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  1. Can I also contanct anyone because it seems like my familiy doesn't understand what I'm going through. Angie
  2. I am going through the same situation you are in. I too was very close to my best friend and talked about everything and like you we'd see or talk to each other everyday. One day, out of the blue, she just stops talking to me without any explination. I really don't know what I did wrong because she never had the decency of telling me. I too feel hurt, angry, sad and believe it or not, I miss her and hope that after 6 months she will call me, which I doubt. I hope that things work out for you. AR
  3. I wrote a couple of weeks asking advice about my close friend that just stopped talking. I've began to think that maybe she acted this way because she was trying to get a divorce. I know think of what must have gone this way. She'd call me every weeked to spend time with her, sometimes ignoring him becase the'd ask her to luch but instead she went with me. She aslo did some things behind his back and told me not to tell him. Some innocent things. Nothing serious. There were occations in which she asked me to do her nails, toes and hands. She'd also asked me to do her eyebrows. Maybe her husband thought that we were getting too close so he asked her to put an end to it. Any advice? AR
  4. Thanks again to everyone who replied. Helen maybe you could e-mail me if you want. My e-mail is email removed Thanks for caring. Angie
  5. Helen, I didn't speak to her. I know that it was stupid of me but I sent her a keepsake box by mail and she returned it with a type written note saying that she was sick and tired of me harrasing her and that if it didn't stop, she'd call the police on me. Still there was no explanation of "what I did to her". It just upsets me that knowing of my depression she would do this. I appreciate everyones advice. Thank you. AR
  6. Helen, I didn't speak to her. I know it was stupid of me but I sent her a keepsake box by mail and she returned it with a type written note saying that she was sick and tired of me "harassing her" and that if it didn't stop, she'd call the police. Like you say, I am a very insecure person and I take everything very hard. It just makes me very angry that she did this to me knowing of my depression. I finally know how she feels so I will stop trying to contact her. Again being the person that I am, I wish her no harm. Thanks for all your advice. I appreciate it. AR
  7. but she told me that she is sick and tired of me harrasing her. She also threatened to call the police and file a court order on me. Again, I still know what happed that she changed overnight. There is now way of findin out because whe have no friends in common. That's the story. ar106
  8. Hi. I did send her a letter but her husband told me that she shreded it. I sent her a friendship keepsake box. She was to receive it around this time. She really doesn't want anything to do with me. My problem is that I can't let go because I really do need her in my life. She was like a sister to me. AR
  9. I have posted on other boards and no one has answered. I would like to try talking to her husband but after our friendship ended ( I HOPE NOT), he asked me out to lunch and said that it was only to talk about her. I really care about her and I told him that I didn't want to do anything behind her back. (he told me that she didn't have to know). I have been thinking about going to see her but I want her to be alone because him being there would make me uncomfortable. If she has hung up the phone on me, do you think that she'd open the door? I've never had any real friends and I really thought she was the one. I am a very shy and insecure person. I always think that if I've never had luck with female friends, I figure that no guy will ever like me either. I love my family but I feel very lonely. Thanks again.
  10. I had friend that I confided her. She would always tried to cope with my depression. She'd take me shopping, out to lunch. We never had a fight. I did a lot of things for her like lending her money, buying her a DVD player. I'd take her out to lunch/dinner and I'd pay. She once told me that I was her and angel for her. Later she told me that she was having problems with her job and with her marriage. She said she was going to McAllen. That day she came for lunch and everything seemed fine. She told me she'd call me later. That day never came and since june, she hasn't called, she hung up. She changed her home phone and discontinued the cell phone I'd given to her. I just want to know what happened. Should I give up? Thank you. Angie
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