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Everything posted by NKP

  1. Sometimes, some people will and some wont. If it was me i would just say i dont think this is working out between us but i love hanging out with you, i would love to be your friend. Then that way i wont hurt the guy and we can still have fun together. But alot of girls will just pertend to have fun and then never ring or talk to the guy again and i really think thats mean and heartless and weak
  2. How about just hook up with a female and then see if you would rather be with a male or female for the rest of your life. Yeah i think your a lesbain or bi, just say your bi to everyone until you know for sure though
  3. Camping, go on a hike, road trip. I dunno, like tigris said it will be easier for us to know your age, and what you are interested in
  4. On the 30th is my fathers bithday. And for once in my life i am able to deal with his death, its been 5 years since he killed himself. I do miss him dont get me wrong but i am final able to get on with my life, he will forever be in my heart and will always be missed. I just hope on the day i will be able to cope with myself, i think i will be able to but i might feel different on the day. Where ever you are daddy HAPPY BIRTHDAY love you and miss you
  5. Why dont you make new friends here, people here are really nice and caring. How about going out like shopping then bump into some on purpose, then start talking to them and ask them if you could buy them a coffee or something
  6. lip piercings and toung piercings, make the kisses feel way better, i lot of people love the feeling of it Glasses what do you mean? glasses wont get in the way, dont worry about them
  7. No i dont think one cigarette will course head spins the next day, maybe when you first smoke it but not the next day, well i guess it might or some people, but it never did when i us to smoke and never heard of it happening to anyone i know yet at all.
  8. My nepthew is 6 years old he has been playing video games since her was well i dont even know proberly a few years niow. He will be playing, you cant even talk to him or anything and he always wants someone to watch him play and if you dont he will just moan and crap. I hate video games and i will NEVER let my kids have one, (thats if i have kids). I dont see the point in them and they dont do anything to help them anyway besides make them not do there homework.
  9. I am so sorry for this to happen to you. Least you now know to stay away from this guy now
  10. Yeah it is hard, i am one of those people that wont let anyone around them in until its to late, i just the way i am i guess. Good you are getting better tho really is
  11. Hey Everyone out there that has lost all hope and just want to kill themself and think things will only get worse, your wrong, there is hope and things will get better. Heres my story: When i was 11 my Father ended his own life, that day he died i didnt only lose my father but i lost my uncles, auntys, nana, and brothers and sisters, they didnt want to have a thing with me after that. When all this happened i didnt really grieve i just put up with is and went on with life. Befor and after my father died one of my brothers raped and sexual abused me over and over for about one year. Once again i just let this all slide and went on with life. When i hit 15 that is when everything just started to come out things just got worse for me at school and everything, would always get in trouble at school, never do my work at school, really i couldnt conertrate. I would lock myself in my room, drink myself silly, cut myself, and burn myself, it helped me cope at the time and i didnt know there was anything wrong with me. I would end up in fights at school all the time, blamed other people why i feel like crap. I ended up losing all my good friends, i just pushed them away and didnt want them in my life anymore, but deep inside i wanted there help. Then one day i overdosed on pain killers, i ended up in hospital, but i didnt die, it was hard to face my family after that and people at school, everyone pretty much knew. When my mother came in hospital to see me i just cried, i was embrassed that i did something like this. Someone from mental health in the hospital came and talked to me and asked me stuf but i wouldnt tell them i just said i dont know, nothing is wrong with me, i didnt mean to take them, they knew i wasnt alright tho just looking at me. I had to see mental health all the time then. Weeks later i still wasnt feeling alright i was getting worse, i would run away from home, hated my mother, blamed her for my fathers death, did drugs and drinked still. One day i woke up at some older mans place, i stayed the night at a mans place that i didnt even know. I tried to hang myself just the same way as my father, it didnt work tho, i got sent back to hospital, then i got put into a mental hospital for just over a month. I was in there but not getting better getting worse because i didnt want help, i didnt think there was anything wrong with me. I found ways in there to harm myself aswell, but i was found befor i would of died. I meet knew people in there but no one in there wanted help at all, everyone faking a smile so they could get out. I got out of the mental hospital and went back home, and not that night but the next night i found all this medican and just took it all, it was proberly about 5 packets, all i remember was my heart was beating so fast, then i was in the hospital, get all these cords and stuf on me all over, didnt know what was happening, hen the next day i was free to leave the hospital. But that night i was home, i was just sitting on the computer then all my musles and stuf just went all funny, so i just went and layed on my bed, then they were getting worse, i could hardly breathe, then 20 or so mins later my mother came into my room to see what i was up to, they sent me to the doctors and they sent me to hospital, my breathing was getting worse all i remember them sayibng was carm down, what was wrong with me? one of the meds i took my body couldnt take it and i was having musle spasm. From that day, i said to myself wake up, this isnt away how i should be living, my father will be watching me hoping i will smile again, and i believe him watching over me helped me get stronger and feel better. I stopped seeing mental health since they werent really helping me, and when they ring now to speck to my mother i just say shes not her and they ask how i am, i just say fine, and then bye, i dont tell them anything about my life since they aint in it. I now smile, i now laugh, i now feel like there is a point in life and i am going to live it the best i can and have as much fun as i can. I am on meds tho to help me feel better about myself and they are working, there really help me out alot. I guess what i am trying to say,look i was at my worse but i am still here, and if you hold on and be strong you will be still here next week and next year, just have hope and dont lose hope no matter what coz things can improve. And people do care and that is what friends and family are for talk to them let them know how you are feeling and dont hold it all inside thats the worse you could do. And i care, i may not know any of yous but i really do care, i just wish i could take away all of your pain. Take care
  12. Thats is so cruel she should never be able to work with kids again. Once when i was at primary school a teacher made a kid eat a sandwhich outta the bin, i dont think she ended staying there much longer tho
  13. Get you toy and please yourself, and if he ask for oral or sex again just say no, you said we are waiting to get married, have fun on your own with that and see how he feels about it
  14. NKP


    Yeah give her time, wait and she might later on. And yeah keep doing it to her, thats if you and her both love it
  15. Omg i really do hope she will be okay and will get throw this
  16. Ok glad its getting better, hope yous will be all good soon
  17. LOL yeah, what did end up happening?
  18. 1. How do you get over your ex? In terms that you would not cry or sad thinking of them. Well if you need to cry then well when i am on my own i just cry and let it all out then i will start to feel better 2. How long its takes for you to get over them? Depends on how long with them and how much i liked them, and if i loved them well i never get over them just learn to live with it 3. Does after breakup affect/change your perspectives/life goals? Me nope because right now i have no goals i am just playing life by each day and maybe travel when i am 18 if i have enough money saved by then, and a break up wouldnt change my mind about that 4. Are you scare of entering into another the relationship again? Yeah, scared if it is just going to end again, and scared how slow to take it so things wont turn out like the past 5. Do you eventually find someone who is right for you? Yes, well not everyone but the lucky people will find someone right for them and the love of there life 6. Do you have plan to live alone if you does not found the person you want to spend the rest of you life with? Dont know, i really dont know where this life is going to take me later in life and really dont want to think about it 7. When you are still single at forties, would you consider adoption? I dont know, proberly not, not planing on having em
  19. Yes it is normal, you will be surpised how many girls dont like giving blow job to there guy. Most girls dont like it but just do it to please there man
  20. hun i say this friom what i have been throw, dont lock yourself away you will only make yourself worse, find people that care and will listen to you. Life is one of the hardest things, dont know what is harder, but your in your mid teens enjoy life like a normal teen go out have fun with friends, dont let your depression control your life. By the way, loved the poem, it was great but really sad
  21. NKP

    Please HELP

    You dont really gain much wieght in 10 weeks anyway if your pregent. Just dont worry keep carm until you know for sure she is or isnt befor you have this whole freak out session
  22. What? i myself is a strong believe with my heart, not my mind
  23. Sweet and sad Loved it, can relate to it alot
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