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Everything posted by PRSOV

  1. PRSOV wonders why some find this thread amusing... I just want to be able to cut my face so it's smooth, not stubly... without having to call the fire brigade afterwards.
  2. Depends how long you have been going out I reckon... If you are in an established relationship then I go for something romantic like, one a day or whatever. If you have only been going out for a month or two then I'd go for the dozen in a day with a nice card to show how much you appreciate her. Good luck.
  3. I don't know about the whole karma thing... it depends how sticky the break up might have been. You can't blame someone because their feelings change, sometimes it's the individual to blame. Wish them luck, but think about the things that are negative. You'll get there.
  4. Ummm... why don't you be kissing her and slowly make your way down south? You don't have to ask
  5. It depends how you go about it... You shouldn't be rude to your ex unless you broke up on bad terms, for example she cheated on you or it was an abusive relationship. Personally if I ran into one of my ex's I would be polite say hi, how are you? but keep moving with what I am doing.
  6. There are trust issues in your relationship that your boyfriend obviously feels itwould be wise to return to the 'single' status until he rectify's them himself, otherwise that would be unfair on you... May I ask how long you were dating/going out for?
  7. Has he ever said anything like this before? If he hasn't then I tend to go with DN and he probably just didn't really think about what he said, before he actually said it. Otherwise if it happens on a regular occasion I believe you should make him aware of how it makes you feel and that you will not tolerate it any longer.
  8. I agree with the above posters but I think he has issues with girls from the past. You have not even met yet and he pops the question online several times? Is he crazy or what?.. Sorry I don't mean to be offensive but there is no way you can understand someone that intricately that you could marry them... you have to be spending good quantities of time before your instincts can answer you that question. I sort of went through a similar situation a while back, but my problem was that because an abusive past she was really scared of meeting. It was guys in general that was her problem, but that's another story... but I think runs along the same lines as yours at present. If you do meet up with him do you see it to be successful? I know you hope and dream that it is... look at what is happening now though, he seems to be having problems and if you ever get involved with a guy who is unstable like this it will only make maintaining a healthy relationship difficult, and that's including if you manage to take it offline. While I do think the best thing for you, and him in some respect is to go NC for a short period of time, perhaps a few months. He really needs to get his head sorted and figure out what he wants. All he is doing now is stuffing you around and hurting your feelings... which is something you do not deserve because you are willing to bite the bullet and make a solid committment to having a relationship with this man. What do you think?
  9. Hi Kita, All you can do is be a good friend and be there for her. Nice poem btw. Stay strong.
  10. There is one down the road, but have never seriously thought about actually doing it.
  11. Hi thefrank, The distancing of friendships is a tough thing to have to go through, especially when you are close... like 13 year friendships. Just stick with the thought that you will still be seeing your friends, but in order to move up in the world people move on and change to better themselves... The dynamics of your friendships are changing. Hold onto your memories, they will be with you forever.
  12. I am just posting this to vent my feelings, that is all. It is approaching the six year anniversary since my late grandfather died. He had a long road leading up to this we new roughly about six months before hand that it was going to be a long road. Always taking time off school to help, and always being there. My father and he were not that happiest of father and son in their household. This was typically the household that favoured the first born, my father was not the first born in his house, and neither was I. Because of this my fathers and I were always treated second best to our sisters by him. He was always a good grandfather to me, but there was always something extra that he gave the first born's and not us. My dad and I both know it, and we have disscussed it on a few occasions solo. I remember your funeral, I stood up there and made my speech in my air force uniform. Turning to look at your coffin, tears began to come out of my eyes, controlling my emotions just became impossible... I beared all, and in front of many people, I soldiered on through my speech about you and your life and the effect that you had on me, and to this day I don't know how I did it, my mouth felt like it had been disabled and I was just saying words that had been pre-programmed. My father told me after that it was the most emotional and powerful speech I had ever given, even though it was slightly embarrassing at the time, it felt so good to do what I had done. I did not wimp out on you, although many times I thought about stepping down and letting you on your way to heaven. I hope you are proud of me for that. I respect you for what you did for our country, you fought for our freedom; and because of that we live in this wonderful and beautiful country today. Your spirit must have been so low while you were in the prisoner of war camps for those many years of driving around wheelbarrows and fetching the dead bodies of those that had perished, all while only being given a piece of bread and a can of water a day. I truly respect you for that, and sometimes I don't think I could ever stand a test like that, but you soldiered on through it. We had a lot of good memories together. Faintly I remember catching the old steam train up to Newcastle for the day. When the two of us were in England for that rainy weekend and we caught the train down to Portsmouth to do the inside tour of the submarine, that was a great day and I will never forget it. Although I didn't think you would ever let me lived down what happened that day. It sure as hell was funny though. There is so many things I remember about you, and some that I don't. I remember the day when I was walking home with mum and dad in the rain to return the video on Sunday afternoon and we had just found out that they had turned off grandma's life support machine. You died inside because you know how badly you treated her, and I believe that since that day and to the day you died... you didn't want to live anymore, you knew what you did was wrong and there was no way you could take it back this time. As dad always says "You never really miss something until it's gone" and he is so right. Somehow I am really confused to why I have tears rolling down my eyes right now as I am writing this. The emotional connection has gone, it will never be replaced. You left us six years ago... six years ago and it only feels like three. I know you wanted the best for me, and I don't know what you let the first born thing get in the way, maybe it was just your mental psyche or maybe it was just you... but I definitely got my stubborness from you and nobody else... remember the arguments that went on for weeks? I remember one particular instance when our family didn't talk to you for six weeks because you were so stubborn and in your whole life you only ever apologised for your wrongdoings once. Dad told me about the blood money. Mother spent all your money that you were given for the war before you had a chance to get to it, I understand that must have been painful. It was a few thousand dollars and I know now you hated her, and Alfred... with good reason, but not for that only. Too bad I never got to meet him. Maybe it happened for a reason. The sardine pin from the can that you brought back home from the war... you gave it to dad as a legacy on his 21st birthday and for something to be passed on down on our sons 21st birthday for future generations, he has fullfilled that role... and if I have a son... I will pass it give it to him in memory of you on his twenty first birthday. It may only be the ring of a can to some, but to me that is a symbol of what you went through for us Australians to have our freedom. You know what I am doing with my life, I know you are watching me from above... I am fullfilling a role and dream that you never got to. I am taking the legacy because dad never could. Why do I respect you? and I love you... and as much as you were a pig to us, as much as you treated my mum badly for being english, I still wish you were here with us today.
  13. Those are two different things, I personally don't see the need to fork out $180 a year for the option to send people messages waiting for their reply. I think dating websites are a bogus way of making money from people who have no time, or have little luck dating. Paying for a day out or a date is a little different.
  14. I agree with rose, not everybody has the money to fork out on website dating... when you can go out which is free and you see people face to face.
  15. Annie, Is that just to look important and get established or is it like a dating agent? Like Miss match on telly?
  16. Haha, I remember this lady about a year ago paid $50,000AU for a billboard in a city... advertising for a husband, she must have been about 45-50 years old. Pretty funny it got a lot of publicity, needless to say she got a lot of enquiries but none that fitted the keyhole.
  17. She was probably just curious man... Sometimes and especially in NC situations that is about the time when ex's think "I wonder what my ex is doing right now" Stick with the NC, you are doing well... do not break the cycle. Good luck
  18. I don't think you can really define an age which is too young to get married as such. If you are both truly in love and believe this is the best thing then you both must give it your absolute all to make it work. I hope it works for you.
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