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Everything posted by NKP

  1. Do any of yous go to conseling? I really thing it might be good if your whole family went, not all together tho, by youselves, it will be good for yous. Your sister really does need help tho, or esle she will just get alot worse. I know what it is like, my sister is the same and she wont listen to a thing i have to say at all, and it is so hard for me to handle, but she is 25 and lives with her son
  2. Ask him out on a date only just the two of yous tho and no one esle so he can and you can show hows yous both feel about eachother
  3. How about have NC from her for a little while until you start to fell better, you cant just rely on this girl. Or why dont you go and get conseling and see how it goes, you will learn how to feel better about youself and all
  4. Yeah i say give it another go take it slow and see how it goes. First off what does your heart say? listen to your heart thats the main thing, if your hearts says give her another chance then do so, but if it says not to then dont, its up to you, you are the only one that can decide this and no one else
  5. Yeah Rozi like the others said you are not ugly at all, you are really pretty
  6. Letting go the of the person you really like/love really is so darn hard and see with them with someone who isnt you, it kills ya. I am glad you are moving forward in your life tho. Good luck
  7. One of my exs dumped me over a text message i was upset not coz he dumped me coz i really couldnt care less since it wasnt relly working out, but coz he couldnt say it to my face, he had to be a coward and do it by a text message, and since that i have never talked to him since he isnt worth my time
  8. Yeah why dont you just go and ask her out, she has already may on move now its your turn to make a move hun
  9. Well last time i posted on this thread i got a few of my post deleted, for my behaver being outta line. I just wanted to say i am sorry everyone if i offerened any of yous and sorry Mods for wasting your time deleting my immature post and wasting your time
  10. Yes she had reported it and is getting help for it, and has told the boyfriend i am pretty sure. Just read her other threads Grace as for the vibrator yeah get one it will be great fun, but like everyone esle said it wont help your problems
  11. lol, glad to hear you didnt get charge
  12. Just try get her to talk to you about it and just listen to her and tell her thats shes not alone. Theres nothing esle you can really do its her to decide. How should you react? well everyone acts differently so no one can say how you should or should not, the wrong way to react if you were to start yelling at her but you didnt do that and thats great, you did the right thing by saying what you said to her
  13. Lost feelings for the person, if they cheated on me more than once, lost all trust, no respect for me or family or friends, get jelous all the bloody timecoz that means they dont trust me, and i dont know what else cant think have a headach
  14. Yeah i am with the others it sounds like depression, that is what happened with me and i didnt do anything about it, and it made me alot worse. So see a doctor and get help befor you get to bad
  15. NKP


    Hey i kind of know what you are going throw. Life does alot of bad crap to inersent people hey, life is hard at the moment i know, just cry, scream, yell, laugh, run, anything just to make you feel better. How about go on a holiday and just do stuf for you and have fun and not worry about this rapist, i know its alot easier said than done, but being away from home might be good for you. yeah conseling doesnt work at first well it never did for me, but people i have heard that went it took a few weeks for it to work for them. And the medican normal takses about 3months to work properly and start to feel like you use too. This guy raped you and now dont let him reck your life aswell, dont let this creep hurt you anymore. This guy raped you and he made you get depession, now dont let him let make you do anything to harm yourself.
  16. Just dont let him know your still interested, if he is interested in you let him do the running for now on
  17. Yeah dont tell the parents, it someone told my mother that i was cutting when i was it would of only made me alot worse. Talk to her about cutting let her know that you will always be there for her when ever she needs to talk and that you care, and ask her to talk to someone about it so she can get help. Why does she cut? is something upsetting her in her life at the moment or anything? Do you think she is really unhappy and might kill herself? if you do then i would say tell someone to help her and help you cope with all of this
  18. yeah i love it. So are you and your bf all good now or yous still not?
  19. Then let him know how you feel, and dont let him treat you this way, if he does care, he will care what you have to say
  20. Yes of corse it is, i wouldnt like my partner kissing someone esle
  21. Welcome to ENA Have you tried to talk to this guy about it? And alot of guys are like this, its a guy thing, they dont really like to express there feelings they like to keep em all inside
  22. well my ex bf well we didnt wait long 2 days then we were planing to do it, but he got kicked outta his place and then we stayed with his aunt and she wouldnt let as sleep in the same bed, he was 19 and he told her i was 18 but i was only 15 at the time, so they went out one night and then we had sex so we were only dating about 6 days then we had sex and only knew eachother 7 or 8 days. I would of perfurred to wait but i didnt and theres no point in regreting it anyway now. Talk to her about it, make sure that is what she wants and not just saying she wants it to make you happy, and when the time comes take is slow and relax and enjoy yourselves, it will be a night yous will never forget
  23. LOL i have always wanted to do that to a teacher when i was in school, but my gut told me not to so i didnt. Talk to the teacher tell him that your really sorry and that you will do anything for him if he doesnt charge you
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