. We decided to get together again that following Thursday and we had a nice picnic in the park, and a good long conversation. We had both gotten out of really long relationships about a month before we met and weren't really looking to get involved with anyone else. But it was established that we both liked each other and would like to see how things would go. But at the end of our second meeting he tells me he doesn't want to get in a relationship (excuse #1 as I call it) because I remind him too much of his ex. I was really disappointed to hear this, but didn't let him know. So, I went home and pouted for a bit, and we talked again that night over the internet. We had a good conversation and he clarified that he didn't want to get into a relationship right now because he had just gotten out of one. I was ok with it because I felt the same way. Well, our third meeting, he stayed the night at my place, we decided to get together and have a few drinks. He was too drunk to go home, so I let him crash here. Nothing really was weird there, because we kept that at a friendship basis. I mean, we had talked about having sex before this and we were both ok with it. Nothing happened that night between us. Then, for our next meeting we decided I would go meet his mom (now, ok let me explain this. John lives like almost 2 hours away and we had only known each other 2 weeks, and he wanted me to come down just to meet his mom, sounds funny to me) but I went down and stayed the night with him, and was really nervous because we both wanted to have sex that night, we didn't, but we slept in the same bed together. Well, we talked the next day about it and said that the reason it didn't happen is because we couldn't get past the first kiss, so last night, he came over to stay the night and go to church with me the next day, and he said hello by kissing me, and oh god, that kiss was the best one I've ever had! Well, we decided to watch some movies in my room, we watched one, then I put in another one, we made it 15 minutes into the movie before things started getting really hot and heavy and we ended up having sex, and I really enjoyed myself, he's the best lover I've had. But last night, my feelings got really jumbled because the way he made sure I was enjoying myself and I was ok was something only someone who cares about you would do. I know he has feelings for me, but he doesn't want to get involved. (EXCUSE #2) He told me that his main reason for not wanting a relationship was because he was afraid he might enjoy being with me too much. I'm really confused because he keeps making my feelings soar and then I have to stuff them back down when he tells people we're just friends. I want to tell him this, and I'm afraid to because we are really really good friends right now. What do I do?
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