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Relationship Coach

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Everything posted by Relationship Coach

  1. 6 weeks with or without a c-section are the general guidelines. To be honest with you my wife and I waited about 3 months. She wasn't really in the mood and I certainly understood. RC
  2. If you like staying in touch with your baby try googling fetal doppler monitor rentals. We did baby beats. It's neat to hear and feel the baby. RC
  3. Do not text him, it will accomplish nothing and could lead to a set back. Stay NC and realize it's all about you right now, I've read your threads and you need to keep moving forward. RC
  4. Congrats RW! 3 years ago today my divorce was finalized! RC
  5. My dad is 70 and my mom is 68 and they are more frisky than I care to admit. Very loving and passionate, I'll just leave it at that. RC
  6. Things happen for a reason, maybe this is what was intended for you. You have a choice, your child does not. RC
  7. gaz, Let me give you some first hand experience and advice. I had a Golden Retriever named Goldie who was diagnosed at the age of 2 with idiopathic epilepsy, for 10 years she was medicated 4 times a day with Phenobarbital and potassium bromide to reduce the number of daily seizures, not to stop them. She lived for 9 more years heavily medicated and very lethargic. In the end I had to put her down because the years of medication took a toll on her liver. She probably suffered her last few months but my own selfishness over took my common sense and I refused to have her put down, until the very end. To this day I hate myself for allowing her to suffer, the right thing to do would have been to put her down much sooner. A dog that is 15 years old probably would have survived a few more months with the medicine but the quality of life is what we sometimes fail to look at. It is very painful to put down a dog which we love so much but in the sense of the word love, we must do what is best for them and not us. Google the poem "Rainbow Bridge" it may help your family. I'm very sorry for your loss but again, it's about what is best for the dog not the human that counts. RC
  8. My wife and I have a son who turns one next week, we are waiting until he is 3 before trying again. I think 1-3 is a huge developmental stage for a child and this could be slighted if trying to take on too much. To each their own but having first hand experience with my 12 year old, they seem to flourish better when reared alone during those years. RC
  9. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to have children. I really don't think your problem is unique for whatever reason you have. I know several women who for onre reason or another do not want to have kids. RC
  10. Just remember to stay away from the kitty litter! RC
  11. Max has already been revealed a liar, do you think he would really delete the evidence and walk away? I bet he copied, pasted and printed them out. Do not trust this guy. He wants to expose himself to his own cousin, that makes no sense at all. I mean come on, he is willing to break up his relationship with his cousin, have his cousin break up with you all because he wants you to sleep with him. Tell Jake and deal with the aftermath. Never let anyone blackmail you or extort you in this way. You were played and laid...learn a hard lesson here and remember...honest people have nothing to hide or cover up. RC
  12. He clearly understands the risk and I don't think this will be such a shock to him. Do it now, you've dragged this out way to long as it is. RC
  13. I wish you all the luck in the world and those two books I suggested are great. RC
  14. A simple blood test will resolve this matter once and for all. Go to your local county health department, the test is about $35. This is certainly sounding like a ploy. Next after she has her hooks in to you, the baby will disappear, the old phantom miscarriage. If she claims you are the father first she must prove she is pregnant and then that it is yours. Amniocentesis can be done prior to delivery to determine DNA. RC link removed
  15. Does the number 8 ring a bell? How can you profess your love for her and cheat with 8 different women and still be cheating with one of them! That is not love and if you think it is, go get help! You have an addiction if you think your behavior is normal and acceptable. I was not joking, there are people who have sexual addictions and there are ways to seek help for it. How dare she? Maybe your lack of good judgement and morals rubbed off on her! This entire relationship is toxic and the way I see it, you got a taste of your own medicine and you can't take it. You think you deserve better treatment, start treating her better, get help and dump your mistress. RC
  16. Cheating is wrong, revenge cheating is wrong and losing control and hitting her is inexcusable! EIGHT women? Why don't you just moved to Nevada and open up shop and get paid for it? The only hint of a relationship here is a relationship gone bad! Your post shocks me but then again, it doesn't. In your entire post I never heard the word love mentioned not even once. This is good though because I don't think you understand what love is. Love isn't about yelling and screaming or hitting and cheating. You had a choice and you made a bad one. If you asked her to stop talking to her ex and she didn't, you could of walked away from the relationship. Instead you tried to use force as your method of communication. She made a bad choice in staying with you based on your cheating. I would say all together that this is a relationship going nowhere as the lack of trust and blame game will always be present. You have not changed, you are still cheating but claim in the first line of your post, "Now we are so good together". I think you need to take a real hard look at yourself in the mirror and consider yourself lucky you still have her and you are not sharing a cell with a guy named Bubba. Either change or let her go before you hurt her again. Get some help, go to anger management classes and sexual addiction classes. Prove to her and yourself you want to change. knowing that you were wrong is a good start, now follow through. RC
  17. Your absense from here is no cause to apologize or feel your post is not worthy of a response! Quite often people drift in and out of here for various reasons. As for your desires to cut, continue to find the strength to refrain from doing it. Do it for yourself not others. Yes, you may hurt others by doing it and then they feel that they have failed you but look at it a different way, being able to control your own weakness is now your strength. Snap yourself on the side of your thigh with a rubber band. This is a very sensitive area full of nerves. Hang in there! RC
  18. Hello...I can say that cheating or stepping out on your husband and family is much uglier than the thought of sleeping with your own husband. Marriages can drift at times when needs are not being met. In this case I'm not even sure your husband is aware of your lack of desire for him. Marriages can often be saved by putting your focus in the right place. Get the book "The Art of Marriage Maintenance" By Sylvia Karasu, M.D. and T.B. Karasu, M.D. it will certainly better help to explain what you are going through and why in addition to putting the passion back in to your marriage. Another great book is "Your Long Erotic Weekend" By Lana Holstein, M.D. and David Taylor, M.D.. The grass isn't greener and you need to solve your problems, not create new ones! RC
  19. The APA has very strict guidelines as to the curriculum and the how testing is done. So much more than the schools affiliation and accreditation is considered once you get out in the real world and interview. You'll do just fine, psychology is a wide open field and can lead to numerous opportunities, good luck! RC
  20. This law would certainly boost furniture sales! RC
  21. Why should he commit to getting back with you? He has all the benefits of a relationship without strings. EX SEX is a big NO NO! It may be comforting to you but it also keeps your emotional attachment to him strong. It also keeps him from having to make any decisions about getting back with you. He gets what he want and when and has no real obligations to call you, respond to your calls or anything! You need to explain to him that this pseudo-relationship isn't healthy for you and it needs to end now. Take control from him and don't buy into to his acts of affection and kindness. It's either all or nothing because he is satisfied with the way things are and you are not! RC
  22. She needs to understand that she has hurt a good person, you! It sounds like things are getting better, so good luck! RC
  23. Go to the doctor, it may be a boil or staff infection which is contagious and can become severe. link removed RC
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