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Everything posted by PRSOV

  1. Hey Icemotoboy, Thank you for the tips. - I always shave once with the grain, and then once against the grain... two strokes to cut away more of the hair because one stroke doesn't quite do it... Do most guys do this? - Where do you get pH balanced creams from? Are there any brands in particular that you recommend? - With the soap... one problem, I can't use dove soap because it irritates my skin... Would it be ok to use normal baby soap on the face? I always use a moisturiser and face clenser from the body shop too.
  2. This one is for the gents, *lather up* I remember the day when I use to always watch dad in the bathroom shaving after having a shower in the mornings... I always looked forward to the day I got to start shaving and be a "real man", well that's what I thought at the time... I remember practicing shaving with him by using shaving cream and the opposite side of a real razor. Man what was I thinking lol... Anyway the day has come, now I get quite thick whiskas on my chin and along my sideburns. They are dark, yet my hair is an ash blond colour... which makes it kinda cool especially when I don't shave for a couple of days. I am having problems after shaving of coping some pretty severe razorburn, I always use gillette lemon shaving cream, use good gillete razors... although I do have an electric shaver which avoids the burning sensation but it doesn't cut close at all compared to a naked blade and not even close to that baby smooth feel. I don't know what it is but I always get really bad razor burn after shaving and it can really burn for an hour or two after a shave... I also use cooling gel as well and wash my face properly afterwards. Does anybody have any suggestions how I can cut this down or avoid such a killer sensation
  3. A manda, Maybe it would be easier if you got him to wear a condom for the time being until you are more comfortable. Make sure you are completely relaxed as well otherwise it won't be as enjoyable! Although I don't see what difference there is between giving head to a guy who is cut compared to un-cut.
  4. Would it be easier if he wore protection, like a condom? If you don't want to do it you don't have to, there is never any pressure to do anything you don't want to. It sounds as if you don't want to?
  5. Hey bent, I am particulary fascinated by I. You seem to put words into feelings in a way I have never thought before. Thank you for sharing. M man
  6. Kita, I am sure your dad is watching over you now, and that he would be very proud of you. Emotional poem.
  7. Hi there kita, I think those are well written poems, good use of words. Please keep writing, I really like your work.
  8. NC is not a tool to use to win back your ex partner with. It is there to heal yourself and regain your own strength, and to find yourself again. I think you need to let him go, with no contact to figure out what he really wants. Although this time it is for both of you. If you are meant to be, things will fall into place.
  9. Because that would be over expanding the forum, it is already big enough
  10. Hey bebecole, Great to hear that you have found happiness again. Do not forget what happened but learn from the experience. Good luck, PR
  11. It's normal for many people for the thoughts associated with the word.
  12. Hi shorty, Like the others have said I would suggest trying to visit him somehow. Would your current work allow for that? It's always the innocent that are hurt in car accidents, typical huh? He will be in my prayers. PR
  13. It's "PRSOV" not prs... okay? Look males like sex, we don't hide that fact... why women try to persecute us for a fact? It's natural and women feel exactly the same way, they just don't say so, well the majority anyway. What do I mean? Females accuse men of: * To be the cheating partner of infidelity in relationships. * Spending too much time away from the family when they are working to put food on the table. * Going out and having a good pissup with mates. * Failing to take responsibility in regard to pregnancy, especially unplanned. We don't gripe and complain about it, we just move on and keep doin what were doing, who care's if we admit we like sex... it is more a male thing to. I honestly think your way overeacting to something so petty.
  14. Well seeing as everybody seemed to be getting so much from this thread I moved it back to the top hoping more people will see it and post. I am happy the sun is shining today
  15. n83 please don't even get me started on the generalisations thing... Men are accused of far more by women than having a lap dance or looking at another woman.
  16. Congratulations, feels good doesn't it sister? I am very happy for your new found happiness
  17. - Bad hygiene I say - Bad manners when dealing with other people (to me that's just as bad as a physical trait) That's it for me. I don't think you should judge someone on their weight.
  18. I agree with DN, and I have been in the situation. Only my ex was a bit worse because she had a certain disorder. The fact is that on face value, you need to make it clear to her that you do not have these feelings for her and haven't for the past two years. What was her reaction when you tell her this? Doesn't that make her realise that this relationship just isn't going to go anywhere?.. You need to have a serious talk, maybe even consider writing a letter if the talk doesn't pan out the way you want it. Just remember this is your future to... after this do not accept any form of communication with her because you will only be making it harder on her. In time she will realise that this relationship doesn't have a future and will find a way to move on. Good luck.
  19. Some triggers, such as the hormonal changes caused by menstruation, pregnancy or menopause, can't be avoided. But others, such as cigarette smoke and caffeine, can. Though they may take some trial and error to identify with the elimination and reintroduction of suspect foods one at a time, food triggers (for example, chocolate, nuts or dairy products) are also generally avoidable. When medications are implicated, doctors are often able to find treatment alternatives.
  20. I'm going to go with annie on this one... it's like he's been watching you for a while before making a move, and to me that is stalkerish in it's own sense. I would be using extreme caution when dealing with this guy.
  21. 1 - Get specialised help You are already doing this 2 - Keep a migraine diary by keeping records, you may be able to reduce the frequency of headaches by identifying triggers that set off migraine episodes and then avoiding those triggers or providing the information to your doctor, who may be able to tailor your treatment accordingly. When your migraine occurred How severe it was Where your headache was located How long the migraine lasted Additional symptoms you experienced with your migraine What you ate before the migraine occurred Your sleep pattern and amount of sleep Where you are in your menstrual cycles (to see if it is hormone-related) Medications taken before and after your migraine Events that took place before your migraine, such as a night of drinking, a hard day at work, a marital spat or other stressful occurrences 3. Know and avoid your trigger actions Knowing what can bring on migraines is a key step in preventing them. Even when you can't avoid a trigger, being aware of it can help you prepare for a migraine and reduce symptoms by taking medication, applying cool cloths to your head or relaxing in a darkened room. 4. Find out what medications work for you. 5. Investigate other treatments Try a variety of other things like yoga, acupuncture to try and treat the symptoms. 6. Lead a healthy life You may be able to reduce the frequency or severity of attacks by practicing good everyday health habits. That includes getting plenty of sleep and keeping a regular sleep pattern, eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, limiting caffeine and alcohol, not smoking, avoiding secondhand smoke and practicing relaxation and stress-reduction techniques. Even when a migraine episode does occur, you may be able to cope with it better if you practice these positive habits and are in good condition. 7. Don't hide your condition When your arm is in a cast, everyone knows you broke a bone. But people don't know you're suffering with a migraine. You don't need to talk about your problem to people who have no need to know, but it may be helpful to explain to your family everything you have learned about migraines. Let them know what your triggers are and how they can assist you in avoiding these triggers. Hope this helps
  22. At the moment this is all you can do for her - which is for her to get help. You are being a good friend, be proud of yourself.
  23. These kinds of thoughts will never be forgotten, they have a major major impact on one's life, what happened when she was eight she will most likely remember for her whole life. It is how she deals with it's effects in the end that counts... which can only be dealt with through working with someone of experience in that field, i.e. a consellor. Please make sure she does this, please re-inforce this is not something that will just go away. It needs specific attention fast.
  24. Obviously she can't afford to go to counselling on her own so is there any responsible adults in her family that you think would be understanding of this and would be able to help her?
  25. You need to be careful here... You need to help her make the right decision, which is to seek help from a proffessional. Does she show any signs of wanting to do this after she told you what happened?
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