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Everything posted by NKP

  1. I would date one it wouldnt really bother me at all
  2. Yep that exzacily what i was thinking
  3. Yeah tell your bf hes out or your out, if hes going to keep acting like a jerk. Hes 35 he should know to give respect to people, and he is old enough to get his own oplace aswell
  4. I wouldnt put up with it, its your place he should give you respect. Talk to your boyfriend about him and tell him you are sick of been treated like dog crap
  5. Glad your doing alot better. WOW a month in 6 days thats gone pretty fast, must of been alot faster for you since you will be having the time of your life with lill Ian. That will be great, good for him and that means you and Ian will have time to be by yourselves. Poor guy, he knows that lill Ian will be better off with you and Ian than himself, that would be really hard for him to see his kid have another dad. Why dont you have Cory as an uncle for Lill Ian, then when hes older them tell him the truth. Okay awesome i cant wait to see them, ill be looking forward to em Enjoy it because the time will go fast, its already been just about a month Anyway, take care, Kita Hugs to you
  6. Thats good, you made the right choice hun.
  7. Yeah i agree wait til she is older
  8. NKP


    Well two girls in the act is better than them seeing a guy in the act, more enjoyable. 3somes well then that means it gets a whole lot hottie. Really just think about
  9. Dont give up keep trying. Why dont you go over to her place and see what has been happening. Have you tried to ring her husband or anything and ask him if he knows whats been happening?
  10. how about you did it, use your own fingers, then you know how much pain you can handle and you can do it at your own pace. 2 fingers can go in my quite easy and loose
  11. You can only get married to one, have a break from both of them, until you have dicided what one you love more and the one you want to be with. You need to make up your mind or soon you might end up with no one
  12. Tell her you are crazy about her, no matter what happens you will always care about her and she will always be in your heart. Sorry i dunno, its up to you what you want to say
  13. Well if it was me i wouldnt, he cant have you when HE wants you only. But hey its your choice and i hope you make the right one
  14. Yeah i love that movie aswell, its one of my fav
  15. Talk to her, tell her how you feel, thats the only way she will know
  16. Yeah but you are only 16 anything could happen between now and when your 20
  17. Hey wow just stop right there hey, you are only 16 hun, you DONT need to think about get married yet, you have your whole life to get married you are still young. As for having 3 in a relationship well i am sure there will be alot of problems happening. Have a break from both of them, and YOU need to make up you mind who you want. BTW why do you want to get married for so young? You dont need a piece of paper to prove your love, your heart does that.
  18. Just tell her over text message on email, that you need to tell her something, so when you see her next she will ask what and just say ''i like you, i have for a while now, i just cant seem to get you out of my head". Well that is what i would proberly do. And no you didnt sound stupid at all
  19. No just because she pulls away doesnt mean she doesnt like them anymore, i found my ex bf really hot and i had to pull away sometimes, but when we were in the shower or water we could stay cuddleing and that didnt mean i was trying to get away from him because i had lost interest in him, only did it coz of the HEAT
  20. I am sorry but it sounds like she was only using you for sex at the time. She doesnt feel that way about you anymore maybe she never has. I know she lives with you but try stay far asway asposible so you can move on
  21. LOL maybe thats a good thing then. And you might change your mind when your older. Plus alot of girls would like to get married to someone they love
  22. Oh okay, well sorry but she doesnt really sound like a nice person and "chores" can always wait til later. Just wait and let her contact you if she wants you and dont do anymore favours for her aswell
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