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  1. Her mother doesnt let her out anymore she doesnt trust her anywhere since once she slept next to her boyfriend but didnt do anything, just slept. I dont know but she gets drunk alot, and she has it strong for a 14 year old, half coke and half rum she was telling me lastnight
  2. Yeah i know it is, but once ya say it, you wont have to worry about it then
  3. Okay well i have a friend, (you know who you are) that has a drinking problem she just amitted it to me lastnight, i have never seen her drink but i always here about her drinking from people, i was talking to her lastnight on msn i manged to get her to poor her drink down the drain, i want her to stop but i dont think she will just stop just like that. She drinks because her mother and step father dont trust her and are always keeping an i eyes on ang spying on her where ever she goes, her step father has even hit her once but her mother didnt care but she said to her step father hit me again i will ring the cops. And she doesnt like her body, she hates her boobs, and to make it worse everyone talks about how big they are all the time, its like nobody cares that it might hurt her feelings. This friend she is one of the most amazing people alive, one of the kindest people i have meet, will always be there if you needed someone to talk to, never in my life i thought she would go down like this, she doesnt deserve this crap. She is also 14 and she steals the drinks from her down stairs bar at her house, her mother or step father doesnt know she is drinking and well doesnt want them to know, they will only make her life harder for her Could someone please help me? it would mean so much, shes a friend shes asked for my help and i cant let her down. Thanks
  4. just say my mum i need to tell you something but first promise me you wont over react, tell her that you have fallen in love with someone and its a woman, if she gets mad just tell her you cant help these feelings and if she is still yelling walk out its her lost not yours
  5. I agree she might not know what to say or do to help you. Helping someone coping after losing a loved one is hard, even harder if you dont know what it is like to lose a loved one. But her rather go to a PARTY {mod edit} that is real selfish
  6. Bul * * * * what kinda people would believe this, oh i have read this is a dolly or girlfriend mag aswell.
  7. Give her time some females find it real hard to show there body, i for one was
  8. Hey, Well my sister is thinking about leaving her job since the boss is keep putting her on night shifts, when the boss has alread promised she could have day shifts, and plus working nights she doesnt get to see her son much, so i understand why she wants day shifts. Since i work at the same place i said i would change hours for her but the boss doesnt want me doing night shifts coz of my age and my depression (she knows that it makes me feel really * * * *, she can read me well). The boss is really nice and everyone there is awsome and it makes her feel happier when she is there laughing and everything (she also has depression), i am scared if she quits it will make her feel really down and all andwill stop eatting again. What can i do? and please dont say talk to my sister coz i have tried and well she doesnt listen She needs the money to live and for her to be happy
  9. Yeah if she says she loves someone esle i wuldnt stand for it, if it was just a crush i would but love no way, i would say you have to chose, you cant love both of us, chose or i am outta here. You dont deserve to be treated like this no one does
  10. NKP

    I'm 37 weeks!

    Aww thats so sweet of everyone
  11. Dead Why do people die? Well why dad did you end your life? no one heals with losing a loved one ever Murder You murder yourself You murder me aswell dad You didnt even care about family did you? Lost Is what i am But trying to find myself And will be found one day Sad Is what everyone feels But do smile again Saddness isnt forever Love Is what i feel for you Most people feel it But some even die without knowing what it is Brave Everyone has to be brave Even if it hurt, some have to be brave for loved ones Some are just born brave Hope Is what everyone needs time to time Without it, you couldnt be happy Have hope for me as well as yourself Goodbye Sad word of course But has to be said, for you to heal Say goodbye Life Well it is a mess But life has its up aswell Life is what you only get one shot at Suicide I cant tell you not to But what a shame Couse next year was your year
  12. NKP

    I'm 37 weeks!

    WOW i cant wait to see pictures of little Ian when hes born. The first time he is in your arms that will be the most amzing feeling in the world nothing could beat that. Take care
  13. Everyone is different and if you are sick of it, then do what yu want
  14. I have friends like that but really i dont care, no matter what i will try and help anyone how i can, even if they dont try and help me, i have other people to talk to when i need help anyway
  15. I am so sorry about your lost. I know how you feel my father is also dead he died 5 years ago and while i am still not okay with it, never will be i am just starting to learn to live with it
  16. I dont like it, it does nothing for me and it feels weird to me
  17. Yeah okay yeah it will be fine for the mean time
  18. Nope....18 actually. Oh well....it's money and I need it If I find a better job then I'll take it but I really need the money. Believe me....I definetly won't be buying "Crap" lol 18 what the?i am only 16 and i get way more than that, and i only work at a fast food place, the pay is real low
  19. Yeah do lots of kissing and rubbing and dnt try to put it in her till she is really wet down there. Someone said going down on her that is a real good idea she will get really really horney then pull you up to have sex. Also get her to start or you fingering her to get her use to it so it wont hurt as much. Oh and abut the age he said he doesnt want people saying crap about his age and really so what he is 16 the first time i had sex was 15, its just sex everyone is having it young now anyway, atless he is 16 and not 13
  20. Yeah, you should have a picnic somewhere or go out for dinner or something make it romantic and a night you will remember
  21. Congrats. Yeah if you are 16 or younger its good pay for ya, it will be good to have money in your hand, just dont buy crap
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