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Everything posted by NKP

  1. Yeah i strongly agree with that, thats only if you are up to that tho? I am so sorry something like this had to happen to you, i know how it feels. Once this jerk is found tho you might start to feel better. And does your boyfriend know yet? if he doesnt you should really tell him he will be mad at you if you dont, tell him the truth and everything you remember and he will be surportive and a shoulder to cry on
  2. Then dont tell them until you have enough money to live on your own. How old are you? Are you at school? Do you work? How about try and save up enough money and move out so you dont have to deal with all this, and you can be your true self
  3. Congrates. I am so sorry about danni tho, i really hope she will be okay
  4. yeah i understand what you are saying, but life is hard and yes kill yourself today and you miss out on your life coz next year was your year, but i have tried to kill myself and almost past to but at the time if i died i wouldnt of cared i would of been happy, but i lived and now i am happy i lived. I love my father for what he did, because if i saw him depressed and unhappy and then he killed himself well then all i would remember is him unhappy but i what do i remember all the fun i had with him, and i would love to have those years back and do it again even if it meant i had to handle losing him again coz it would be worth it.
  5. Yep i agree with tigris, wait til you have money, or you might just have a real hard time at home from them all the time. Are they the kinda parents that would kick you out?
  6. I strongly disagree with you. I believe people on here 100%, i dont care if it isnt true anyway, it doesnt take long to post a post anyway. People ask ways to end it, thats is there way asking for help, they say they dont want help well they really do. If you dont believe people on here then well dont post on them. each person deals with there pain in different ways, some can cope and some cant. People also post a tread say they are going to end it, so they can here someone say I CARE because they might feel like no one cares. So dont post on the next person says i am going to end it, coz really i dont care and i am sure they wont, coz there is alot of other people on here that will.
  7. Tell her that you are lesbain, see what she says if she is okay with it also say i have had really strong feelings for you aswell i have tried to fight it but i cant, i am just crazy for you. And see what she says, she might feel the same way, then she might not but atleast you will then know and you can just be mates
  8. Yeah i am with Fallout on this. Coz if you dont you will be scared your whole life and do you want that? i dont think so. I have been a rape vitim myself aswell once from my brother and once from a stranger, it is hard to get over, but you do and you will feel better soon
  9. I am late also LOL. But anyway its great it was only that and nothing serious
  10. I have disagree with you on that. People dont just kill themself for fun, they end it coz they think its the only answer, and they cant handle the pain in there life right now, and they think no one cares or loves them and no one will even notice when they are dead. My father killed himself may the 6th but he died may the 7th 2001 my nana decided to turn his life surport machine of sicne there was a really low chance him waking up and he would of always need special care. I hated my Nana for that not because she turned it off, but because she didnt talk about it to and of his kids, yeah i might of been a bit young to talk to it about but my 2 of my sisters were over 18. His death has reck my family up just so much that my only family now is my younger brother, one of my older sisters, one older half sister, and my mother and the rest of my family well we dont talk anymore since my dads death. I dont hate him for what he did, i love him, because i understand and knows how it feels, he believe he was doing the right thing and he was to proud to get help, to proud to show how he really did feel until it was to late. I have also tried to end my life a few times, i dont regret what i did do, because you have to learn life some how and thats how i learned. Hey dude if you are still with us, we care, we dont want to lose you, we want to help and know what is making you feel like there is nothing you can do to help you feel better. If you are reading i am not saying dont kill yourself or do, because that is your choice and i really do hope you make the right one, but i dont want you to die, i want you to feel better and live life the best you can. Post something again please so we know you are okay please And if you are gone, i am so really so i was late
  11. Why did yous break up? Does she know you still have strong feelings for her? How about just stop hanging out with her, still stay in touch but not as much, and when you are feeling alone go and hang out with a different friend to get your mind of things. and then see how you feel in a month or so
  12. I am so sorry My sister also had a miscarge, because my older brother was drunk and pushed her into a cabnit, at the time her husban was in the army and it took ONE week one bloody week to get to him, my sister was a mess, but she did get throw it, then at the start of the year her baby would of been born, it was hard for her but i was proud of my sister for not drinking her sorows away, like she would of done last year. You will feel better soon i promise Take care
  13. Online friends, does it matter they could still be your bestfriend even tho you have never meet them befor, they can still mean so much to you. I myself have a few online friends that i have never meet but they know everything about me and i would do anything for them. So everyone please stop the name calling and IF she is alive that is a good thing. But as we believe she is gone, she dead, its sad of course but cant we all just let her rest in peace.
  14. okay well good night everyone i am going to bed now. This is what i will be reading first thing in the morning
  15. No fallout they wouldnt, this site is spose to be about caring and right now no one seems to care,Indi will be a mess when she reads this
  16. Yes i am with fallout on this one, get the police to do a better job. This tread is doing nothing at all besides hurting the poeple that loved and cared about her. So why not just delete this thread hey? and let Leah (celticghirl) rest in peace like she deserves
  17. Hey befor yous go and judge celticghirl, think about why she musta done this (if it was her), she must be feeling really alone and feels like no one cares, so stop judging and think about this poor girl and what she must be going throw right now. Celticghirl if you are reading this please PM me please
  18. Go to the cops stright away, it doesnt matter how long it has been, they will believe you and surport you and give yo numbers of places so you can get better and feel better about yourself and not be scared your whole life. Who cares what you parents are saying go and report it NOW, befor he will do it again to you or even someone esle. Were you underage at the time? You can report him, even if they dont put him behind bars he will have a crimily record and they wont let him anywhere near you. And you will most likely have to go to court, and he will be there, and you will have to tell everyone what happened, and they judge isnt always nice, some of them even think crying means your lying
  19. Never ever ask, when i guy ask alot of girls say no (even tho they want it), but just go make a move and she will most likely kiss you back
  20. Who cares about orgasm, aslong as it feels good and yous both are having fun dont worry about it. Like someone said befor worring about it will make you not orgasm, so hun just relax and have fun
  21. Its so good that you and your gradma are all good again. Your belly looks cute Well anyway good luck with birth, hope labor wont be to long for you.
  22. Act differenlty how? Maybe they are just being them true self after been faking who they are for a long time. Talk to them about it, and see what they say?
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