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Everything posted by PRSOV

  1. LoL... I just slammed my car into an "imaginary" brick wall.
  2. Haha... I don't know, but my ex sort of did the same... I took the average of the amount of times she called a week, and I could almost always pinpoint calculate when she would call next... Is it strange or just random? LoL
  3. I just want to pose a question to those who did NC and got back together afterwards, doesn't matter if you aren't together now. What is the longest time you have been in NC and then gotten back together with your ex, and I mean total NC where there was no communication at all. Regards, PR
  4. When you deny that you have an addiction to ...
  5. Hi Marlena, Rock star Tom DeLonge once said "Life never gets so bad you have to end it" I concur. Please do not take this irriversible step, your family will never live in peace again or be able to live stabily.
  6. Sorry to bring this up but am I missing something? Why did you break up with him in the first place? and then want to get back together... I am so confused.
  7. Thank you for the replies, I hope these help people in moving on and leaving their ex partners behind. Although personally, I think the things that helped me most is keeping away from the online blogs and the negative thoughts.
  8. Hi, I think it is wonderful that things are looking up for you and that you can now concentrate on your future, however I just want to ask you a question: If he split up with his current girlfriend and wanted you back would you get back together with him?
  9. Hi Nick, This isn't a book but I hope these threads helps you: The road to recovery I hope this helps. PR
  10. I am so proud of myself for waiting until I was nearly 19 before I started drinking alcohol.
  11. Hi there, You completed a big step. Congratulations. You can move forward from here.
  12. Certainly a snake bite, ouch... Good poem though
  13. I tried to slot that into sports? - make new friends... I thought
  14. Well after having no contact with my ex for around two months I must say I feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I feel much more in control of myself now, I do not have any bad feelings... I have a much better state of mind so I thought I would share with you how I got back on the road to recovery and felt so good again in such a short period of time. Please feel free to add anything to the thread. 1. Go NC immediately After breaking up with your partner this really is the only way to heal yourself properly. Having contact will have those old feelings resurfacing time after time, so even if your ex insists on being friends... this is not their choice. I also believe NC should be maintained if the ex wants to get back together. Test them and see how serious they really are about getting back together. Take this time to find yourself again. 2. You absolutely MUST and I cannot stress this enough. Stay away from any myspace, faceparty or any other type of online blog that your ex - partner may have on the web. This can certainly take a lot of willpower. Luckily during my healing I have managed to stay away from these pages the ex has. It was hard but I knew it was for the best that I didn't visit them. I still do not want to visit them now because I still might get hurt by a single comment and I will not let that knock me down now. 3. Find outside activities that you haven't done before you help add variation to your life. Relaxing time outdoors - don't confuse this with sport. Go for a nature walk, experience different things outdoors and keep your spirits up. 4. Excercise - Find what you like outdoors. For me personally because I don't have much money and couldn't afford to go to the gym or be in a swimming squad I did a hell of a lot of walking around the airport. It was truly an import facet of my healing process because it gave me a lot of time to think about what had happened and the reasons for it happening. Your brain needs to be excercised! It is common to get into a rut after a break up... this must be contended with because the brain will become lazy and it is only a muscle afterall. Excercise will also keep you a lot fitter and healthier and you will make new friends as well. 5. Go out with friends and really enjoy yourself This is important time for you. You need to get back into the swing of things. I don't mean go out looking for a new partner, but go out and have a few drinks with friends, go to a theme park maybe. Somewhere that will make you laugh, keep you happy and not focusing on your ex. 6. Learn to accept yourself as a person again. This really only comes in time with NC but it is essential for you to move on and be able to start dating again one day. Self - esteem needs to be rebuilt so confidence is regained. 7. Do not limit yourself when meeting new people. It can be common that when you begin dating again that you limit the amount of people you meet because of the characteristics of your ex. They will probably not have the same qualities. In the past I have written people of because of small things that I kept recalling to my ex about... there were some quite gross mistakes I made back then but I have realised that you cannot have the same person back again. 8. Remember the future is bright, YOU WILL meet someone better. Confidence my my friend. That's what this is all about! This can only come with time. It can be so hard to defy, especially at the beggining of the end of a relationship (NC established). These things happen for a reason. This person just may not meant to be in your future. 9. Randomly think about the negative things about your ex, it will help you in moving on from your ex. I know this may sound stupid, but really it does help... A LOT! I have no idea why but it does... 10. Accept what has happened, learn from it... and move on from it This is self explanitory but you should learn from the experience, try not to make the same mistakes twice. I hope this helps you along Good luck.
  15. PRSOV

    condom crisis

    This thread makes me remember the time I was drinking with a mate in a park on new years eve, he told me he had contracted oral herpes because he was always sleeping around. I laughed at him for about the next three hours... God that was funny. Be careful is the morale of the story.
  16. While it does matter about STD's, you should always use a condom as it gets you into a good routine of always having safe sex... Not to mention you can still get pregnant even if you are a virgin, it only takes one time to fall pregnant.
  17. All I can say is that I respect you a lot more, you have a lot more pride in yourself and holding it for the right guy I must say. May I ask why you have held out for such an extremely long time?
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